Communities Index

Index to Communities magazine

Including Communities #1-206, and Communitas #1-2

All articles listed alphabetically by author, except where not credited (in which case articles appear by title)

Many thanks to Lyman Tower Sargent for preparing this index

See also Index by Community Name and Back Issue Themes

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Abbott-Richards, Stevie. “Spiritual Community of Many Faiths.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 57-59. Reprinted with changes from Lama Live (Fall 1998).

Abels, Caroline. “Humaneitarians Unite.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 44-45.

“About Kibbutz Lotan.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 45.

“About the F[ederation] of E[galitarian] C[ommunities].” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 13.

“About the School of the Americas.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 30.

Abraham, Neshama and Kate Delagrange. “Elder Cohousing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 60-63, 65-68.

A[braham], N[eshama]. “Starting Elder Communities.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 67.

“Access & Changes.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 2-5.

Achanta, Nivi. “How Do You Find a Community to Join?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 34-36.

Adair, Margo and Sharon Howell. “Breaking Old Patterns, Weaving New Ties: Building Alliances Across Cultural Differences.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 50-53.

Adair, Margo. “From Leadership to Empowerment.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 67-72.

Adams, Patch. “The Gesundheit! Institute: A 45 Year-Old Communal Hospital Experiment.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 14-17.

Adams, Patch. “Hilarity, Health Care, and Art.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 37-40.

Adams, Patch. “Prescription for Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 54-56.

Adams, Patch. “Prescriptions for Happiness.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 30-31.

Adams, Rus. “Reclaiming a Neighborhood: Oceanview.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 24-27.

Adams, Victoria. “Seeking a Spiritual Community Home.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 46-47.

Aditya, Ilios and Nini Manio. “Freestate: An Anti-Nuke Community Action.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 25-31.

Adkins, Sasha. “Conversations on Class at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 38-39.

Adler, Alejandra Liora. “La Caravana: Have Ecovillage, Will Travel.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 12-13.

“Advice About How to Handle Challenging Dynamics. Cigarettes, Alcohol, Visitors, and Events.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 12-14.

“After the Celebration.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 47.

Ahern, John. “The Bridge to a Greener World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 38-40.

Aitkin, Marsha. “Flowing in the Wind.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 (December 1979/January 1980): 39-42. East Wind

Alam, Sterling E. “Middle Class Commune: A Case Study.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 2-3. Abridged version of essay in International Journal of Modern Sociology (Spring 1976).

Albright, Victoria. “And I Listen: Staying connected and building trust when adult children choose the ‘alternative’ lifestyle of living in community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 27-31.

Alderson, Doug. “Bursting the Bubble: The Challenges of Progressive Community Living in the Rural South.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 56-59.

Alexander, John. “La Iglesia de los Extranjeros.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 36-38.

Alexander, Robin A. “My Search for Community and Intimacy: Is Cohousing the Answer?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 48-49, 51, 53.

Alhadeff, Cara Judea, PhD. “Intergenerational Ecoliteracy in the 21st Century.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 31-33.

Alhadeff, Cara Judea, PhD. “Spiritual Intelligence: Embodied Energy and the End of Consumer-Waste Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 44-46.

“Alice James Poetry Collective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 8.

Alicia, Benjamin, Lisa, Veronika, Adola McWilliams, and Lucinde Metcalfe. “Gifts of the Pandemic: Voices from Glenford Farm Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 16-18.

“All About Me.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 13-14.

Allen, Jim. “Looking for Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 45-50.

Allen-Landwehr, Emma. “The World from Stan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 12.

Allewelt, Monika. “ZEGG: Love is Intense Living.” Translated by Achim Ecker. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 42-45.

Allison, Robin. “Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood—Rebuilding Community within the City.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 44-46.

Allison, Robin. “Good Neighbours with Earth: Using natural building materials in community-scale construction.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 32-35. Earthsong, New Zealand

Allison, Robin. “The Language of Consensus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 10-12 with sidebars “Coloured Cards Decision-making Process” on 11 and “Earthsong Communication Agreements” on 12.

Allolter, John. “May Valley Co-op 1957-.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 14-17.

Aloe, Sierra. “The First Constitutional Assembly.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 27-31.

Aloe, Sierra. “Linking Up: Federation For Communities.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 40-43.

“Alternative Cover Candidates: An Abundance of Riches.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 6.

Alton, Derek. “Community Conversations Campaign: Final Thoughts and Next Steps.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 15-17.

Alton, Derek. “Digging into Community: A reflection from Tamarack’s 1000 Conversations Initiative.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 80, 78-79.

Altus, Deborah. “Communes in America, 1975-2000.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 64-65. Book Review

Altus, Deborah; Tom Welsh; and Keith Miller. “Cooperative Leadership Development at Sunflower House.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 39-42.

Altus, Deborah. “A Cooperative Option for Seniors in the Age of COVID-19.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 52-54.

Altus, Deborah. “Frankly Scarlet. . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 60-61. Sunflower House

Altus, Deborah. “Green Houses: Proving Humane Care for Elders.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 54-56.

Altus, Deborah. “Growing Older in Community: From the Guest Editor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 36-37.

Altus, Deborah; Hilke Kuhlmann; and Tom Welsh. “Is Walden Two Possible?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 27-28.

Altus, Deborah. “Lessons from the Communes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 23-29.

Altus, Deborah. “A Look at Student Housing Cooperatives.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 172-176.

Altus, Deborah. “Maggie Kuhn on Intergenerational Home Sharing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 45-47. Interview

Altus, Deborah. “The Novel Walden Two.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 38-39.

Altus, Deborah. “‘Paying’ New Members to Learn the Ropes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 43-45.

Altus, Deborah. “Roger Ulrich: A Founder Reflects.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 56-57. Lake Village, MI.

Altus, Deborah. “Roger Ulrich & Lake Village Community: ‘The Experiment of Life’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 52-54.

Altus, Deborah. “A Songaian Perspective on Long-Term Care.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 55.

Altus, Deborah. “The Value of Community: What Defines Success?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 31-32.

Altus, Deborah; Hilke Kuhlmann; and Tom Welsh, eds. “Walden Two Communities: Where Are They Now.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 26-57.

Amann, Diane. “Santa Monica, California: Government for People, Not for Profit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 7-12. Reprinted in No. 56 with subtitle Journal of Cooperation (December 1982/January 1983): 51-54.

“Ananda Cooperative Village.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 6-10.

“Ananda Schools.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 13-18.

“Ananda’s Rural Communities Conference.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 40-43.

“Ananda Village Loses Lawsuit, Faces Financial Crisis.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 8.

Anctil, Gabrielle. “After the Nuclear Family: Fission, Fusion, Going Green, and La Cafétéria.” Trans. Google Translate and Chris Roth. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 35-39. Excerpts from pages 11-14 and 53-63 of Loger à la même adresse: Conjuguer nos forces face ã la crise du logement, l’isolement at la pauverté (The more we share: Joining forces in the face of the housing crisis, isolation and poverty). Montréal, PQ, Canada: XYZ Publishing, 2023. For another excerpt, see “Preserving Privacy in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 18-19.

Anctil, Gabrielle. “Preserving Privacy in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 18-19. Excerpt translated from the French by Google Translate and Chris Roth and adapted from Loger à la même adresse: Conjuguer nos forces face ã la crise du logement, l’isolement at la pauverté (The more we share: Joining forces in the face of the housing crisis, isolation and poverty (Montréal, PQ, Canada: XYZ Publishing, 2023), 133-135. For other excerpts see “After the Nuclear Family: Fission, Fusion, Going Green, and La Cafétéria.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 35-39.

Andelson, Jonathan. “A Classroom Experiment in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 45.

Andelson, Jonathan G. “Living the Mean: The Ethos, Practice, and Genius of Amana.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 32-38.

Andelson, Jonathan. “‘Remain True’: 300 Years of Passing the Torch in the Amana Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 58-62.

Anderman, Robbie and Christina Anderman. “Morninglory Farm Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 22-25.

Anderson, Alline. “Building a Business in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 57-59, 74.

Anderson, Alline. “Cars and Rabbits.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 20-21.

Anderson, Alline. “The Solace of Friends in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 38-39.

Anderson, Ambika. “Mount Madonna School.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 32-33.

Anderson, Carolyn and Katharine Roske. “Birthing Co-Creative Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 33-37, 58. Hummingbird Ranch, Global Family

Anderson, Dick. “Where All Places Felt Like Home.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 39.

Anderson, Jeff. “The Future of Water: Halting desertification, restoring ecosystems, and nourishing communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 32, 74.

Anderson, Kathy Elaine. “Sisterfire: Roadwork ‘83.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 50-52.

Anderson, Mark. “The Feminine Principle in Healing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 19-21.

Anderson, Scott. “Let’s Dance!” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 41-43.

Anderson, Sylvia. “‘I Wouldn’t Trade It for Anything!’—Growing Up on the Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 32-34.Interview

Andrews, Cecile. “Creating a Non-Residential Ecovillage in Our Seattle Neighborhood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 12-14.

Andrews, James and Paxus Calta. “First We Take Manhattan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 58-59.

A[ndrews], J[ames] and P[axus] C[alta]. “The Point A Project.” “COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 59.

Androes, Louis C. “Cerro Gordo: A Study in Tenacity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 18-24.

Androes, Louis C. “Cultures in Collision: The Rajneesh Search for Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 49-54.

“Ann Arbor Collection.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 15-16.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “Alienated from the Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 22-23.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “Consent: One Journey of Understanding.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 40-42.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “Effective Community Justice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 15-16.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “Responding to an Incident of Domestic Violence in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 33.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “The Sharp Rocks: The Perils of Individual Ownership in Aspiring ‘Egalitarian’ Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 43-49.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “TERF Battles: Women Standing Their Ground.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 54-56.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “What Rights Do Non-Members Have in Community?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 21-23.

Anonymous [pseud.]. “When Short and Long Hauls Collide: A Cohousing Case Study.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 41-43.

“Another Place Farm.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 6-13.

Antonioli, Dan. “From the Ground Up: Starting and Stopping an Ecovillage, Part One.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 38-41.

Antonioli, Dan. “The Buck Stops Where? Starting and Stopping an Ecovillage, Part Two: Money.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 64, 61-63. Part One was published in No. 198 (Spring 2023): 38-41.

“Appletree.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 3.

Aquarian, Isis. “Kronus and Crone.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 43. Author was born as Charlene Peters.

“Aquarian Research Foundation Newsletter.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 59-61.

“Argenta.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 45-46.BC

Arginteanu, Seth. “Seth’s Journal April 1975-December 1976.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 33-35, 56-64.

Ariel, Roshana. “New Directory, New Manager.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 13.

Aristizabal, Anamaria. “Sociocracy to the Rescue at Aldeafeliz Ecovillage: How Sociocracy Can Help Communities, Part V.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 53-55, 74.

“The Ark: An Experience of a Non-Violent Society.” Edited by Vince Zager. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 48-52.

Arkin, Lois, et al. “Art in Los Angeles Eco Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 13.

Arkin, Lois. “Diversity Issues in Los Angeles Eco-Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 14-18.

Arkin, Lois. “Ecovillage Resources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 66.

Arkin, Lois. “An Ecovillage Retrofit for Los Angeles: Healing an Inner-City Neighborhood.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 109-116.

Arkin, Lois. “I Wake Up to the Sounds of Ducks and Chickens.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 30-31.

Arkin, Lois. “Inner City Los Angeles Can Be a Healthy Place to Raise Children.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 16. Eco-Village

Arkin, Lois. “Learning How to Be an Ecovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 12.

Arkin, Lois. “Los Angeles Eco-Village: The Ups and Downs of Reinventing How We Live in Cities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 40-42.

Arkin, Lois. “Megacities Ecovillage Network Launched at Ten-Year Ecovillage Anniversary Gathering.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 61-62.

Arkin, Lois. “Models for 21st Century Living: A Report on the International Eco-Village Conference, Findhorn Foundation, October 7-13, 1995.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 18-19.

Arkin, Lois. “Moving Toward Sustainability in Los Angeles EcoVillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 10.

Arkin, Lois. “A Multicultural Neighborhood ‘Goes Organic’: The Beginnings of an Eco-Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 34-39.

Arkin, Lois. “My Advice to Others Planning to Start an Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 20-21.

Arkin, Lois. “My Advice to Others Planning to Start an Ecovillage, Revisited.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 40-41.

Arkin, Lois. “An Overview of the Eco-Village Movement in North America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 11-14.

Arkin, Lois, comp. “Sustainability & Sustainable Communities, or ‘What is an Ecovillage Anyway?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 32-33.

Arkin, Lois and Mary Maverick. “Sustainability = Conservation + Regeneration + Stewardship.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 12.

Arkin, Lois and Jesse Moorman. “Sustainability in the City of Angels.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 36-41.

A[rkin] L[ois]. “Urban Ecovillage Networks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 46.

Arkin, Lois. “An Urban Ecovillage of the Near Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 44-47. Los Angeles Eco-Village.

Arkin, Lois. “With a Little Help from Our Friends.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 62.

Arndt, Karl J[ohn] R[ichard]. “George Rapp’s Harmony Society.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 20-26.

Arning, Kenn. “Men Against Patriarchy.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 26-27.

Arnott, Elizabeth. “Intentional Community in a Nicaraguan Jungle: Honoring my duality through community practices.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 47, 74.

Arrien, Angeles. “Living the Four-Fold Way.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 23.

Art [pseud.]. “Children and Polyamory: The Kids Are Alright.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 38-40.

Art [pseud.]. “The Pros and Cons of Polyamory.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 41-43.

“Art and Work in Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 4-6.

“The Art of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 22-23.

Arvio, Cynthia. “Are We Moving Towards a New Society.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 1-3.

Arvio, Cynthia. “Community Life at ‘Youngest Daughter’: How One MNS House Runs Itself.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 17-19.

Arvio, Cynthia. “Take Heart—all those in the struggle.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 10-15.

Asha. “Ananda.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 36-44.

“Ask the Experts: What Do You Do When . . .?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 43-47.

“At Your Fingertips!” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 13-15.

Atlee, Tom. “The Co-Evolution of My Communities, Co-Intelligent Process, and Activism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 46-48.

Atlee, Tom. “How to Make a Decision Without Making a Decision.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 26-30.

Atlee, Tom. “The Transformational Dance: Communities and Y2K.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 42-45.

“Austin Community Project: Building a Cooperative Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 44-48.

“Austin, a Time of Changes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 24-43.

Avery, Basil. “As the Spirit Moves.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 32-34. Tauhara

“Avoiding Abundance’s Traps.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 10-12.


Baber, Marc. “Stumbling Toward Diversity in a Rural Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 50-52.

“Babies Born Smiling.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 14.

“Back To the Land.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 28-30.

Baepler, Paul. “Life Under Fire.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 56-59. Bosch House

Baer, Hans A. and Lawrence A. Kratz. “The Hutterites; Communitarians For 350 Years.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 7-11.

Bagatell, Sharon. “Living Intergenerationally at Dancing Rabbit. ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’. . .” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 10-11.

Bagby, Rachel. “Invoking the Spirit of Eco-Feminism.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 41.

Bailey-Dick, Nina. “Cultivating the Neighborhood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 40-41.

Baker, Eridani. “Finding Home.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 14-15.

B[aker], H[arvey]. “An Ounce of Prevention.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 22.

Baker, Harvey, Barbara Lee, and Jeanne Quinn. “Community Building for the Long Term.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 25-26.

Baker, Harvey. “Community Member as ‘Lightning Rod’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 20-24.

Baker, Harvey. “‘Family-Style’ Board Meeting in Texas Hill Country.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 20, 23.

Baker, Harvey. “Getting Involved with the IC.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 9.

Baker, Harvey, Neil Planchon, and others, “Honoring Laird Schaub, 1949-2024.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 8.

Baker, Harvey. “Investing in Our Lives: Work & Commitment in Two Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 45-48.

Baker, Harvey. “The Metamorphosis of Relationships at Dunmire Hollow.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 30-31.

Baker, Harvey. “A Midwinter Month’s Dream.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 30-33.

Baker, Tavi. “Freedom Dreams: A Herstory of the People of Color Sustainable Housing Network.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 24-26.

“Balancing Outer and Inner Ecology.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 10-13.

Baldás, Orlando. “Campesinos Go Ecovillage in Venezuela.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 10-11.

Bales, Ginny. “Women’s Music Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 14-17.

Bane, Peter. “Planting the Seeds of Earthhaven’s Economy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 16-18.

Bang, Jan Martin. “The Green Kibbutz Group.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 44-45.

Bang, Jan Martin. “Work, Money, & Right Livelihood in a Norwegian Camphill Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 46-49.

Bang, Jan Martin. “Why Camphill Communities Are Ecovillages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 51.

Bansenauer, Brian and Libby Kelleher Carr. “Consent-Based Decision Making at Songaia Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 43-46, with a sidebar “Typical Decision-Board Process” on 45.

Barber, D.A. “The Faire’s the Thing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 47-48. Co-op Faire

Barker, Rex. “Can Any Bunch of People Become a Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 40-48.

Barnes, Heather M. “Community for a Minute: Discovering Nature, Self, and Group at Sixth-Grade camp.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 40-43.

Barnes, Heather. “We Got an Egg! A Study in Scarcity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 15-16, 74.

Baron, Virginia. “Those Amazing Women.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 11-15. Reprinted from Fellowship Magazine (October/November 1984). Greenham Common

Barr, Elizabeth. “Political Engagement for Introverts.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 64, 63.

Barr, Elizabeth. “The Queen, the Gardener, and Me: Reflections on Community-Forming Processes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 70-72 (digital issue and supplement only). Available at

Barrett, Tony “Papa Bear”. “Building in an Ecovillage: Lessons Learned.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 19-21.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Balancing Powers: Leadership and Followship in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 30-33. See also Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “More Perspectives on Leadership and Followship.”

Barrette, Elizabeth. “The Bookends of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 35, 74.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Circles of Community: Paganism and the Quest for Connection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 52-53.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Crowdfunding: A Communal Business Model.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 32-35.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Householding: Communal Living on a Small Scale.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 32-35.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Nurturing Healthy Minds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 58-61.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Patchwork: A Poem.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 80.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Permaculture on Low to No Budget.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 33-35.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “Poetry in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 50-61, 79.

Barrette, Elizabeth. “The Richness of Giving.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 44-46.

Barr, Elizabeth. “Taking the Long Way Home—and What I Learned Along the Way.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 13-15.

Barriero, Jose. “Akwesasne Notes.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 73-89.

Barsness, Nancy. “Who’s Got the Power.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 40-42.

Barth, Kelly, with editorial advice and guidance from fellow Kawsmonauts Deborah Altus, Doug Hitt, Noelle Kurth and Elizabeth Schultz. “Lighten Up: A Community Energy-Reduction Experiment.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 52-54.

Bartsch, Daniel. “Disability and Ability: A Community Perspective.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 118.

Bartsch, Daniel. “Enabled and Disabled in Community: Sharing Life’s Challenges.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 76-82.

Bartsch, Daniel; Robin Bayer; Hilary Hug; David Schrom; and Joan Schwan. “Making Magic: Ecological Community in an Urban Neighborhood.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 24-29.

Bates, Albert. “Architectural Design and ‘Complex Marriage’ at Oneida.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 43-46, 50.

Bates, Albert. “Cool Pickles.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 60.

Bates, Albert and friends. “eCOOLvillages.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 27-29. Comic.

B[ates], A[lbert]. “An Ecovillage Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 28.

Bates, Albert. “Ecovillage Roots (and Branches).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 25-28, 58.

Bates, Albert. “‘Farm Tech’: A Different Way of Seeing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 49-54, 58-59.

Bates, Albert. “How I ‘Got It’ About Y2K.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 40-41.

Bates, Albert and Allen Butcher. “Options for Incorporation of Intentional Communities.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 98-101.

Bates, Albert. “Our Own Money: A Recipe for Local Economic Revival.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 50-53.

Bates, Albert. “Permaculture at The Farm: Climate Prophylaxis.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 24-26.

Bates, Albert. “A-73-Year-Old Ecovillage in the Land of Ice and Fire.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 46-50. Iceland

Bates, Albert. “A Training Center for Ecovillages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 34-35.

Bates, Albert. “A Visit to an Ökodorf.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 16.

Bates, Albert K. “Basic Training for Eco-Villagers at The Farm in ‘95.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 12, 17.

Bates, Albert K., and the staff of the Natural Rights Center. “What Really Happened at Waco? ‘Cult’ or Set-up?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 50-60.

“The Bay Area Collectives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 22-28.Articles on Tazi Unlimited, Heartwood. The Cheese Board, and Our Context: A Network.

Bayer, Jen and Hilary. “Coming of Age in Service Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 30-34.

Bayer, Jen and Hilary Hug. “Foundational Language for Ecological Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 50-51.

Bayer, Jen and Hilary Bayer. “Passing the Torch at Magic.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 16-19.

Bayr, Tobias. “The Carrot in Front of Our Nose: Lessons from ZEGG.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 44-45.

Beal, Cynthia. “Practicing ‘NoGrid’ Self-Reliance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 50-51.

Beal, Eileen. “Kashi Ashram: Navigating the Transition from Baby Boomers to the Next Generation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 46-49.

Beaty, Frank. “The Dilettante’s Journey. Part I. How do you pick a community to join if you’re interested in . . . EVERYTHING.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 24-29.

Beaty, Frank. “The Dilettante’s Journey, Part II. How do you pick a community to join if you’re interested in . . . EVERYTHING.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 32-37.

Beaudet, Sydney, and Paul Freundlich. “Self and Spirit: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 149.

Beauvais, Dave. “Getting to the Same Place.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 22-26.

Beck, Sarah. “DC Community Evolution and Change: Perspectives from Lutheran Volunteer Corps.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 15-17.

Bedard, Rachel. “The Life Center.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 85-89.

Bedard, Rachel. “A Travelling Woman.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 26-28.

Bedard, Rachel. “An Offshoot—Philadelphia to Vermont.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 23-26.

Bedard, Rachel. “The Personal Is Political.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 45-50.

Bedell, Langdon. “Who Are Those Guys?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 6.

Beinecke, Rick. “Chicago Communes.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 55.

Beinhorn, George. “Ananda.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 30-34.

Bell, Troy. “Power, Dysfunction, Community Breakdown, and Vision at EcoInstitute: A Document from the Struggle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 26-29, 74.

Bellamy, Kam. “Community Living as Social Activism in Camphill.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 10-11.

Bender, Jonathan. “FEC: Federation Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 21.

Bender, Jonathan. “News from Members.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 17.

Bennett, Kathy. “East Wind’s Children’s Program.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 18.

Bennett, Kathy. “‘Selling’ Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 47.

Bergel, Peter. “Public Relations.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 16.

Berger, Lisa. “Earthbridge CLT: Ten Years After Incorporation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 17-18. Reprinted from Community Economics

Berger, Lisa. “New CLT in Inner City Trenton: Mill Hill II CLT Fights Gentrification.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 19-20. Reprinted from Community Economics

Bergner, Paul. “Regional Pop: a Proutist, populist perspective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 28-31.

Berkowitz, Bill. “Community Dreams: Ideas for Enriching Neighborhood and Community Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 25-32.

Berliner, Frank. “Shambhala.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 44.

Bernstein, Judith. “Unto the Second Generation: Can Cohousing Survive and Thrive.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 60-61.

Bernstein, Paul and Lew Bowles. “Democratic Organization and Management.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 26-39.

“Best Meetings.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008):12-15.

“Bethesda and Zion Colonies Unite.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 49.

Betterton, Charles. “Community Economic Development.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 56-57.

Betterton, Charles. “Model Cities, An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 2-4.

Betterton, Charles and Linda Guinn. “Stelle: Dawn of a New Age City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 9-13.

Betz-Zall, Jonathan. “‘It Takes a Village. . . .’” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 31.

Betz-Zall, Jonathan. “‘Meta-Politics’ at Bright Morning Star.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 43-44.

Betz-Zall, Rosy. “I Can Do It Because I Live in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 46-47.

Bezilla, Avievah. “Of Course We Have Conflict (Here’s How We Handle it).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 16-18.

Bezilla, Aviva. “In Praise of (Diverse!) Friends.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 16-18.

Bezilla, Aviva. “Living the Good Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 43-45. East Wind

Bick, Barbara and Paul Freundlich. “Building Decentralized Politics.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 36-43.

Bjerklie, Steve. “The Amana Colonies: Mysticism and Common Sense.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 58-59.

Bjerklie, Steve. “Apocalypse Then.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 16-17. Münster

Bjerklie, Steven. “‘Becoming Someplace’: Kaweah’s Big Dream.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 13. Obituary

Bjerklie, Steve. “Historic Communities: Fountain Grove: ‘And every priest a Cupid be’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 52-54.

Bjerklie, Steve and Diana Leafe Christian. “How Are Communities Preparing?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 36-39.

Bjerklie, Steve. “Lou Gottlieb, Morning Star Ranch.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 15.

Bjerklie, Steve. “The Millennium the Last Time Around.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 12-14.

“Black Communities Against War.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 51-54. A Commonwork Pamphlet

Black, Janice. “We Didn’t Know Why People Were Leaving . . . So We Asked.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 40-41.

Black, Michael. “The Design Process at Yulupa.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 56.

Black, Robert. “Some Remarks on Local Politics.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 108-110.

Blades, Ginny LaRossignol. “Gardens of Gratitude: A Two-Day Garden Party Blitz in LA.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009):

Blake, Margaret J. “The Little Co-ops that Could.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 48-49.

Blaney, Anne. “The Hard Road to Accountability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 49-53. Emissaries

Blaney, Anne. “More Change . . . 100 Mile House & the Emissaries Today.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 54-55.

Blasi, Joseph and Lucy Maloney Jones. “Worker Ownership: Taking the Next Steps.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 32-35.

Blasi, Joseph R. “Communal Cycles of the Kibbutz.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 9-13.

Blasi, Joseph. “Community Studies and Social Policy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 49-51.

Blasi, Joseph. “Daily Life in an Israeli Agrovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 42-43.

Blasi, Joseph. “Daily Life in an Israeli Kibbutz.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 38-39.

Blasi, Joseph. “Employee Ownership and the Future of Economic Democracy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 34-36.

Blasi, Joseph. “Work in the Kibbutz—Historical Perspective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 10-13.

Blick, Sharon. “Cultivating Climate Revolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 76. Review of Mary DeMocker, The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution.

Blick, Sharon. “Date Rape, Apologies, and the Evolution of Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 4-5. Comment on Martin Holsinger’s “Agreements and Individuality, The Farm’s ‘Multistery,’ and My Shotgun Wedding.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 37-41 with Holsinger’s response.

Blick, Sharon. “Narcissistic Parents.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 4. Letter concerning article. “Working with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part One,” by Diana Leafe Christian in 193 with a response by Christian on 4-5.

Blinder, Catherine. “Nourishing One Another, 50 Years Later.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 25.

Blinder, Catherine. “Remembering Tree Frog Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 22-24. Adapted from “Thirty Years Later, A Commune Mom Asks the Kids.” Hartford Courant (April 4, 2004).

Bliss, Shepherd. “Being Almost Two-Years-Old—Again.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 41-43.

Bliss, Shepherd. “Black Oak Down: On Chainsaws and Mortality, Denial and Acceptance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 30-32.

Bliss, Shepherd. “Cell Phones, Education, Farming, and Mental Health.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 24-25, 72.

Bliss, Shepherd. “Diverse Forms of Intimacies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 44-47.

Bliss, Shepherd. “The Veterans Writing Group and the Military Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 42-43.

Blodgett, Susan. “Rainbow Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 24-27.

Blomquist, Kathy, RN. “A Circle of Care.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 34-36. Gesundheit! Institute, West Virginia

Blue Corn, Kathleen. “A Personal Quest: Decision-Making Modalities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 38, 40.

Blue Evening Star. “The Expanding Star.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 34-36. Aquarian Concept Community

B[lue], S[ky]. “Alliance Building.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 5.

Blue, Sky. “Black Land Matters: An Interview with Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm.” Transcribed and edited by Dana Belanger and Chris Roth. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 10-18.

Blue, Sky. “Celebrating 30, Looking Forward.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 4-5.

B[lue], S[ky]. “Clusters of Communities: The Radical Triangle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 6.

B[lue], S[ky]. “CommonBound!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 6.

Blue, Sky. “Community, Social Justice, Responsibility, and Accountability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 4-6.

B[lue], S[ky]. “Conferences: Making the Movement Personal.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 6.

Blue, Sky. “Cooperative Groups, the FIC. and Sexual Politics: Sharing, Learning, Healing, Persisting” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 8-9.

Blue, Sky. “Ecovillages and the FIC.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 6-7.

Blue, Sky. “Everything Is in Someone’s Backyard.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 4-5.

Blue, Sky. “An Evolving Movement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 6-8.

Blue, Sky. “Facing the Hard Things.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 6-7.

Blue, Sky. “From Chavez House to the Commune.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 13-15.

Blue, Sky. “Interconnectivity, Privilege, and Social Sustainability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 4-5.

Blue, Sky. “It Comes Down to Trust.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 8-10.

Blue, Sky. “Land in a Sustainable and Just Society.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 6-7.

Blue, Sky. “Magic and Memes at the Twin Oaks’ Communities Conference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 12-13.

Blue, Sky. “The New Communities Directory: A Star Chart for Seekers and Founders.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 6-7.

Blue, Sky. “No Hope?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 6-7.

Blue, Sky. “Our Commitment to Social Justice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 4-5.

Blue, Sky. “Rethinking the Future of Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 25-26. An edited, partial transcript of a talk given June 14, 2024. The full text can be found at

Blue, Sky. “Together Resilient: Why This Book? Thoughts on Building Community in an Age of Climate Disruption.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 76. Comments on the book Together Resilient: Building Community in an Age of Climate Disruption by Ma’ikwe Ludwig.

Blue, Sky. “Transforming Economics.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 6-8.

Blue, Sky and Betsy Morris. “Tracking the Communities Movement: 70 Years of History and the Modern FIC.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 15-19.

Blue Cloud, Peter. “A New Roundhouse, N. Calif.” Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978):47. Poem

Bluejay, Michael. “Should Co-op Leaders Be Paid?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 51-53.

Blumenfeld, Doreen. “WISE Circles: Communities of Support for Women.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 29-31, 75-76.

Blundell, GPaul. “Back to the City.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 10-12. Compersia Community in Washington, DC.

Bob. “East Wind: Spirituality in a ‘Non-Spiritual’ Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 14-17.

Bob. “Politics & Cooperation: An Introduction.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 2-3.

Bob East Wind. “—anybody home: the need to connect.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 22-23.

Bock, Tim. “Can You Export Your Mission Business to Another Country?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 42-43.

Boerst, Julie. “Nudging at Boundaries.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 18-19.

Bogliolo, Karin. “The Magic of Findhorn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 17-20.

Bohlken-Zumpe, Elizabeth. “Wild Cows & Sweet Oranges: A Bruderhof Child in Paraguay.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 40-43.

Bolman, Robert. “Compact Community at Maitreya EcoVillage in Eugene, Oregon.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 47-48.

Bonady, Devon. “Expressing Gratitude in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 20-22.

Bonady, Devon. “How the Kitchen Is the Heart of a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 10-11.

Bonady, Devon. “The Promise of Social Forestry.” Review of Tomi Hazel Vaarde, Social Forestry: Tending the Land as People of Place.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 56-57. Excerpts from the book can be found on pages 13-18 of this issue.

Bonady, Devon. “Rediscovering Community: A family’s journey back to appreciating Home.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 16-18.

Bonady, Devon. “Social Media or Social Isolation? Or is there a third way?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 44-45.

Bond, Jessie. “Back To Barter: Skills Exchange, A Model System to Facilitate Barter.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 5-8.

Bonin, Sylvan. “Dandelion Seeds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 26-28 with sidebar poems “Dandelion Seeds” on 27 and “This Land Is Not Your Land” on 28.

Bonin, Sylvan. “Lessons in Participatory Democracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 40-41.

Bonin, Sylvan. “A Songaia Glossary.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 30-33.

Bonin, Sylvan. “The Sting of Discrimination: When Polyamory is Considered a ‘Red Flag.’” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 35-37.

Bonin, Sylvan. “Urban Flex Farming: Farming on a Bicycle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 42-45, 77.

Bonin, Sylvan. “Work as Obligation, or Work as Choice?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 27-29.

“bonsilene 14th Communal Newsletter.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 23.

Booda, Dave. “How the Military Prepared Me to Live in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 55-57.

Booda, Dave. “Internalized Capitalism and Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 49-51.

Bookchin, Murray. “Energy, Ecotechnocracy, and Ecology.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 28-33.

Bookchin, Murray. “Toward a Liberatory Technology. Part Two.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 41-45. First part was published in the first issue of Communitarian.

Borie, Lysbeth. “When You Don’t Want to Use Full Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 46-47.

Born, Paul. “Deepening Community: The joy of togetherness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 10-12.

Born, Paul. “Losing Community, Finding Community: Will Winterfield’s Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 18-19, 69.

Born, Paul. “Our Community Can Change When We Work Together Well.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 59-62.

Born, Paul. “Seeking Community: A Conversation to Shape Our Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 13-15.

Borstelmann, Sven. “Kummune Niederkaufungen.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 52-55.

Boston, Sandra; Alan Tuttle; and Firefly. “Are We a Family? Living and Loving with Kids at Rainbow Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 4-7.

Bottero, Kiva and Are Saltveit. “Spiritual Warriors: Dharma and discipline cross paths at India’s Mahabobhi residential school.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 48-49.

Bouton, Brian. “Community & Land Trust: A Critical Review.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 2-5.

[Bouton, Brian].“Homer Morris Conference On Community (March 23-25, 1972).” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 14-15.

[Bouton, Brian]. “Philadelphia Life Center.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 16-19.

[Bouton, Brian]. “Trekkin’ with Chuck Matthei of Peacemaker thru West Virginia.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 42-45.

[Bouton, Brian]. “Virginia: The New Dominion of Community.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 4-11.

Bowers, Christopher. “Grief and Re-Membering: The Spirituality of Confronting Privilege, Entitlement, and Cultural Appropriation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 53-57.

Bowers, Lew. “Decision-Making: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 127-128.

Bowman, Jim. “Campus Residence Cooperative Association.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 34-35.BC

Bowman, Jim. “Coalition of Intentional Cooperative Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 47.BC

Bowman, Jim. “Historical Notes: Intentional Communities in B. C.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 36-38.

Boyce-Abel, Olivia. “Preserving Community Land: Conservation Easements & Other Tools.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 24-29.

Boyer, Robert and Rhonda Lambert French. “Intentional Communities: Informing the Next Generation of Land Use Law?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 20-21.

Boyer, Robert. “Land Use Regulations, Urban Planners, and Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 38-41.

Boyd, Andrew. “Dance of the Ten Chairs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 52-56.

Bracha, Yiscah. “‘The Cows Will Come & Eat Your Eggplants’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 21-25. Kibbutz

Bradley, Martin. “Journal Entry # 1.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 13.

Bradley, Martin. “Journal Entry # 2.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 27.

Bradley, Martin. “Journal Entry # 3.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 47-48.

Bradley, Martin. “Some Fleeting Thoughts on Family During the Year of the Child.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 ((December 1979/January 1980: 48-49.

[Bradley,] Martin; Larry [Davis,] and Paul [Freundlich]. “About This Issue.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): Inside front cover.

Branwyn, Gareth and Patch Adams. “My Dinner with Zorba the Buddha.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 42-44.

Branwyn, Gareth. “Gaia-Log—An Introduction.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 2-3.

Branwyn, Gareth. “Gesundheit: A Collide-A-Scopic Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 54-57. Gesundheit Institute

Branwyn, Gareth. “Ritual.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 43-44.

Branwyn, Gareth. “Tinkering Toward a New World: Notes on Cybernetics and Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 8-10.

Bratman, Eve, Brandy Brooks, Taylor Mercedes, Josh Jancourtz, and Joel Rothschild. “Can We Have Communities without Gentrification? Perspectives from the Ecovillagers Alliance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 34-37.

Brause, Dianne G. “Across the Generations in a Fluid Community: A Founder Reflects.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 8-12.

Brause, Dianne [G.]. “Clearing Out to Begin Once Again.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 32-34.

Brause, Dianne G. “Elderhood, In and Out of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 18-19, 21-23. See also “Further Thoughts on a Community Changes.”

Brause, Dianne. “Pilgrimage in a Desert Monastery.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 55-60. Syria

Brause, Dianne. “Privacy and Transparency at Pleasant River Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 8-11.

Brause, Dianne. “Sharing Community Wisdom.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 33-34.

“Brave New Utopias.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 8-9.

Brenton, Maria. “Communities and Old Age: Opportunities and Challenges for People Over 50.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 125-29.

Bressen, Ivy. “A Smorgasbord of Alternatives . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 38-41. Love & sex

Bressen, Tree. “Agenda Planning: The Experienced Communitarian’s Technique for Making Meetings Flow.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 48-49.

Bressen, Tree. “Busting the Myth, or Changing the Terms.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 56-57.

Bressen, Tree. “Community Meetings: Getting Off to a Good Start.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 65-67.

Bressen, Tree. “Consensus Basics.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 84-88.

Bressen, Tree. “Creating More Community in Our Lives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 13.

Bressen, Tree. “Decision Making in Cohousing Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 14-18.

Bressen, Tree. “A Few Basic Process Points for Happy Community Life: Response to ‘Busting the Myth, II.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 65.

Bressen, Tree and Ken Jollofsky. “Growing Your Own & Selling It, Too.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 51-53.

Bressen, Tree. “Hidden Selectors.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 40-41.

Bressen, Tree. “‘Mainstream’ Style or ‘Diversity’ Style Part II: How Do We Build a Movement?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 8-12.

Bressen, Tree. “Moderating the Vocal, Encouraging the Shy: Workable Ways to Equalize Participation in Meetings.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 16-18.

B[ressen], T[ree]. “Other Possible Financing Sources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 16.

Bressen, Tree. “Our Community Revolving Loan Fund: How Walnut Street Co-op Financed Its Property.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 14-16.

Bressen, Tree. “The Quest for Community: A Personal Journey into the Grey Zone.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 18-22.

Bressen, Tree. “Radical Resource-Sharing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 11-13.

Bressen, Tree. “Relationship by Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 18-21.

Bressen, Tree. “Roles! Are we really the roles we play in community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 14-17.

Bressen, Tree. “‘Salons and Skill-shares and College Tours, Oh My’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 12-13.

Bressen, Tree. “Send it to Committee.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 22-25.

Bressen, Tree. “The Top Ten Most Common Mistakes in Consensus Process and What to Do Instead.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 56-57.

Bressen, Tree. “Vision, Values in California’s Rolling Hills.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 58-59.

Bressen, Tree. “Walking My Talk.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 58-61.

Bressen, Tree. “When and Why to Block Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 14-16.

Bressen, Tree. “When Community Land Is Privately Owned.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 58-62.

Bressen, Tree. “When Meetings Aren’t One Big Circle. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 10-14.

Bressen, Tree. “Working on Your Issues with Someone (Whether or Not They Join In.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 12-14.

Bressler, Joyce. “The Journey of a Multifaith Community Experiment and What Happens When You Don’t Own the Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 42-44.

Bressler, Joyce. “Pigs and a Broken Leg in a Multifaith Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 18-19. Community of Living Traditions

Bressler, Joyce. “Political Engagement in a Multifaith Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 40-42.

Breton, Prudence-Elise. “Ecovillages, How Ecological Are You?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 22-24.

Brickler, Michael. “On ‘Waiting’ for People of Color.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 13-14. Donald’s View, Virginia

Bridge, Michael. “Integrative Conversation: Arriving On Earth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 80, 79.

Bridge, Michael. “May the Circles Be Unbroken: Life in Wetherweed.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 34-37, 75. Excerpt from Pillow Mountain: Notes On Inhabiting a Living Planet. Ojai, CA: Times Change Press, 1991.

“Bridging the Gap. Interview by Larry Lenske” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 36-39.Interview with doctor of Seth Arginteau, a member of Twin Oaks who died of cancer.

Briggs, Bea[trice]. “Basic Consensus Agreements.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 44.

Briggs, Beatrice. “Consensus in Latin America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 49.

Briggs, Beatrice. “Six Traps: How Good Meetings Happen.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 64.

Briggs, Bea[trice]. “True Consensus, False Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 43-47. Excerpted from her Introduction to Consensus.

Briggs, Beatrice. “Who Says I Can’t Participate? Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion in Ecovillages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 8-9.

Brindel, Paul. “USA/Riptide.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 12-14. Interview

Brnjas, Rachel. “Creating a Movement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 13-14.

Broiling, M. and T. Shirtless. “Public vs. Private: Group Dilemma Laid Bare.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 30.

Bromm, Jacque and Deanna Bloom. “Building Bridges / Nishenanim nisek hum k’awi / This is our Homeland.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 29-31.

Bronstein, Lev [pseud.]. “My Minority Report.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 24-27.

Brooke. “AA Kommune.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 45-48.

Brooks, Paul. “Starting a Community: With or Without a Recipe?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 54-56.

Brooks, Paul. “Technological Musings of an Apocaloptimist.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 26-27.

“Brotherhood of the Sun.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 45-46.

Brown, Daniel A. “‘Being a Commune Kid’: Children at the Brotherhood of Spirit/Renaissance Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 34-37.

Brown, Daniel [A.]. “Reflections on Fifty Years of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 14-17.

Brown, Daniel A. “‘Spirit Is the Guest and the Body Is the Home’: Faith and the Brotherhood of the Spirit Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 20-23.

Brown, Daniel. “Whatever Happened to the Renaissance Community?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 41-45.

Brown, Daniel A. “We Left Our Community but Our Community Never Left Us.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 12-15.

Brown, Nathaniel [Mackenzie]. “Dancing Rabbit’s Exchange Local Money System: The Promise of Local Currencies and Interest-Free Financin.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 18-19, 71.

Brown, Noel. “The Transition to Global Sustainability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 28-29.

Brown, Stephan. “To Communitarian Opticians.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 46-47.

Brownlow, Ben. “Contemplating the Honey Locust.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 8-9.

Brownlow, Ben. “Trees for the Future: Agroforestry at Dancing Rabbit.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 10-12.

Bru, Camille. “Climate Change Activists’ Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 50-53.

Bru, Camille. “Cultivating Community in the Neighborhood: Life Project 4 Youth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 76-78 (digital issue and supplement only). Available at

Brunk, Tami. “Baptized by Pachamama.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 8-10.

Brunk, Tami. “Living at the Ecovillage Crossroads.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 18-22.

Brunk, Tami. “The Palestinian with a Green Thumb.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 14-16.

Brush. “Social Permaculture: Applying the Principles.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 16.

B[rush], J. “The City Repair Project.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 50.

Brush, J. “A Farm Grows in Portland.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 48-51.

B[rush], J. “How We’re Acquiring Our Urban Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 51.

Bruyn, Severyn T. “On Becoming a Democratically Managed Firm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 23-28.

Bryan, Pat. “New Beginnings at Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 54-56.

Bryant, Rudy. “Another Look at the Bootstrap Theory: Cooperatives and the Poor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 24-25.

Bryson, Kelly, MFT. “It Takes a Village to Raise a Consciousness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 63, 78.

Bubba Free John. “Service and the Cult of Narcissus.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 20-23.

Buell, Larry. “A Covenant for the New Millennium.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 57-58.

Bufe, Chaz. “An Interview with Processed Word.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 34-36.

Bulla, Adriano. “Living Your Natural and Social Dream: A journey into eco-projects and intentional communities in Southern Europe.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 43-46.

“The Bully Question.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 10-14.

Bulman, Jan. “‘I Own Isadora’s Restaurant’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 42-44. Article from the Collective Networker Newsletter

Bulman, Jan. “I Don’t Feel Any Particular Age: My Last 26 Years in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 42-44.

Bulmen, Jan. “Our Community’s ‘Ode’ of Respects and Responsibilities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 10. Community Alternatives Society (BC)

Bunce, Anjanette. “Summer with the Rabbits.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 35.

Burgess, Parke. “Federation Update: ‘To address and dismantle oppression of all kinds . . .” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 88, 87.

Burgess, Parke. “Governing Ourselves Democratically.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 11-12.

Burgess, Parke. “Holding Our Resources in Common.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 10-11.

Burgess, Parke. “Needs and Wants.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 16-17. On the Federation of Egalitarian Communities (FEC).

Burgess, Parke. “‘Truth Practice,’ Intimacy, and Social Justice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 44-46.

Burgess, Parke. “What is ‘Nonviolence’?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 8-9.

Burke, Stephen. “Local Currencies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 52-53.

Burnham (JaFoo), Jennifer Munns. “Reinventing Retirement and Assisted Living Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 52-53.

Burrell, Buzz. “How Not to Build Your Community Home.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 19-23.

Burston, Dan. “Alternatives To Alienation.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 49.

Burton, Catherine. “Vision, Value, and the Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 31-32.

Butchart, Ted. “What Does Your Land Say?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 41-44.

Butcher, A. Allen. “Class-Harmony Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 61-63.

Butcher, Allen. “Community in the 1990s.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 37-39.

Butcher, Allen. “Contemporary Communes and the National Historic Communal Societies Association.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 40-41.

Butcher, Allen. “Cooperative Education In Public Schools.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 9-10.

Butcher, Allen. “Crucibles of Culture.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985) 5-7.

Butcher, A. Allen. “The Early Years of COMMUNITIES Magazine.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 50.

Butcher, Allen. “Fellowship of Intentional Communities, Inc.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 44-45.

Butcher, A. Allen. “50 Years of Rainbow Gathering Neo-Tribalism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 49-51.

Butcher, A. Allen. “Fifty Years of Utopian Intentioneering at Twin Oaks Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 27-30.

Butcher, Allen. “Foundations of Egalitarian Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 48-52.

Butcher, Allen. “The Good Life: East Wind Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 36-42.

Butcher, Allen. “Night & Fire, Rocks & Ritual.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 40-41.

Butcher, A. Allen. “On the Occasion of the FIC’s 75th Anniversary.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 40-42.

Butcher, Allen. “Rainbow Family Gatherings.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 48-50.

Butcher, Allen. “The Rainbow Family Healing Gathering.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 32-37.

Butcher, A. Allen. “Regionalizing the Communities Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 7.

Butcher, Allen. “That’s The Way To Do It!” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 10. Bruderhof

Butcher, A. Allen. “Too Much of a Good Thing: Small-Group versus Large-Group Communal Childcare.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 49-54. Adapted from a longer paper prepared for the 2022 conference International Communal Studies Association (ICSA). Available as a PDF at

Butcher, Allen. “The Wonders of Communal Economics.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 90-94.

Butcher, Allen; Albert Bates; and Diana Leafe Christian. “Legal Options for Intentional Communities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 141-149.

Butcher, Allen and Laird Sandhill. “Global Networking: Trends in European and Israeli Community Networks and How That Compares with What’s Been Happening in North America.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990): 137-140.

Buxbaum, Robert. “Unitive Politics: An approach for the transforming politician.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 44-46.

Buzzell, Linda and Craig Chalquist. “Twenty Principles of Ecoresilience: Personal and Cultural Adaptation to a Changed Planet.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 51-53, 73.

Byrnes, Luke. “My Gender Journey, in Family and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 42-44.


“C.T. Butler’s Formal Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 54.

“Call for Papers: ‘Sustainability, Justice, & Inclusivity’. Communal Studies Association Annual Conference.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 4.

Callenbach, Ernest. “‘Ecotopia’ in Japan.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 42-49.

Calta, Paxus. “Greening Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 57-58.

Calta, Paxus. “Why Student Co-ops Rock.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 49-50.

Cameron, Caitlin. “Community Decarbonization in Ecovillage at Ithaca.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 23-25.

Cameron, David. “Shamanism as Ecovillage ‘Glue’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 23-25.

Cameron-Bell, Ken. “Potlucks: From Scarcity to Abundance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008):48, 71.

Campbell, Susan. “Getting Real: Ten ‘Truth Skills’ to Enhance Emotional Connection, Intimacy, and Well-being.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 28-32, 59. Excerpts from her book Getting Real (2001).

“Camphill Villages: Anthroposophical Curative Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 15-17.

“Can People ‘Afford’ to Live in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 16-17. Letter to the magazine and response.

“Canada’s Co-op Housing History.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 12-13.

Cannon, Rick. “Redwoods, Rugged Cliffs, and Mineral Baths: My Personal Journey to Right Livelihood.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 50-52.

Canter, Joshua. “All We Have Is All We Need.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 21-25, 73.

Canter, Joshua. “The True Need for Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 42-43.

Caplan, Mariana. “Confronting the Petty Tyrant.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 20-24.

Caplan, Mariana. “‘No, It’s Not a Cult’: Relating to Your Family When You Live in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 20-24.

Caplan, Mariana. “Spiritual Communities: There’s More to Them Than Meets the Third-Eye.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 54-56.

Caplan, Mariana. “When Holidays Are Hell! A Communitarian’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 16-18.

Capra, Frijof and Randy Hayes. “Green and Peace: A Visionary Link.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 21-22.

Carawan, Guy and Candie Carawan. “A Time for Singing: Highlander Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 30-33.

Carey, Deborah with Ray Shockey. “Short-Term Vacation Cohousing: A Great Way to Learn.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 44-45, 73.

“A Caring Society.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 13.

Carlino, Vida. “Somerville Ecovillage: Culture and Creating Spaces.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 46-47.

Carpenter, Andre. “Human Dancing Company.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 2-7.

Carpenter, Bevelyn. “Growth & Well-Being in a Senior Co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 49-50.

Carruba, Capra. “The Ultimate Challenge in Building Green.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 44-45.

Carrubia, Capra. “Working for Spring Time: A community model to generate occupational and cultural change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 46-48.

Case, Megan Lindsey. “The Student Co-op Movement.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 48-49.

“Cedarwood; Twin Valleys; Fara Lones Institute.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July August 1975): 40-44.

“Celebrating Decade Milestones: A Canadian Rural Land Co-op; A Desert Hideaway.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 9-11.

“Celebrating Long-Lived Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 12.

“Celebrating Long-Lived Communities: A Rural Spiritual Retreat; an Activist Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 7. Abode of the Message; Teramanto

“Celebrating Long-Lived Communities: A Women’s Land Collective, a Christian Service Organization, and Two Rural Communes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 14-15.WomanShare, East Wind, Global Order (ICA), Sandhill Farm

“Center for Community Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 21-22.

“Centrepoint Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 18-22.

“Cerro Gordo.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 17-22.

“CESCI Offers Study Guide.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 11.

“Challenges to the Kibbutz.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 40-44.

Chalquist, Craig. “Garden as Therapist and Community Organizer.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 22-23.

Chalquist, Craig. “Gnostic History Lesson.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 34-25.

Chalquist, Craig. “Mental Health Lessons from the Garden.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 59.

Champion, Toby. “The Not-So-Simple Country Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 19-20.

Chance, Paul. “Science of Behavior, Sí!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 29-34. Los Horcones

“Changes in the City.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 4-8.

[Chapman, Stu]. “Bringing the Revolution Home.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 32-33.

Chappell, Nancy. “Innisfree Village: Lifesharing in a Service Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 12-13.

Chappell, Nancy and Julie Freeman Mullins. “Passing the Torch at Innisfree.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 26-27.

Chase, Niánn Emerson. “Birthing a New Order in a Chaotic World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 36-39.

Chase, Niánn Emerson. “Community Is Everything: Upheaval and Renewal.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 61-63.

Chase, Nidnn Emerson. “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: Sharing a Heartfelt Conversation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 51-53, 75.

Chase, Niánn Emerson. “The Reunion of Souls.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 50-51. Aquarian Concepts

Chase, Niánn Emerson. “Snapshots of Elders. . . The Beauty and Bounty of Aging Within Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 34-39.

Chase, Niánn Emerson. “Want to Be a Healer? Be a Creek.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 46-49.

Chase, Niánn Emerson. “A Week in the Life: Sustainable Living in an Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 27-30.

Chase, Steve. “The Case Against Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 52-53. Reprinted from Northern Sun News 7, No. 2 (March 1984).

Chaves, Claudia. “My Friend Hamda.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 45. Emissary Community in Jerusalem

Chavez, Cesar. “Gallo Wine Still Doesn’t Taste Very Good.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 13.

“The Cheeseboard.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No.47 (February/March 1981): 26-27.

Cheuy, Sylvia. “A Community Conversation at Whole Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 18-19.

Childers, Laurie F. “Balancing Justice and Mercy at Aprovecho.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 38-40.

“[Children in Community].” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 33-34.

“The Chinook Learning Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 74 (Summer 1987): 37-40.

Chiras, Dan and Dave Wann. “From Eco-Home to Sustainable Neighborhood.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 12-13. Excerpted from Superbia! 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2003.

Chiras, Dan and Dave Wann. “Set Up Neighborhood Dinners.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 22-23.

Chiras, Dan and Dave Wann. “Start a Neighborhood Newsletter. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 20-21.

Chittister, Joan. “‘A Time to Build Up . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 50-51.

“Choosing to Age in Community: Tom Hungerford interviewed by Robert Foote.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 38-41.

Chou-Ren, Daway and Devin Gleeson. “Healing, Connection, and Escaping the Seduction of Communal ‘Harmony.’” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 50-53.

C[hristensen], J[anice]. “An Exercise in Community Building: Five Questions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 37.

Christensen, Janice. “Gifts, Skills, and Passions: A Community Organizer Looks at Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 34-37.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About Deir Mar Musa.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 55.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About East Wind.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 43.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About EcoVillage at Ithaca.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 35.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About Emerald Earth.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 61.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About Huehuecoyotl Ecovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 33.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About La Caravana.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 46.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About Lost Valley Educational Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 50.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About Sirius Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 42.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “About Sustainable Forestry.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 33.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “About Tamera.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 40.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Accountability and Consequences.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 16-19. Excerpted from her Creating a New Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow an Ecovillage or Intentional Community (2003).

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Avoiding ‘Sociocracy Wars’: How Communities Learn Sociocracy and Use It Effectively . . . Or Not.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 58-61 with a sidebar “The Seven Parts of Sociocracy” (61).

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Avoiding Spiritual Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 33-34.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Becoming Pro-Active with Zoning Issues.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 24-26.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Building Homes Sustainably.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 36.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Busting the Myth that Consensus-with-Unanimity Is Good for Communities Part I.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 42-49.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Busting the Myth that Consensus-with-Unanimity Is Good for Communities Part II.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 60-64.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “Can We Afford to Live in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 22-30, 32-58, 67.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Can We Afford to Live in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 22-28, 30.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Can We Make a Difference?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 34-38.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Caroline Estes on Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 40.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Challenging Behaviors: Doing vs. Being.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 4. Letter to the editor.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Colonel Allensworth’s Dream.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 60-61. Allensworth

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Communication and Process: The Heart of Healthy Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 24-27.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “Community is for Lovers. . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 26-53.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Community is for Lovers. . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 26-27.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Community Led Housing: A Cohousing Development Approach by Ronaye Matthew and Margaret Critchlow.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 50-51. Book Review

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Community Medicine Chest: How Do We Keep Ourselves Healthy in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 42-45.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Community Seekers Guide.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 22-23.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Conflict & Connection.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 20-21.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “Conflict & Connection.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 20-60.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Consensus and the Burden of Added Process: Are Their Easier Mays to Make Decisions? Busting the Myth That Consensus-with-Unanimity Is Good for Communities, Part III.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 56-60.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Consent Decision-Making and Aim: How Sociocracy Can Help Communities, Part III.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 57-63.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Consent Decision-Making and Consensus—Similarities and Differences.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 63.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “‘Consent Decision-Making,’ ‘Consent Round,’ ‘Consent’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 63.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Conservers, not Consumers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 28-29.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “The Co-op Principles: The Rochdale Weaver’s Gift.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 31.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Creating Diverse Community: ‘Not How We Expected It’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 20.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “‘A Day in the Life . . .’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 31-60.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Decision Making and Power: What is power in a group? Is it bad, good, or neutral? How is it shared?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 24-25.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “Decision Making in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 24-59.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “The Disadvantages of Joint Tenancy and Tenants in Common.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 55.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “‘Dream No Small Dreams!’ A Farewell to Robert Theobald.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 8.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Ecovillage Activists in Japan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 16-18.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Ecovillage Tales.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 64, 63. Review of Jim Schenk, Creating an Urban Ecovillage: A Model for Revitalizing Our Cities. Spooner, WI: Pine Run Press, 2023; and Andrée Robert, True to Life: Tales from an Ecovillage. Independently published, 2021.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Ecovillages in Our DNA.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 80, 79.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “An Eternal Optimist: Elder Leadership in Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 38-41.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Fairness and Fun with Multi-Winner Voting.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 31-32.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Finding ‘Ecotopia’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 20-23.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Food Fight!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 30-35. Fiction

Christian, Diana Leafe. “From Conflict to Connection: The Fine Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 53-57.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Future visions: Community Life in the 21st Century.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 56-62.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “The Gifting Circle—A Feedback Process that Feels Good.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 20-21.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “‘Good Documents Make Good Friends’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 54-57. Excerpt from her Creating a Life Together.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “A Graduated Series of Consequences and the Community Eye’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 61-63.

Christian, Diana [Leafe], comp. “Growing Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 18-21.”Creating the Vision Statement”, “When You Cannot Subdivide: The 501(c)(7) Nonprofit”, “Think Thin!” [Solar power]

Christian, Diana [Leafe]. “Growing Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 23-24. Deer Rock Community

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “The Heart of Sustainability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 24-56.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “The Heart of Sustainability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 24-25.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Helping Each Other Stay Accountable to the Group.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 19. Excerpted from her Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2003.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Hold Off on Romance When New to Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 57-58.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed., with contributions by Albert Bates, Giovanni Ciarlo, Jennifer Morgan, and Daniel Greenberg. “Honoring Ecovillage and Sustainability Activist and Global Ecovillage Network Pioneer Liora Adler, 1946-2024.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 45-48.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Honoring Eileen Caddy ‘All is very, very well’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 12-14.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “How Can You Know in Advance about Your New Community?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 39-42. Parts excerpted from her Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2007. ISBN 9780865715783

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “How Country Communities Pay the Bills.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 26-27.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “How the ‘N Street Consensus Method’ Helps N Street Thrive.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 64-65.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Income-Sharing Economies.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 25.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Intern at an Ecovillage! Or . . . rural homesteading community, sustainability education center, ecospiritual community. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 22-24.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “An Intern’s-Eye View.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 34-35.

Christian, Diana Leafe; Dave Henson; Allen Butcher; and Albert Bates. “Legal Structures for Intentional Communities in the United States.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 46-55.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Misconceptions about Sociocracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 80, 79.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Nine Ways to Resolve Objections.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 63.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “No Funds? How One Community Did It.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 44.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “On a High for Community: Cohousers Circle Up at 6,000 Ft.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 24-29.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “The Proposal-Forming Process.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 63.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Radical Governance Changes in Two North American Ecovillages.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 59-64.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Raising and Educating Children in Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 92-99.

Christian, Diane Leafe. “Reducing Conflict with a ‘Rights of Renters and Owners Agreement.’” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 76, 74-75.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Reunion Under the Redwoods.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 62-63.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Resources: Creating New Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 18.

[Christian, Diana Leafe]. “Resources. Recommended by article contributors and Communities staff.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 51. Food

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Review of John Buck and Sharon Villines, We the People: Consent to a Deeper Democracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 64.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Review of Ted J. Rau and Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, Many Voices One Song: Shared Power with Sociocracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 64.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Sample Income Sources in Rural Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 29.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Saying Goodbye to Consensus-with-Unanimity in European Communities: Busting the Myth that Consensus-with-Unanimity Is Good for Communities, Part IV.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 58-61.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “See the Forest and the Trees: Can sustainable loggers and natural builders in community honor their values and still make a living? Here’s how Earthaven’s Forestry Co-op almost succeeded—and what we can learn from their experience.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 23-29. Labeled Part II in the Contents but not at the head of the article.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Seeing the Forest and the Trees, Part I.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 30-32, 34-36.

Christian Diana Leafe. “Selecting People for Roles (Sociocracy Elections): How Sociocracy Can Help Communities, Part VII.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 60-64.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Self-Governance with Circles and Double Links: How Sociocracy Can Help Communities, Part II.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 61-66.

Christian, Diana Leafe; Geoph Kozeny; and Laird Schaub. “Setting the Record Straight: 13 Myths about Intentional Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 17-19.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “The Seven Steps of Sociocracy–Putting it All Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 63-66.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “71 Ways To Build Trust & Connection or Reduce & Resolve Conflict.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 37, 39, 41, 43, 45.

Christian, Diane Leafe. “‘Sharp Rocks’ and Structural Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 4-5.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Sirius: Honoring Leadership.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 45-46.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Six Ingredients for Forming Communities (That Help Reduce Conflict Down the Road).” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 76-83.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Six Legitimate Reasons to Object to a Proposal.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 63.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “The Six Steps to Proposal-Forming in Sociocracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 66-67.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “So Why Do Cohousers and Ecovillagers Join Community?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 60.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Sociocracy: Not How It Works.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 4-5.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Sociocracy Resources/Sociocracy Trainers Who Teach Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 63.

Christian, Diane Leafe. “Song, Dance & Celebration.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 27-32.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Spiral Dynamics—Which Reality Do We Live in?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 41-45, with a sidebar “Recommended Spiral Dynamics Resources” on 45.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Straw into Gold: Creating Value-Added Products.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 37.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Strength and Loss in Commune and Kibbutz.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 55-57. Interview with Nina Bindi

Christian, Diana Leafe. “‘Structural Conflict’ and Interpersonal Conflict.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 9-12. Excerpted from her Creating a Life Together.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Telecommuting: You Can Take It With You.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 61.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “Thriving in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 38-57.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “To the Ecovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 26-33.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Torri Superiore: An Ecovillage on the Traditional Village Model.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 31.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Transferring Decision-Making Power at Kindness House.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 22-23.

Christian, Diana Leafe, ed. “Transition & Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 32-62.

Christian, Dana Leafe. “Transition & Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 32-33.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Transparency, Equivalence, and Effectiveness: How Sociocracy Can Help Communities, Part I.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 59-63.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Tricky Issues with BIPOC and Well-Meaning White Community Members.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 20-21. Response to O.W.G. in the same issue.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Trust, Connection, and Clear Agreements.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 18-23.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “24 Common Sources of Community Conflict.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “What’s in a name?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 35. Definitions related to interns, etc.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “When Adobe Pueblo Meets Star Trek.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 53-55.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “When Ecovillagers Use the Cohousing Model . . . How some activists choose cohousing to manifest their eco-sustainable dreams. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 46-47.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Where They Are?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 27. A short list of some ecovillages.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Why No Tyranny of the Minority in Sociocracy: How Sociocracy Can Help Communities, Part IV.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 60-63.

C[hristian], D[iana] L[eafe]. “Why the Term ‘Operational Leader’?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 66.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part One.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 54-59, with a sidebar “Empowering with Information, Not Labeling or Diagnosing.”

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Two.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 53-58, with sidebars “Narcissistic Attitude and Behaviors” and “Impaired Empathy” on 57.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Three.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 53-59 with a sidebar “Narcissistic Attitudes and Behaviors” on 55.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Four.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 44-49, with sidebars “‘Especially Challenging’ Attitudes and Behaviors” and Recognizing Challenging Behaviors” on 49.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Five.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 52-57 with sidebars “Especially Challenging Attitudes and Behaviors” and “Resources: The ‘Fragile’ Vision” on 57.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Six.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 49-55, with a sidebar “Especially Challenging Attitudes and Behaviors” on 55

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Seven.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 30-37, with a sidebar “Especially Challenging Attitudes and Behaviors” on 37.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors, Part Eight: Why Most Communities Do Not—and Cannot—Deal Directly with these Behaviors (And What Your Community Can Do Instead).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 46-51, with sidebars “Especially Challenging Behaviors,” Can Community Consultants Help with Especially Challenging Behaviors?, and Six Things We Can Do to Protect Ourselves as Individuals.”

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Worth Their Weight In Gold.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 33. Interns, work-exchange, and residential courses.

Christian, Diana Leafe. “Your Community and the Law.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 60-63 with a sidebar “Why NOT to Use Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common” (63).

“Christiana.” Edited by Vince [Zager]. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 50-53.

Christos, Tasha. “The Artistry of Being in a World of War.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 8-9. Suneidesis

“Chrysalis.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 3-4.

Ciarlo, Giovanni. “The Arts—An Elemental Necessity of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 16-17.

Ciarlo, Giovanni. “By the Plume of Popocatepetl.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 32-34. Huehuecoyotl Ecovillage

Ciarlo, Giovanni. “Leadership for Social Change: Living Routes in Action at Hehuecoyotl.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 38-39.

Ciarlo, Giovanni. “Nashira: An Ecovillage from the Grassroots.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 56-57. Ecovillage in Columbia.

Ciarlo, Giovanni. “We Walk in Beauty.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 50-52.

Ciarlo, Giovanni; Orlando Balbás; Hanne Strong; Ross Jackson; Albert Bates; Lois Arkin; Daniel Greenberg, and Diana Leafe Christian. “Our Friend and Ecovillage Colleague Linda Joseph, 1952-2021.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 68, 64-67.

Cicelsky, Alex. “Small and Large Miracles: Food, Land, and Community at Kibbutz Lotan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 61-62.

Cigliana, Lisa. “Finding A Home: Urban Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 61-63.

Cindy and Friends [Cindy Baranco, Ilana Firestone, Marilyn Moohr, and Judy St. John]. “The Influence of Community on Mental Health.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 30-31, 78.

“The Circle Pines Homestead Co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 40.

Clark, George W. “From Community to Communion.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 – 26 (March-April – (May-June 1977): 16-21, 46-51.

Clark, George W. “Learning to Love Together.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 46-51.

Clark, George W. “Why I Don’t Live in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March/April 1977): 16-21.

Clark, James N. “The Community Development Credit Union: What is it? Where does it fit in the Cooperative Movement?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 25-27.

Clark, Katrina. “Cuba Impressions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 4-6.

Clark, Katrina. “‘In Their Own Neighborhood’: Fair Haven Community Heath Clinic.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 32-34.

“A Clash of Cultures: SpringLedge Ecovillage Project Foiled.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 17-19.

Clay. “To Sarah: Who will be 30 in the year 2001.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 8.

Clearwater, Jeff, ed. “Creating ‘Magic Culture’: Appropriate Technology & Intentional Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 32-58.

Clearwater, Jeff. “Creating ‘Magic Culture’: Appropriate Technology & Intentional Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 32-34.

Clearwater, Jeff. “Ecovillage 2015: Algae, Giant ‘Seashells’, and Sustainable Culture.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 41-45. Fiction

Clearwater, Jeff. “Engaging the Americas in Common Effort . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 18-19. Ecovillages of North America

Clearwater, Jeff. “Home-Made Power: Where Were You When the Grid Went Down? Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 46-52, 59.

Clearwater, Jeff. “How ‘Eco’ Are We? Using the ‘Ecological Footprint’ to Measure Sustainability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 55-56.

Clearwater, Jeff. “Sirius: Becoming a Spiritual Ecovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 31-35, 51.

Cleary, Mairéad. “Five Things We’ve Learned Before We Ever Built.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 58-60.

Cleland, Trena. “Living Democracy: Human Dignity and Grass-Roots Leadership Are Fundamental to Effective Organizing Efforts.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 49-50.

Clement, Joel. “‘Starving Myself to Death’ in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 49-51. Woodcrest

Cloman, Tom. “Co-op Development on Low Income Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 51.

“A Closer Look At ‘Cults’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 29-31.

“Coalition of Intentional Cooperative Communties.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 52. Coffman, Chip. “Federation in [and in Table of Contents] the Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 17-19.

Coffman, Chip. “In Retrospect. . . . The People, processes, and ideas behind 5 years of Communities magazine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 30-42.

Cohen, Ariella. “What Communitarians Taught Me About Growing Older.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 56-57.

Cohen, Rachael. “Jewish Intentional Community Building in the US.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 50-51.

Cohen, Rachael Love. “Pursuing a Community Dream.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 55-58.

Cohen, Nina Barbara. “Sawdust, Cow Manure, & Confidence.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 62-63.

Cohen, Rachael. “The Urge to Connect.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 52.

Cohen, Raines. “Aging in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 44-45, 77.

C[ohen], R[aines] and B[etsy] M[orris]. “Books on Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 29.

Cohen, Raines and Betsy Morris. “The Face of Cohousing in 2005: Growing, Green, and Silver.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 24-29, 31-32.

Cohen, Raines. “Innovative Solutions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 17-20. Cohousing.

Cohen, Raines. “The Next Phase: Senior Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 33-39.

C[ohen], R[aines] and B[etsy] M[orris]. “Other Cohousing Resources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 30.

C[ohen], R[aines] and B[etsy] M[orris]. “Religious Groups Doscover Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 31.

C[ohen], R[aines] and B[etsy] M[orris]. “What is Cohousing?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 25.

Cohen, Rajal. “Mental Illness in Community: What Can We Offer?” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 135-40.

Cohen, Rajal. “Queer in Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 72-74.

Cohen-Rosenthal, Edward. “The Unions and quality of life: Is cooperation with management a sellout?” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 40-43.

Cohen, Eve. “Ex-Lovers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 4-7. Dance Community

Cole, Alison. “Seeking an Alternative Education.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 58-59.

Cole, Elke with Javan Kerby Bernakevitch. “Live and Learn: O.U.R. Ecovillage Builds Learning Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 16-17, 74.

Cole, Joe; Hope Horton; and Maria Pini. “Culture Change or Same Old Society? Consensus, Sociocracy, and White Supremacy Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 53-56.

Cole, Joe. “I’m Not a Racist, But Racism Is In Me—and in My Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 29-33. Hart’s Mill Ecovillage, North Carolina

Cole, Joe. “Skill Building for a Culture of Collaboration.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 40-44.

Collector, James. “Growing a Culture of Gratitude in Argentine Patagonia: A WWOOFer Experiences Community Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 38-39.

Collector, James. “On the Potential for an IC Business Network.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 30-32.

Collector, James. “Spaceship Earth: Finding Interconnectedness within and without Biosphere 2.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 58-59. Review of the 2020 documentary.

Colleen. “Building the Life I Dream.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 44-47.

Collins, Helen. “The Cooperative Vision in Science Fiction.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 34-49.

“The Colorless Movement.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 20-23.

Comeau, Singh Sahib Rama Kirn Singh and Singh Sahib Shama Kirn Singh. “3HO: Happy, Healthy, Holy. Living In a Spiritual Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 35-41.

“Common Conversations!!!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 29. Conversations with children in community.

“Communal Highs and Lows.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 26-27.

“Communal Studies Association Honors Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 5.

“Communal Studies Association: An Invitation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 1.

“Commune Directory.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 29-36. Extensive autograph notes from December 1974 indicating changes in status of the various groups.

“Commune Directory.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 26-38.

“Commune-ication.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 28.

“Communes and the State.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 12-14.

“Communication Rules.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 24-25.

“Communications in the Twin Cities, and the Great Warehouse Takeover of 1975: The Minnesota Leader, SCOOP, National Food Coop Nooz.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 33-39.

“Communitarian Village.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 2-5.

“Communitas Folk.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 41.

“Community, B. C.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 29. British Columbia

“Community Business Seeks Members/Workers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 10. We’Moon Land

“Community Calendar.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 66-67.

“Community Clearinghouse.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 51-55.

“Community Conferences 1974.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 33-35.

“The Community, Consensus, and Facilitation Book Project.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 8. Support for a book project to publish a collection of Laird Schaub’s articles and blogs. See

“Community Earth.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 2-9.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 8-11.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 8-11. Los Angeles EcoVillage, Quakerland Friends Community (Ingram, TX), Twin Oaks, Lothlorien Farm (Ontario, Canada), Woodbine Community (Gainesville, FL), New Creation Fellowship (no longer operating. 25th anniversary. Newton, KS), Liberty Village Cohousing (Libertytown, MD), Conference on 60s VT communities.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 10-12. Crystal Waters, Abundant Dawn, WindTree Ranch.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 8-12. Boulder Housing Coalition, Gesundheit Institute, Hundredfold Farm (PA), Sirius (MA), Alpha Farm (OR), Ananda Village (CA)

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 8-10. Skywoods Cosynegal (MI), CEDAR (KY), Madison Community Co-op (WI), Zendik Farm Arts Foundation (NC. 1969 CA, then Texas, then FL), ten year old communities: Aquarian Concepts (AZ), Community in Burligton (VT), Community in St. Joseph (MO), Sweetwater Community Land Trust (MO), Union Acres (NC), twenty year old communities: Bright Morning Star (WA), Jubilee Partners (GA), Ojai Foundation (CA), Santa Rosa Creek Commons (CA), Shepherdsfield (MO), Susan B. Anthony Memorial Unrest Home (OH), Triform Camphill (NY), thirty year communities: Ananda Village (CA), Greenbriar Community (TX), Kootenay Cooperative (BC), L’Arche Daybreak (ONT), Morninglory (ONT), Sunflower House (KS), Twin Pines Co-op (CA), fifty years: Whitehall Co-op (TX).

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 10-14. Zendik Arts Community (NC), River Farm (WA), Pioneer Valley Cohousing (MA), Pine Street Cohousing (MA), Cambridge Cohousing (MA), New View Cohousing (MA), Pathways Cohousing (MA), Sunward Cohousing (MI), Nomad Cohousing (CO), Rainbow Gathering, Earthaven Community (NC), Nature’s Spirit Community (SC), Bellingham Cohousing (WA), East Wind (MO)

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 8-11.Bellingham Cohousing, Acorn, Mahantongo Spirit Garden, The Farm, Dancing Rabbit

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 8-10. Bryn Gweled Homesteads (PA 60 years old), Winslow Cohousing (WA), Bright Morning Star (WA)

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 8-11. We’Moon Land, Blue House, Crystal Waters

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 8-11. Still Water Sabbatical (disbanding), GardenSpirit (disbanded), Gaian Contemplative Community, Jamaica Plain Cohousing, Winslow Cohousing, Pioneer Valley Cohousing, Ecovillage at Ithaca, and communities 70, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 years.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 8-9. Riverside, various ecovillage and cohousing groups.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 9-11. Visions of Utopia tape, Cohousing Network, The Foundation for Community Encouragement, Meadowdance, Shannon Farm, Wild Sage Cohousing

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 9, 11. Gaviotis, Prairie Sky Cohousing, Alchemy Farm Cohousing, Heartwood Cohousing

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 9-11. Various co-housing groups

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 9-11.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 8-10.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 8-9.

“Community Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 8-9.

“Community Market.” Communities, No. 1 (July 1972): 52.

“The Community Market Cooperative Catalog: Spring Supplement 1974.” Communities, No. 8 (May/June 1974): 17-25.

“Community Memory Goes Public.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 38. Article from the Collective Networker Newsletter

“Community Products.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 10-12.

“Community Queries.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 35.

“Community Queries.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 42-44.

“Community Stories at Community Bookstore.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 71.

Compton, Dick. “Moving Together.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 24-26.

“Conference: Adequate Action For a Human Future.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 12-13.

“Conference on Community Economy: Community Service, Yellow Springs, Ohio, August 3-5, 1973.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 11. “Conferences ‘73.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 34-39.

“Congratulations! Celebrating Long-Lived Communities: An Urban Co-op, a Rural Commune, a Conference Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 8. House of Lavender, Dunmire Hollow, Rowe Camp & Conference Center

“The Connecticut Hospice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 10-14.

Connolly, Johnny. “‘The Village’ in Tipperary: Ireland’s First Large-Scale Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 24-26, 73-75.

Conover, Pat. “Charisma in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 32-35.

Conover, Pat. “Social Science Research & Theory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 58-63. Annotated bibliography of material on the contemporary communal movement in America.

“Consciousness Raising: Money and Its Power.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 16-17. Reprinted from Country Women

“The Consumer Cooperative Alliance: the Institute, the Movement, & the Bank.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 14-35.

“Contemporary Communal Childrearing: A First Analysis.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 26-28.

Cooley, Chelsea. “Ad Astra per Aspera: Through Adversity to the Stars—A Community Member’s Passage to India and Back.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 60-61, 77.

“Co-op America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 24, 41.

“The Co-op Choice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 16-24.

“Co-op Map.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 40-41.

Cooper, Dr. Adrian. “Collaborative Mapping in Felixstowe’s Community Nature Reserve.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 54-56.

Cooper, Dr. Adrian. “How to Create New Nature Reserves.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 64-65.

Cooper, Dr. Adrian. “Scaling Up a Community Nature Reserve.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 47-49.

“Cooperative Alternatives: Food.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 32-35.

“Cooperative Alternatives: The Ontario Network.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 44-45.

“Cooperative Artists Institute.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 6-7.

“Cooperative Group Solutions: Advice About How to Handle Challenging Dynamics.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 10-12.

Cordivae, Jacob Stevens. “Why Urban Ecovillages Are Crucial.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 37-38.

Corr, Michael. “Letter From a Zen Monastery.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 33.

Cothron, Blake. “The Art and Ethics of Visitor Programs.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 38-41.

Cothron, Blake. “Food Security in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 54-56, 79.

[“Cottage Industry Contest”]. Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 14-15.

“Counter Culture Law.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 7-9.

“COVID-19, Covid, coronavirus: Capitalization Dilemmas!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 7.

Cox, Craig. “Ally or Adversary: who are we fighting?” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 28-30.

Cox, Craig. “CCA: An Institute Journal.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 32-33.

Cox, Craig. “The Co-op Wars.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 36-37.

Cox, Craig. “Greenwald leaves questions and controversies behind at the co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 54-56.

Cox, Craig. “International Relations: Can Cooperatives Bridge the Gap.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 39-40.

Crabtree, Maril. “From Visions of Utopia to ‘The Many Faces of Community’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 51-52.

Crabtree, Maril. “Living in a Multigenerational Household: Haven or Hell?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 51, 77.

C[raig], P[aula] L. “Global Economic Collapse.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 46.

Craig, Paula L. “How a Steady State Economy Can Change Our Lives.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 42-43, 45-47.

C[raig], P[aula] L. “What is ‘Globalization’?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 44.

Crandall, Benjamin. “Kindista: Technology for Living More Freely.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 42-43.

Crawford, Carol. “Finding a Community to Grow Old In.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 58-59.

“Creating Cooperative Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 80.

“Creativity and Mass Resistance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 38. Article from the Collective Networker Newsletter

Creighton, Mandy. “Community Cured My Asthma and Allergies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 44-45, 75.

Creighton, Mandy and Ryan Mlynarczk. “From Car and House to Bicycle and Tent: Seeking a Simpler, More Abundant Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 52-54, 78.

Critchlow, Margaret. “On the Ropes at Harbourside Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 46-47.

Critchlow, Margaret. “On the Value of Being There: Why Spiritual Communities Matter Now More Than Ever.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 17-19.

C[ritchlow], M[argaret]. “Progress and Harbourside Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 33.

C[ritchlow], M[argaret]. “Senior Cohousing in Canada.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 47.

Critchlow, Margaret. “Senior Cohousing in Canada: How Baby Boomers Can Build Social Portfolios for Aging Well.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 28-33.

Critchlow, Margaret and Andrew Moore. “When Do We Begin to Flourish in Senior Cohousing? The answer is: Sooner than you’d think.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 60-61.

Crowell, Amanda. “Dreaming of a Different Way.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 52-54.

Crowell, Amanda. “Supported Growth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 34-36.

Crowell, Peter. “‘I Can’t Live Without Women’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 46-49.

Cruz, Sandy and Diana LeafeChristian. “My Turn: Bloom Where You’re Planted.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 9-11.

C[ullen], M[atthew]. “Consider the 501(d).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 79.

Cullen, Matthew. “Establishing a Community: Perspectives from the F[ederation of] E[galitarian] C[ommunities].” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 80. 78-79.

“Cult Awareness Network Bites the Dust.”Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 9.

Cummings, Michael and Harv Bishop. “A Communitarian Council of Economic Advisors.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 15.

Cummings, Michael and Harv Bishop. “A Communitarian President?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 18.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “‘Cults’ & Communitarians.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 16-17.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “Former Communitarians Respond.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 8-9.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “From the Horse’s Mouth: What Can Outsiders See That Community Members Can’t?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 15-16.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “Living in Community: Original Visions and Actual Experience.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 7-9.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “A Look at Religious Communitarianism.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 12-13.

Cummings, Michael and Harv Bishop. “Love, Sex, and Romance in Community: Research Findings from Community Members.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 10-11.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “‘Open-Minded’, ‘Closed-Minded’ Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 8-9.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “Stereotypes Challenged.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 10-12.

Cummings, Mike. “A Tale of Two Communes: A Scholar and His Errors.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 64-72.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Baker. “Voices of Our Elders.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 14-15.

Cummings, Mike and Harv Bishop. “What If a Communitarian Were Running for President?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 10-11.

Curl, John. “Heartwood.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 24.

Curry, Mollie. “Exploring Women-Only Workshops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 38-39.

Curry, Mollie. “What’s Masculine, What’s Feminine, and What Am I?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 44-47.

Curry-Stevens, Ann and Timothy Curry-Stevens. Living My Politics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 15-17.

Curtis, Jessica. “Growing at Ganas.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 65.

Cushing, Lincoln. “Silkscreening As a Tool for Social Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 8-12.


D’Cruz, Ridhi. “Beauty and Brokenness: Digesting Grief into Gratitude for Justice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 8-10.

Dadd-Redalia, Debra Lynn. “Sustainability and Sustenance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 23-24.

Dailey, Dianne. “Feminism in Student Leadership Development.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 73-76.

Dakota, Keenan. “The Many Failed Theories of Twin Oaks Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 26-28. Adapted from the author’s blog post at

Dalby, Peter. “Technology: Its Role and Function in Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 8-11.

Dale, Rebecca. “How Currents Community Got Its Groove Back.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 48-49.

Dale, Rebecca. “Inviting God to Dance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 51, 77.

Dale, Rebecca. “It Takes a Community to Grow an Elder.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 16-17.

Daly, Jim. “The Dog that Brought Us a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 55, 78.

Damon, James; Tai Shinohara; and Bethany Walton. “Diversity at Camphill Soltane.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 29-31.

“Dance Collective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 7.

Dandelion, Jane. “Federation Sponsors Conference at Dandelion.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 36-37.

Dandelion, Jane. “Speculum ‘78: A Look At Ourselves.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 2-6.

“Dandelion.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 49-56. “Dandelion.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 4-6.

Danforth, Art. “Can our bank become self-supporting?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 58-60.

Danforth, Art. “Twelve Challenges: Guidelines for Consumer Goods Co-op Development in Inner Cities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 45-46.

Daniell, Alex. “The Meandering Paths of Arcadia.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 57-60.

Daniell, Alex. “Opportunity Village Eugene: Pioneering New Solutions for the (Formerly) Homeless.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 58-61, 77.

Danielsson, Claire. “Therapy: Catholic Worker Style.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 30-31.

Darling, Allen. “World Symposium on Humanity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 52-55.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Adaptation and Resilience at Earthaven Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 19-22.

da Silva, Arjuna. “The Awesome Power of the Non-Consenting Voice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 48-49, 76.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Eco-Building at the Ecovillage (I Have Built a Home).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 29-31.

d[a] S[ilva], A[rjuna]. “Generational Crossroads.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 25.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Growing a Culture of Community Health and Well-Being at Earthaven Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 16-17, 71.

da Silva, Arjuna. “How Permaculture Stole My Community!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 54-55.

da Silva. Arjuna. “Off the Grid and Out of the Trash Can.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 14-16.

da Silva, Arjuna. “On Becoming Elder.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 24-26.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Passing the Torch at Earthaven.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 50-52.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Polyamory at Earthaven.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 46-48.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Reflections on Setting Up and Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 37.

d[a] S[ilva], A[rjuna]. “Restorative Circles: ‘A Community Self-Care Process’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 51.

da Silva, Arjuna. “Restorative Circles and the Missing Link in Conflict Mediation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 50-52.

da Silva, Arjuna. “With Arms Spread Wide with Love.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 61-63.

Davenport-Moore, Susan; Nina Lanphear; and Kirsten Ellen Johnson. “Families of Origin.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 58-62. Panel Discussion on childhood in community

David. “The Commune Movement in the Middle 1970’s.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 21-26.

David. “Community & the Small Group Problem.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 21-24. Reprinted from Leaves of Twin Oaks.

David. “Gay Relationship.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 8-13.

David. “The New Localism—an ideology for our age? Part 1.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 40-42.

David. “Social Planning: A Small Group Problem.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 23-28.

David. “Social Science.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 51-52.

Davidson, Bruce. “Sustainability: Reflections from an Eco-Warrior.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 32-33, 76.

Davidson, Gordon and Corinne McLaughlin. “Relationship as Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 (December 1979/January 1980): 36-38. Originally published in Onearth Magazine (Findhorn)

Davidson, Gordon and Corinne McLaughlin. “Spiritual Principles for Building Communities and Groups.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 51-52.

Davidson, Gordon. “What Communities Have Learned About Economics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 26-28.

Davidson, Joel. “Living in the Ozarks.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 24-27.

Davis, John and Chuck Matthei. “Community Land Trust: A New Approach to Home Ownership.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 23-29. Includes notes on specific groups

Davis, Lisa. “Marge Piercy on Cooperative Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 57-58. Interview

Davis, Norman. “Cooperatives and Communities: A Movement Is Confronted By Its Ideals.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 4-5.

Davis, Norman. “Washington Community Futures.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 20-21, 31.

Davis, Steven. “Healing Work in a Healing Biotope: An interview with Dr. Amélie Weimar.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 35-41.

Davis. “Cooperatives and Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 65-68.

Dawling, Pam. “Handing Over Twin Oaks: Garden Managership.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 28-34, with side bars, “About Twin Oaks” on 29 and “Pam’s Happy Retirement List, October 2016: Live, Love. Learn, Leave a Legacy” on 33.

Dawling, Pam. “Rural Communes in Great Britain.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 136.

Dawn, Indigo. “Building Consent Culture in New Culture East Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 18-23.

Dawson, Isaac. “My Son Michael.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 36-38. Myrtle Tree Farm

Dawson, Jonathan. “Findhorn’s Incredible Footprint.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 26-27, 71.

Dawson, Jonathan. “From Eco-Kooks to Eco-Consultants.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 48-51.

Dawson, Jonathan. “How Ecovillages Can Grow Sustainable Local Economies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 56-61.

Dawson, Jonathan. “Peak Oil as ‘Opportunity’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 48-50.

Dawson, Jonathan. “Rebirth of the Kibbutz? Field Notes of a Journey through Israel’s Urban Communes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 44-49.

Dawson, Jonathan. “Recipe for a Thriving Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 37-40.

Dawson, Steven. “The Industrial Cooperative Association: Blending Theory and Practice in Workplace Democracy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 30-33.

de la Vista, Rio. “Windstar Foundation.” Avery, Basil. “As the Spirit Moves.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 38-41.

de Pillis, Mario S. “Early Mormon Communitarianism.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 39-42.

“Dear Someone.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 2-6. DeCaprio, Steven. “My Squat Law Journal.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 56-59.

“Decision-Making Processes in a 20th Century Social Experiment.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 32-33. Cartoon

“Deep Valley Farm: An Unconscious Drama.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 40-44.

DeFreitas, Susan. “Prescott’s Sustainable ‘Ecohood’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 16-19.

DeGauche, Marcus. “Healing Gender Issues through Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 45-50.

Deitle, Frank. “Burning Man! Art, Culture, and Community Through the Gift Economy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 21-26.

Delaney, Connie. “The Oneness Project.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 36.

Delapa, Paul and Diana Christian. “The Fellowship’s Seasons of Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 18-20. Fellowship for Intentional Community

DeLapa, Paul. “Nurturing Our Potential.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 28-29.

DeLapa, Paul and Betty Didcoct. “Things you (as a participant) can do to improve meetings.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 35.

Dele, Rev. Marjani. “Nature’s Friends Wait for Human Companionship.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 36-37, 75.

DeMarco, Aurora. “Every Eight Seconds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 13-14.

Dempsey, Jo. “Journal of a Forming Community: Bream Lake Cooperative.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 14-16.

Derenowski, Aviva. “Ganas: Finding Hope in an Urban Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 13-14.

Dermody, Michael E. and Robert V. Hine. “California’s Socialist Utopias.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 55-58.

Dessouky, Nermin; Angela Sanguinetti; Alan Meir; Sarah Outcault; and Richard Tutwiler. “Many Shades of Green: Establishing a Culture of Sustainability in a Diverse, Developer-driven Expatriate Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 60-62.

Dettman, Cynthia. “Finding a Healthy, Happy Cohousing Community that Fits Your Values.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 19-21. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 32-34.

Dettman, Cynthia. “Queer, Person of Color, or Low-Income; Is Cohousing Possible for Me?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 22-23.

DeVane, Hoyt. “Sharing Power: Experiments in Democracy at East Wind.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 90-91.

Devi. “Why Plan Your Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 16-19.

DeWitt, Calvin. “Christian Stewardship.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 38-39.

Dicalogero, Charlene. Cohousing for Non-Cohousers.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 61-64.

Dickison, Chris. “Spirituals Growth, Multiple Relationships, and Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 61-63.

Didcoct, Betty and Paul DeLapa. “Building Creative Agreements: Using Dynamic Consensus to Empower Ourselves.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 44-48, 67.

Didcoct, Betty. “Communitarians as Y2K Activists.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 17-19.

Didcoct, Betty. “Consensus by Individual Guidance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 58.

Didcoct, Betty. “Going Public: Can Intentional Communities Make a Difference in Public Policy for Elders?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 20-21.

Didcoct, Betty. “‘Inclusivity’ Style or ‘Diversity’ Style Part I: How Do We Best Serve the Whole Communities Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 8-11, 66.

Didcoct, Betty and Paul DeLapa. “12 Myths of Consensus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 50-52.

Diehl, Pati; Melanie Rios; and Sarah Taub. “Network for a New Culture Camps.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 34-39.

“Directions.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 14-21.

“Directories Updates: Communities Directory Spring ’02 Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 64-65.

“Directory 1977.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 3-5, 46-58.

“Directory of Community Resources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980/January 1981): 56-64.

“Directory of Intentional Communities—Summer ‘94 Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 49-56.

“Directory Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 81-91.

“Directory Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 60-61.

“Directory Update 2003.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 120 (Special issue 2003): 6-29.

“Directory Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 60-61.

“Directory Updates.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 63-65.

Disbrow, Rebecca. “Common Houses: Where Are All the People? A Study into Common House Vitality and Some Recommendations for Increasing its Use.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 54-55, 57, 59.

Dismukes, Gwynelle. “When a Dollar is Worth More Than 100 Cents.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 33-36.

“Do Not Feed the South African War Machine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 5-8.

Doleman, Lydia and Mark Lakeman. “City Repair & the Opportunity of Peak Oil.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 42-47.

Dometsch, Angela. “Nashira Eco-Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 31.

Donaldson, Janaia. “Journey Inn: Gleanings from a World of Women.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 52-56, 73.

Donna, Sara. “Love and Bucket Brigades, Interdependence and Evolution: A Community Conversation at Lampa Mountain Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 29-31.

Donna. Sara. “Preparing for the Human Challenges of Climate Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 48-50.

Douglas, Claire, and Jim Scott. “Siuslaw Rural Health Center.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 21-24.

“Down On the City.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 17-18.

Downey, Jilian and Diana Leafe Christian. “Restucturing Continues.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 21.

D[oyle], C[olin]. “A Dysfunctional Reliance on Lawyers.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 46.

Doyle, Colin. “Guide to My Longevity in an Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 10-13.

Doyle, Colin. “Jump on the Wisdom Train.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 50-51.

Doyle, Colin. “The Law As Bad Parent: Oppressive Governmental Regulation of Citizens and Small Groups.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 44-46.

Doyle, Colin. “Mind the Gap: How the Cultural Difference between Incoming Residents and the Community Can Indicate Whether They Will Stay.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 22-24.

Doyle, Colin. “Overcoming Our Americanness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 48-49 with a sidebar “An Irony of Modern Communitarianism” (49).

Doyle, Colin. “The Past Is the Future: Intentional community shows us the way back.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 36-39.

Doyle, Colin. “Pulled Toward and Away: How C-19 Has Elevated the Attraction of ICs but Pulled Us onto Screens.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 26-28.

Doyle, Colin. “Real Diversity Is Internal: The Story of a Mental Minority.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 26-27.

Doyle, Colin. “The Resilience of Traditional Unintentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 22-24, with a sidebar, “Counterpoint,” by the author on 24.

Drasin, Dan. “Off the Grid! Inherit the Wind.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 21.

Drasin, Dan. “Off the Grid! In the Palm of Your Hand.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 21. Windmills

Drasin, Dan. “Off the Grid! Shedding the Grid.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995) 24-26.

Dreamdigger, Ruth. “Wonderful Older Women.” Communities:Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 20-22.

Dregger, Christa “Leila”. “Can You Trust Too Much? My Year in a Toxic Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 31-34.

Dregger, Leila. “Ecovillages Worldwide–Local Solutions for Global Problems.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 18-20.

Dregger, Leila. “Gardening in the Alentejo.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 48-51. Tamera, Portugal

Dregger, Leila. “The Private Is Political or: There cannot be peace as long as there is war in love.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 31-34.

Dregger, Leila. “To Learn Sustainability Is To Learn Community: An Example from South Portugal.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 26-29.

Dregger, Leila. “Water Is Life! Tamera Is Creating a Model for Reversing Desertification.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 42-43.

Dregger, Leila. “We Refuse To Be Enemies: Community Spirit as an Antidote to Separation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 22-25, 72-73.

Dregger Leila and Sarah Queblatin. “Ecovillage Strategies in Areas of Crisis.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 21-23, 75.

Drengson, Alan R. “The Emergence of Ecophilosophy. Introduction.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 26-28. “Afterword” page 40.

Drengson, Alan. “Nature, Community and Self.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 42-49.

Dubas, Ryan. “Lessons in Building Resilient Neighborhoods: Reflections on the PROUT Institute Community SEED Program.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 17-19.

Dubé, Dennis R. “Touching Is Healing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 13-16.

Dubin-Vaughn, Sarah. “Dromenon.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 7-8.

Duhl, Leonard J. “Planning for and getting a healthy city.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 55-57.

Duin, Julia. “Authority & Submission in Christian Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 51-55.

Dumont, Joe. “An Urban Community Perspective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 60-61.

Duncan, David James. “Illuminating Sun House.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 5 with Chris Roth’s response on 6. Regarding Roth’s review in No. 201, pp. 50-57 with an excerpt on pages 12-15 of the same issue.

Duncan, David James. “A Monkeywrencher in Our Midst.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 12-15. Excerpt from his book Sun House. Little, Brown, 2023. See also the review by Chris Roth on pp. 50-57 in the same issue.

Dunmall, Giovanna. “Varese Liguere: From Traditional Italian Village to ‘Eco-community’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 10, 12-14.

Dunn, Gary. “One Way to Make a Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 12.

Dunn, Tina (with input from others in the Jesus Christian Community). “Living Out a Gift Economy in Community with Others.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 50-52.

Durham, Lewis E. “The Urban Middle-Class Communal Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 4-9.

Durrett, Charles and Bernice Gonzalez. “College-Based Senior Housing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 79-82 (digital issue and supplement only). Available at

Durrett, Charles. “Energy Efficiency in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 48-49.

Durrett, Chuck. “The Future of Cohousing in the United States: The Case for Certification.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 53-54.

Durrett, Chuck. “Notes on Beauty in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 38-39.

Durrett, Chuck. “One Step at a Time.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 44. Cohousing

Durrett, Charles. “The Power of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 23-26.

Durrett, Charles. “Sólheimer Ecovillage: A Case Study for Neurological Diversity in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 39-43.

Durrett, Charles and Katie McCamant. “Yarrow Ecovillage: Cohousing as a Building Block to the Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 41-43, 77.

Durrett, Chuck. “Senior Cohousing: Establishing a Healthy, Sustainable Lifestyle for an Aging Generation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 54.

Durrett, Charles. “Why Books Matter: A Case for Books about Community Making.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 64, 52-63.

Dvorak, Laura and J. Brush. “Let’s Do Greywater First! Could the City of Portland Become . . . Ecotopia?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 44-47.


Eanes, Russ. “Monastics to Moravians: Twenty Centuries of Christian Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 46-47.

Earth, Kat Alvarius, and Candy Cantrell. “Desert Living at Sacred Earth Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 34-37.

“East Wind.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 6-7.

East Wind, Allen. “State of Federation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 53-54.

East Wind, Bob. “Politics and Cooperation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 2-3.

“East Wind Community: A Work Day in the Life.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 8-11.

“‘Eat, Dance, and Pray Together’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 34.

Eavenson, Webb. “Our ‘Community Tree’: Describing our Complex Structure to Newcomers (and to Ourselves).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 28-31. Lamborn Valley Community

Eckberg, Hannah Apricot. “Personal Resilience for Community and Planetary Resilience.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 46-49.

Eckberg, Hannah Apricot. “Self-Care as Part of People Care: Social Permaculture for the Self.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 18-19.

Ecker, Achim. “Energy Efficient Heating, Renewable Electricity, and Community Renaissance at ZEGG.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 36-37, 77.

Ecker, Achim. “Loving is a Political Task.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 20-25. ZEGG Adapted from an article in Tattva Viveka: Focus: Community 1.6.2022

Eclair, Berwick [pseud.]. “Home Schooling and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 30-31.

“Economic$ Clearinghouse.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 43.

“Economics Clearinghouse: A Community Market Survey.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 25.

“Ecovillage Resources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 56-57.

“Ecovillages at Community Bookstore.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 64-65.

Eden, Ernie. “Housing: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 59-60.

Edgerton, Chonita. “A Herstory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 29-31.

“Effective Communication.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 42-43.

Egeberg, Olaf. “Setting Up an Ecovillage Where You Are.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 36.

“Eggshells and Stone Walls.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 10-12.

Eilde, Karbyn. “Internal Intimacy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 42.

Eilde, Karbyn. “My Father the Toddler.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 20-22.

Eilde, Karbyn. “We’re All in the Family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 56-59.

“Elder Cohousing Communities.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 69.

“Electoral Politics is a Crazy-Making Process: A Conversation with Judy Greene.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 15-18.

Electra. “Jealousy: coping with the green monster.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 8-10.

Elkin?, Laurie [surname unclear]. “Animals, Plants, and Bread.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 25. Poem with a reply by Marisha Chamberlain.

Eller, Eliza. “Ionia’s Barn Project: Where Community and Natural Building Meet.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 22-25.

Ellis, Dena Smith. “Eating for the Long Haul.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 35-36, with a sidebar “Holistic Nutrition Glossary” on 36.

Ellis, Dena Smith. “Growing a Garden of Friends.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 40-41.

Ellis, Dena Smith. “A Tale of Two Communities: Contrasting Freedoms and Responsibilities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 13-18.

Ellis, Graham. “Community Building in Paradise.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 18-21.

Ellis, Graham. “Ecological Sustainability in Community: Lessons from COVID-19.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 29-33.

Ellis, Graham. “Founder’s Syndrome.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 27-31 with a sidebar “The Importance of Mediation” from on 31.

Ellis, Graham. “Homestead Building in Hawaii.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 22-25.

Ellis, Graham. “Life Lessons for Community Longevity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 33-38.

Ellis, Graham. “My Struggle to Legalize Sustainable Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 22-25.

Ellis, Graham. “Participation Is a Right and a Responsibility.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 34-36.

Ellis, Graham. “A Pie in the Face.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 31-33.

Ellison, Julian. “Cooperation and Struggle: The African-American Cooperative Tradition.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 11-17.

Ellison, Kate. “Lesbian Intentional Community: ‘Yer not from around here, are ya?’” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 67-69.

“Email, Politics, and Permaculture with contributions from members of the Eugene Permaculture Guild listserv.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 38-40.

Elms, Chris. “Flight From Responsibility: The New Suburbanites.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 2-3.

Emanuel, Lewis. “Growing Pains.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 59 (July/August 1983): 38-41.

Emissary Foundation International. “The Emissary International Communities.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 130-131.

“Energy and Communities.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 39-41.

English, Carroll. “The Clairemont Project.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 14-16.

English, Carroll. “Stelle Children and Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 34-36.

English, Deirdre and Barbara Ehrenreich. “Politics of Sensuality.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 43.

Entin, David and Laura Entin; photos by Richard Getler. “Welcome Home: A Cohousing Experience with Migrants.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 47-51.

Eriksson, Sonia. “Project Linus Made Us a ‘Close-Knit’ Group. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 8-10.

Eriksson, Sonja. “The Transition Initiative Comes to Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 51-53.

Estes, Caroline. “Consensus Ingredients.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 78-81.Reprinted in Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 132-136.

Estes, Caroline. “The Communities Movement as Servant to the Planet.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 19-20.

Estes, Caroline. “Why Choose Community? Offering Service and Hope to the World.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 22-23.

Estes, Jim. “Home or Activist Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 66-70.

Estes, Sheri. “Healing from Sex/Power Abuse in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 57-60.

“Estranged.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 48.

“Eugene Car Co-op’s Core Agreements.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 12.

Euler, Markus. “Power and Powerlessness in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 36-37.

“European Community Women and ‘Gentle Power’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 8.

Evans, Ann. “Food: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 45-47.

Evans, Ann. “New Wave, Old Wave Coops Convene.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 38-41.

Evans, Ann. “Spinning Our Wheels: On Understanding National Organizations.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 43-44.

Evans, Geoff. “Activism and Service at Black Bulga Community: Inspiring, Nurturing, Challenging, and Not All Hard Work.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 27-29.

Evans, Geoff. “Building a Culture of Care at Black Bulga.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 47-49.

Evans, Shaelee. “Crafting a Verdant Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 34-35.

Evelyn. “Encountering at Springtree: One Community’s Journey.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 10-14.

Evjen-Elias, Ingrid. “‘Culture’ and ‘Agriculture’ at Sandhill Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 12-13.

E[wald], A[lyson]. “Basil Kraut.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 31.

Ewald, Alyson. “Celebrating the Food Revolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 28-32. Red Earth Farms.

Ewald, Alyson. “Good Neighbors: Top 10 Reasons to Live Next to an Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 26-28.

Ewald, Alyson. “Hugelkultur on the Prairie, or Learning from Our Mistakes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 30-31.

Ewald, Alyson. “It Shows Our Neighbors We Want to Contribute.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 53.

Ewald, Alyson. “Raising Superheroes: How Our Kids Are Learning to Use Their Power for Good.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 24-27, 71.

“Exploiting Community for Personal Gain.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 46.

Eyers, Pegi. “Reclaiming the ‘We’ from Ancient Wisdom.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 53-55.


Fairlie, Simon. “Back to the Land in Maniac Valley.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 22-25. Excerpted from Going to Seed: A Counterculture Memoir (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2022).

“Fall 1992 Update to Directory of Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 79 (Winter 1993): 17-34.

“Family Dramas” with Responses by Laird Schaub and Ina Meyer-Stoll. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 10-12.

Fang, Clara. “I Survived a Dysfunctional Polyamorous Relationship and Learned Some Lessons about Love.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 38-40.

“Fanshen the Magic Bear.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 8-11.

Fanslau, Sarah (née Hewes). “Lessons from a Childhood in Maine.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 25-27.

farajajé-jones, elias. “What Is Multiculturalism?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 33.

“Farallones Institute.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 7.

“Farewell to Donella Meadows.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 10.

“The Farm.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 33-35.

“The Farm: excerpts from the January 1975 farm report.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 18-19.

“Farm and Garden.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 38-40.

“Farm and Garden.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 64.

“Farm and Garden.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 62-64.

“Farm & Garden.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 56-57. Rpt. from The Journal of the New Alchemists.

Farmer, Crystal. “Barriers to Diversity in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 17. Charlotte Cohousing, North Carolina

Farmer, Crystal Byrd. “Beyond Tokenism: How Your Group Can Be More Inclusive.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 10-15.

Farmer, Crystal Byrd. “Camphill and the Future: Another Look.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 55-57. Review of Dan McKanan, Camphill and the Future: Spirituality and Disability in an Evolving Communal Movement. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2020. ISBN: 9780520344082

Farmer, Crystal. “Consent in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 13-14.

Farmer, Crystal. “Inclusion and Boundaries: Reflecting on ‘The Great Schism’ and ‘Wounded Warriors’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 30. Response to O.W.G. and Shannon Kelly in the same issue.

Farmer, Crystal Byrd. “The Language of Identity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 16-19.

Farmer, Crystal. “Sex Positivity in the New Culture Movement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 28-29.

Farmer, Crystal. “Teaching Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 11-12.

Farmer, Crystal. “The Triangle of Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 30-31.

F[arquhar], L[ynn]. “About Lama Foundation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 35.

Farquhar, Lynn. “Making New Choices, Planting New Seeds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 33-35. Lama Foundation

Farrow, David. “Adolescence: The Uncertain Bridge.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 52-53. Greenfield Ranch, Terrarium

Fattal, Josh. “Finding Political Clarity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 35-36.

Faux, Geoffrey. “On Rural Poverty.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 14-18.

Feather, Jesika. “Cookin’ Dinner for the Revolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 12-14.

Feather, Jesika. “Emergency Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 24-27, 77.

Feather, Jesika. “Parenting in Community: The Voyage from Fantasy to Reality.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 26-29, 76.

“Federation of Egalitarian Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 51-53.

“Federation of Egalitarian Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 7-16.

“Federations, Alliances, Support Centers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 46-48.

Feigenbaum, Cliff. “Investing in Your Values.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 18-19.

Felder, Dave. “Take Paradise Put Up A Circus. . . . . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 47. Reprinted from Alternate Current (Miccosukee Land Co-op) 3.15 (April 1978). Issue of expansion versus quality of life.

Felder, David W. “The Best Investment: Going Alone or With Others.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 33-38.

Felder, David W. “The Use and Abuse of Experts.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 46, 48. Miccosukee Land Cooperative

“Fellowship of Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 54-55.

“Fellowship Roots: Where We’ve Been; Where We Might Go.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 12-16.

“The Feminist Economic Alliance.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 62.

Fenger, Darin. “Communities That Serve Others . . . and Love Doing It.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 48-52.

Fenger, Darin. “Does It Really Matter What It Looks Like?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 40-43, 73-74.

Fenger, Darin. “Graying in Community . . . Can we continue to live in community as we grow older?” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 50-55.

F[enger], D[arin]. “Managing the Media: A Journalist’s Advice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 32.

F[enger], D[arrin]. “Planning Your Own Community Adventure? Field-Tested Advice from Interns and Work Exchangers.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 39.

F[enger], D[arin]. “What Community Hosts Should Know.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 36.

Fenger, Darin. “What Interns and Work Exchangers Say About Us . . .” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 34-39.

Fenger, Darin. “When Oprah or Geraldo Call . . . What will happen when the media turns its eye on your community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 29-32.

Ferber, Michael. “The European Peace Movement and What It Means to America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 43-46. A Commonwork Pamphlet

Ferdinand [pseud.]. “Primitive Life, City Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 15-17. Los Angeles eco-vallage

Fernandez, Kathleen. “Historic Communal Sites to Visit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 10-16.

Fernandez, Kathleen M. “The Separatist Society of Zoar.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 27-31.

Fernández, Miguel. “A Playground for ‘La Comarca’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 12-13. Ecovillage Network

Ferrell, John. “The Chinese Movie Projector Incident.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 24.

Ferrell, John. “Taishan Journal.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 18-19.

Ferrera, Cassandra. “Land Speaking through the People: The Great Work of Our Times.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 20-22.

Ferrera, Cassandra. “Right Livelihood in the Belly of the Beast: Bringing community, cooperation, and ecological responsibility into the practice of real estate.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 51-53.

“Festivals and Gatherings: More Images.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 80.

FIC Editorial Board. “Fellowship in the Nineties: A Continental Network Open to All.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 100-104.

FIC Editorial Review Board. “An Introduction to the Fellowship for Intentional Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 41-42.

“FIC News.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 19-21.

“FIC News.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 79 (Winter 1993): 9-16.

“FIC News.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 22.

FIC Staff. “Honoring Diana Leafe Christian.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 76.

“50 Years of Communities Themes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 64.

Fike, Rupert. “Sunday at the Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 16-19.

“Financing Intentional Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 9-10.

“Findhorn.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 46-47.

“Finding a Fitting Farm.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 29-31.

“Finely Martyred.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 29.

Finnell, Joshua. “Community Archiving: Denison University Homestead.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 54-56.

Fisher, Larry. “Let Them Eat Cheese.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 39-44. Reprinted from The Express

Fisler, Ken. “Fostering Community Via the Internet.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 20-21.

Fitch, Laura. “Sharing the Wealth of Community with Foster Children.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 17-19.

Fitch, Laura; Andrew Grant; Mary Porcino; and Beth Siftar. “Confronting Our Past: Why We Renamed Our Cohousing Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 43-44.

Fitzmaurice, Peg and Pat Wynne. “The Mobilization Support Network: Help for Cooperative Groups.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 25-28.

Fivecoat-Campbell, Kerri. “Homelessness and Tiny Houses.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 51-52.

Florida-Central Cohousing. “Central Florida: Breaking ‘Green’ Ground.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 16-17.

Fogarty, Robert. “Success?” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 4.

Foley, Michael. “Farming for the Long Haul: Leisure, Work, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 30-34. Excepted from the author’s Farming for the Long Haul: Resilience and the Lost Art of Agricultural Inventiveness (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2019), 143-153.

Fontenot, Deseree. “Moving Beyond Diversity Towards Collective Liberation: Weaving the Communities Movement into Intersectional Justice Struggles.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 11-12. People of Color Sustainable Housing Network

Foote, Joyce. “The Founder’s Dilemma: Lessons from Arden Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 47-50.

Foote, Joyce. “What Price Community? Exploring the Edge Between Freedom and Cooperation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 59-61.

Foote, Robert. “Healing Impulse: Moving Toward an Open-Hearted Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 32-37, 58-60. Sexual abuse at Light Morning Community

Foraker, Chris. “Free to Serve: Ne4eds-Based Economy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 49-51, 77.

Forsey, Helen. “Celebrating Post-Feminism (Or Is That a Bit Premature?)” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 45-46.

Forsey, Helen. “Community as Crucible.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 27-30.

Forsey, Helen. “‘Practicing Nonviolence’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 29-35.

Forsey, Helen. “The Shoals of Fantasy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 64-66. Problems in community

Forster, Frances and Byron Sandford. “Buying Your Community Property.” .” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 150-154.

Fortin, Nébesna. “An Inspiring Journey in Ecovillages.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 36-37.

Foster, Jude. “How to Help One Another: Connecting Cohousing Communities in a Regional Network.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 40-41.

Foster, Lawrence. “Sexuality and Relationships in the Shaker, Oneida, and Mormon Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 52-56.

Foster, Lawrence. “Women and Utopia: Life among the Shakers, Oneidans, and Mormons.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 53-56.

“Foundation for Feedback Learning.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 11-12, 63.

“Foundations for Community Encouragement, Inc. “Reaching Toward Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 34-38.

Fox, Diane. “From Liberation to Freedom: Life in a Christian Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 23-24.

Fox, Paul C., M.D. “Is Criticism of the Bruderhof Deserved? An Autobiographical Response.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 11-13.

Frankel-Streit, Sue. “Life in a Resistance Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 64-66.

Franklin, David. “Why Does Anyone Do This?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 26-28.

Fraser, Carly. “The Community We Built.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 20-21.

Frazin, Jim. “With Interest: Creating a Community Credit Union.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 71-72.

Freedberg, Michael with asides by Michael Freedberg and Robert Nazario. “Rebuilding the City: 519 East 11th Street, New York.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 6-16.

Freedberg, Michael. “East 11th Street.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 11-14.

Freedberg, Michael. “What Community Energy Cooperatives Could Do.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 42-43.

Freedman, Paul. “Permaculture and Holistic Education: A Match Made in Heaven … and Earth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 46-47, 78.

FreeMan, Setesh. “Connect: Now More Than Ever.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 24-26.

Freeman, Tom. “Financial Security vs. Freedom of Choice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 18-20.

Freifelder, Rachel. “Does Individual Action Matter” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021):

Freifelder, Rachel. “How Living in Community Gives Me Freedom.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 8-12.


Freifelder, Rachel. “Humanure Composting (Yes, in the City!).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 31-36.

Freifelder, Rachel. “Modeling Urban Homesteading for Climate Resilience in Portland, Oregon.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 8-11.

Freifelder, Rachel. “Sense of Place and Land Back in a Transient Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 12-17.

F[reifelder], R[achel]. “TP Alternatives (that work with a flush toilet too!).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 37.

Freifelder, Rachel; Gina Baker; and Steve Lafer. “Planning and Zoning for Ecovillages—Encouraging News.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 62-65.

Freitas, Henny. “Argentina: 13-Day Wavespells at Velatropa.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 61.

French, Kimberly. “Health-Politics Connection EXPOsed in New York.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 12-16.

French, Mary. “Free-Style Dances.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 6-7.

Freund, Gabriel. “Dreaming of a Shared City: Akko Educator’s Kibbutz.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 63-65.

Freundlich, Paul. “Affordability for Whom?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 49-50.

Freundlich, Paul. “All the Way To the Bay.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 32-33.

Freundlich, Paul. “Announcing a New Blog, ‘Notes in Passing.’” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 9.

Freundlich, Paul. “Another Place.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 44-45.

Freundlich, Paul. “Bingo: The Community Dog.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 48-49.

Freundlich, Paul. “Building Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 27.

Freundlich, Paul. “‘Candle-light’ (or ‘Beam Them Somewhere Else, Scotty’).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 9, 11.

Freundlich, Paul. “The Choices We Make.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 49, 74.

Freundlich, Paul. “Communities’ Place on the Planet, Five Decades On.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 68.

Freundlich, Paul. “Community Organizing: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 9-10.

Freundlich, Paul. “Co-op America.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 26-27.

Freundlich, Paul. “Communications and Networking: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 71-72.

Freundlich, Paul. “Community as a Spiritual Path.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 4-5.

Freundlich, Paul. “Community Dance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 22-23.

Freundlich, Paul. “A Context for Hope.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 6-7.

Freundlich, Paul. “Continuing a New Blog, ‘Notes in Passing.’” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 5.

Freundlich, Paul. “Conversations, Continuity, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 38-39.

Freundlich, Paul. “Co-op America: An Invitation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 51.

Freundlich, Paul. “Cooperation, Competition, and the Pursuit of Excellence.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 52-54.

Freundlich, Paul. “Creating Community in ‘New Heaven’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 33-35.

Freundlich, Paul. “Culture: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 137-138.

Freundlich, Paul. “Daedalus and Icarus Fly Home.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 26-29. Fiction about Daedalus Community

Freundlich, Paul. “The Dance of Expansive Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 50-51.

Freundlich, Paul. “Dancing between Network and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 65.

Freundlich, Paul. “Dancing in Dangerous Times.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 6.

Freundlich, Paul. “Economics and Work.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 31-32.

Freundlich, Paul. “El Salvador: Ghost Images.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 32-33.

Freundlich, Paul. “Exemplars: An Introduction.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 48-49.

Freundlich, Paul. “Exploring Cooperative Futures.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 6-7.

Freundlich, Paul. “Exploring Cooperative Futures, Part Two: Work is More Than a Job.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 77-79.

Freundlich, Paul. “Exploring Cooperative Futures, Part Three: The Ties that Bind.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 6.

Freundlich, Paul. “Family, Tribe, and Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 71.

Freundlich, Paul, ed. “The Great Alternative Life Group in the Sky . . . Five Years Later.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 (December 1979/January 1980: 9-23.

Freundlich, Paul. “Have You Heard The One About . . . ?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 4-7. Reprinted in No. 56 with subtitle Journal of Cooperation (December 1982/January 1983): 28-30.

Freundlich, Paul. “Heaven Can’t Wait.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): [ii], 64. Reprinted in No. 56 with subtitle Journal of Cooperation (December 1982/January 1983): 31-32.

Freundlich, Paul. “Homeplace Community Fund.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 1. Advertisement

Freundlich, Paul. “I Want A Paper Tiger I Can Call My Own.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 20-23.

Freundlich, Paul. “Introducing This Issue.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 1-2.

[Freundlich], Paul. “Introducing This Issue: Community Learning.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): Inside front cover.

Freundlich], Paul. “Introducing This Issue: The Future of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978): Inside front cover.

Freundlich, Paul. “Love Is Not Quite All U Need.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 32-33.

Freundlich, Paul. “Marketing the Movement: If the Business of the USA is Doing Business, Let’s Do It Our Way.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 45-46.

Freundlich, Paul. “Models and Paths.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 34-36.

Freundlich, Paul. “Networking or Don’t Get Fazed by the Maze.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 25-27. Consumer Cooperative Alliance

Freundlich, Paul. “Notes In Passing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 44-45.

Freundlich, Paul. “Notes in Passing Blog Post #3: ‘CERES, For a Living Planet’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 4.

Freundlich, Paul. “Notes in Passing: Traveling by Doggerel, Summer 1977.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 7-19.

Freundlich, Paul. “Notes in Passing: Values Worth Replicating.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 10.

Freundlich, Paul. “Personals.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 6.

Freundlich, Paul. “Return to Agua Caliente.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 8.

Freundlich, Paul. “Seeking Brigadoon: A Community of Dance-Campers Finds a Permanent Homeplace.” Online article associated with COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018),

Freundlich, Paul. “Survey of Democratic Businesses.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 73-74.

Freundlich, Paul. “Tales from the Tr#mpery.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 6.

Freundlich, Paul. “Thoughts about The Old Folks at Home.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 4-7. Comment on Michael Bishop’s The Old Folks At Home (1978)

Freundlich, Paul, ed. “Three Economic Perspectives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 17-23.

Freundlich, Paul, ed. “Towards a Community Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978): 2-4.

Freundlich, Paul. “Trust and Talk.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 6.

Freundlich, Paul. “The Two Realms of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 68, 67.

Freundlich, Paul. “Virtual Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 10, 17.

Freundlich, Paul. “The Way We Were: Editing Communities, 1975-1984.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 39-42.

Freundlich, Paul, ed. “Passages” What Have We Learned/” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 32-63.

Fried, Amy. “The Berkeley Free Clinic.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 19-22.

Friedlund, Damien. “Honesty and Intimacy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 21-24.

Friendshuh, Renay. “A Brother Lost.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 16-17 on the death of Ceilee Sandhill, with a sidebar “Remembering Ceilee” by his father, Laird Schaub.

Friendshuh, Renay. “Communities of Intention in Peru, Ecuador, and Beyond: A Summer of Travel and Rediscovering Communal Roots.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 20-23.

Friendshuh, Renay. “Grief and Love for a Mentor and Friend.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 11.

“The Frivolity Caucus.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 19.

Frome, Taylor. “The East Wind ‘Child Process’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 19-20.

Fromm, Dorit. “Central Living in the Netherlands: The Influence of Architecture on Social Structure.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 121-123.

Fromm, Dorit and Els de Jong. “Community and Health: Immigrant Senior Cohousing in the Netherlands.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 50-53.

“Front Range Futures.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 23-27.

Frothingham, Dianne. “Community Design Forum.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 64.

“Frustrations of a Cottage Industry.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 47-49.

Fuchs, Ben. “Money as ‘Shadow’ Issue at Findhorn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 33-37.

[Furchgott, Eve]. “Beheading of Greeneyed Monster.” By Even Eve (pseud.). Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 26-29.

[Furchgott, Eve]. “Cinderella Goes Hip.” By Even Eve (pseud.). Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 19-28.

[Furchgott, Eve]. “Far Out West.” By Even Eve (pseud.). Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 ((December 1979/January 1980: 43-46.

[Furchgott, Eve]. “Multiple Parenting: Kerista The First Eight Years.” By Even Eve (pseud.). Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 28-31.

[Furchgott, Eve]. “Social Contract of the Gestalt-O-Rama: Do-It-With-Friends Mental Health System.” By Even Eve (pseud.). Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 38-44.

Furchgott, Eve. “The Soul of Intentional Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 41-42.

Furchgott, Eve. “What Happened to Kerista.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 31-33.

“Further Thoughts on a Community Changes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 20. Responses to Brause, Dianne G. “Elderhood, In and Out of Community.”

Fuson, Steve. “Padanaram Village School.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 83-85.

“Future of the Counter-Culture: Conference at Santa Barbara February 24-25, 1973.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 9-10.


Gabriel, Simona. “The Person I Became.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 35. The Farm

Gallagher, Brandy. “Making It Naturally Affordable: O.U.R. Ecovillage Breaks Regulatory Ground.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 42-43.

Gallagher, Brandy and Elke Cole. “The Marriage of Natural Building with Conventional Building.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 59-63.

Gallagher, Brandy. “Redefining Work.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 38, 75.

Gallagher, Brandy. “Reflecting on a Quarter Century of O.U.R. History.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 59.

Gallagher, Brandy. “When No is Just an Uneducated Yes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 39-43.

Gallagher, Maureen. “Intentional Communities: Something Old, Something New.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 48-51.

Gallant, Allan D. “Community-based Economic Development as viewed by a seasoned practitioner.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 10-11.

Gardner, Kristen and Michael G. Smith. “Family Style” Income Sharing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 39-43.

G[ardner], K[risten] and M[ichael] G. S[mith]. “Nonprofit Land Ownership and Member Equity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 41.

Gaskin, Carol Ladas. “A-Frames.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 10-12. Excerpted from the author’s unpublished book Life in the Wilderness.

Gaskin, Carol Ladas. “Water: Life in the Wilderness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 8-9. Excerpt from a not-yet-published book.

Gaskin, Stephen. “Stephen Gaskin Running for President in 2000.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 10-11.

Gaston, Sean. “Living ‘Lord of the Flies’ at Strange Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 15-18. Part rpt. from the Fall 19994 issue.

“Gatherings ‘83.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 9-20. Association for Humanistic Psychology; Midwest Academy Retreat; Consumer Co-op Alliance; Dance New England; Peoples March for Jobs, Peace and Freedom

Gauthier, Monique, ed. “Communities, the Millennium, & Y2K.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 22-59.

Geddes, Alexandra. “A Day in the Life of a Free-Range Toddler.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 61-63. Emerald Earth, CA

Gelberg, Steven J. (Subhananda Das). “On Leaving the ‘Hare Krishnas’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 39-42.

“GEN-US.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 6-7.

GEN-US. “How will your community celebrate the North American Day of Sustainable Communities?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 9.

G[enauer], E[than]. “Essential Questions about Food Scarcity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 40.

G[enauer], E[than]. “How Vulnerable Are We to Food Scarcity? The Relationship Between Oil and Food.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 37.

Genauer, Ethan. “Peak Oil & Community Food Security.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 36-41, 62-63.

Genovese, Jeremy. “Esperanto: The Rise, Fall, and Rise of an Intentional Language Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 50-51.

Genser, Julie. “Beyond Sustainability: Building for Health accommodating people with environmental intolerances in intentional community living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010):60-64.

George, Alice J. “Raising Troubled Children in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 49-52.

Geroe. “Seeds.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 10-17. LimeSaddle

Geroe. “What Makes a Circus Work.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 42-44.From the November 1974 issue

Gerri. “Government at Twin Oaks.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 7-9.

Gibbons, Jim. “Economics: Stepping Stone to Political Justice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 4-10.

Giglio, Nick. “Sunrise Ranch and the International Emissary Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 46-48.

Gilboa, Yehoshua. “My Home Is My Castle.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 40-45. Reprinted from Shdemot, No. 7 (1977). Kibbutz

Gillespie, Manda. “Ecovillages: Living with Fewer Trade-offs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 52-54.

Gilman, Diane A. and John L. Talbott. “Findhorn to Host International Eco-Village Conference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 17.

Gilman, Robert. “The Idea of Owning Land.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 109-113.

Gimnig, Karen. “Change, Challenge, and New Directions in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 55-57.

Gimnig, Karen. “Changing Skies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 10.

Ginsburg, Tatiana. “The Ballad of Shiram.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 26-28. Russian community.

Giovale, Hilary. “Chicken à la West Birch Avenue.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 52-53.

Giovale, Hilary. “Kinship and Climate Justice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 15-17.

Gita. “Kripalu Ashram: An Experiment in Love.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 6-9.

Gizycki, Horst von. “Rainbows and Networks in West Germany.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 37-39.

Gladstone, Arthur. “Project Share.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 29.

Gladu, Cheryl. “Eco-Design for Behavior Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 60-61.

Gladu, Cheryl. “The House of Rebels.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 60-61. La Maison des RebElles in Québec.

Glaser, Kristin and Eugene Gendlin. “Changes.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 30-36. Community/help group in the Hyde Park area of Chicago.

Glaser, Linda B. “Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in Cohousing Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 35-37.

Glass, Jay. “On Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 24.

Gleeson, Devin and Dr. Mark Nelson. “A Conversation with Biospherian Dr. Mark Nelson.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 18-21.

“Glimpses.” Communities, No. 8 (May/June 1974): 49.

Glotzbach, Bob. “Moon Valley: A Community on the Horizon?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 62-63.

Glover, Paul. “An Abundance of Small, Sustainable Solutions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 48-49.

Glover, Paul. “Making Our Own Sustainable Local Economy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 54-55.

Glover, Paul. “‘Mutual Enterprise’: Creating New Jobs Locally.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 54-55.

Glover, Paul. “Our Own Low-Cost Health Fund: How Communitarians, or Anyone Else, Can Benefit from this Grassroots ‘Insurance’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 12-14.

Gobbett, Don. “From 78 to 73 in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 50. Age

Goens, Arlene. “Moving into community as a senior.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 36.

Goering, Richard. “Project America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 44-47.

Goering, Richard. “Renascence Project: Reducing Ideas . . . . to Practice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 14-19.

Goeztke, Matthew and Diedra Heitzman. “Quarantining at Camphill: Distance, Warmth, and an Unknown Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 56-58.

“Going Solar? Making It Happen.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 52-53.

Gold, Stephen. “Joining a Cohousing Community: Risks and Rewards.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 53-57.

Golden, Jeff. “Common Fire’s Top Ten Hard-Earned Tips for Community Success.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 38-43. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 22-26.

Golden, Jeff. “NOT the Last of the Mohicans: Honoring Our Native Predecessors on the Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 35-39.

Gomez, Carlos “Pato”. “Gratamira Social Club: The Ecovillage Lies Within.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 54-56.

“Good Meetings: Business Well-Being.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 12-15.

Good, Riana. “Belonging, for the Long Haul.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 18-19, with a sidebar “What Does it Mean to Belong?” on 19.

Good, Riana. “Changing Our Language to Reflect Our Reality.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 40-43.

Good, Riana. “In Praise of Being: Lifestyle as an act of Politics and Power.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 37-39, with a sidebar “Tikkun Olam—World Repair” on 39.

Good, Riana. “An Interview with Uncle Willi.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 24-25.

Good, Riana. “Journey To and Through Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 10-12.

Good, Riana. “Surveillance and Fences: Safety and Separation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 25-27.

Good, Riana. “A Vision of Simplicity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 39-40, with a sidebar “Work—Leisure—Rest” on 40.

Good, Riana. “‘You Spot It, You Got It’—Challenges of the Mirror.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 18-19.

Goodhue, Gary. “Affordability at Sunrise Ranch.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 28-29.

Goodman, Lynne. “Little Intimacies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 34. Part of “Three Perspectives on Intimacy in Community” (32-34).

Goodwin, Kim. “Affordability: Angst and Angels.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 18-21.

Goodwin, Kim. “Cultivating Peace for the Long Haul.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 40.

Gordon, Mildred, for the Ganas Community. “Intentional Communities as Laboratories: Learning Participatory Management & Direct Democracy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 54-58. Reprinted in Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 126-131.

Gordon, Mildred. “Ganas: The Feedback Learning Experiment.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 57-59.

Gordon, Pamela. “Women in Ancient Epicurean Communities: ‘Companions’ or Philosophers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 30-32.

Gordon, Pamela. “Women in Ancient Epicurean Communities: ‘Companions’ or Philosophers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 30-32.

Gordon, Ron. “Viral Poetry for a New Age.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 68. Three poems.

Gorenflo, Neal. “Activating the Urban Common.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 40-46.

Gorley, Patty Mara. “Should We Lock Our Community Buildings?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 20. Excerpted from Cohousing-L Listserv.

Gottlieb, Stephen. “How To Start a Parent Coop Daycare Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 4-5.

Gottlieb, Steve. “Which Came First? The Politics or the Kids.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 6-7.

Gourley, Patty Mara. “Challenge, Resolution, Dreams Come True: What makes for ‘community spirit’ after cohousing move-in?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 42-46.

Graham, Ritchie. “Path With a Behaviorist Heart.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 42-44.

Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley. “‘Come and See the Life We Share’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 28.

Granston, Dianne and Margaret Flinter. “Health Care Coops: Diagnosis and Prognosis.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 37-40.

“Grapevine.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 47-52. A lot of very short notes. Like the later directories

“Grapevine.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 46-50. A lot of very short notes. Like the later directories

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 46-51. Nethers Community, Peace Bread and Land Band, Lime-Saddle Cooperative, Rainbow Farm, Family Synergy, People’s Farm, Religious Society of Families, New Community Projects, The Ithaca Project

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 45-56. Love is Our Nature, Inc., North Mountain, Merion, Twin Oaks, A Therapeutic Community of Communes, Lime Saddle, Leatherbark Community Farm, Koinonia, Nethers Community, Springtree, New York, Ananda Cooperative Village, ‘New Life’ Community in the French Alps, Iris Mountain, Utopia, USA Revisited, Heathcote Community (Part I), Ithaca Project, Crow Hall, Norfolk, England, Vermont

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 46-50. Short notes from thirteen communities

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 47-48, 50-52. Brief notes on twelve communities

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 36-44. Active Acres Cooperative, Community Service, Inc., The Dinkey Story, Garden of Joy Blues, The Greenhouse, The Farm, Living Communion Association, The Ithaca Project, Mendocino Farm & Folk School, Nethers Community School, Pahana Town Forum, Springtree, North Mountain, Leaves of Twin Oaks

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 6 (December [1973]-January 1974): 51-55. Acorn, Bhoodan Center, Fight/CI., Harbin Hot Springs, International Pioneer Academy of San Francisco, Koinonia, Lime Saddle, North Mountain, Pahana

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 39-46. Vocations for Social Change, Maccabee Farm / Hunters Lodge, Ananda, New Community Projects, Valley Cooperative School, Project Artaud, Communitarian Village, The Village of Arts + Ideas, Dinky, ISCE, Twin Oaks — Juniper, Ohana Aloha

“Grapevine.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 40-48.

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July/August 1974): 59-62. Camphill Village, East River Community, Hunters Lodge, I Am, Batavia Community, Entwood, Big Island Creek Folks, The Farm, Havurah Shalom, Plow Creek Fellowship, Dinky Universal Church, 100 Mile Lodge, Magic Animal Farm, Free State of the Ark, Nethers Community School, Ananda Marga Yoga, Headlands, The Purple Submatine, Springtree, Iris Mountain, Alternative LifeStyle Community, Julian Woods Community, The Graniteville Commune

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 50-55. PS.S. Free U, Alternative to Alienation, Human Dancing Co., Twin Oaks, Safespace Island, Cedarwood, The Karum Group, Inc., Concord, Lime Saddle

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 54-57. Ananda, Maple Hill, Mullein Hill, Mountain Grove, Nethers, Twin Oaks

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 48-53. Short notes on Lighthouse Ranch, Cedarwood, Community of the Simple Life, Grateful Union, Springtree, Plowshare, Forest River Community, New Dvaraka, A Woman’s Place, Fellowship of Believers

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 56-57.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (March/April 1976): 72-73.

“The Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 72-73. Miccosukee Land Cooperative, Arcosanti, Ananda Apprentice Program, Rainbow Family Tribal Gathering

“The Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 48-50. Crabapple, East Wind, Twin Oaks, New Life Foundation, Family Synergy, Dandelion

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 49-51. East Wind, North Mountain, Walden Two Week, Philadelphia Life Center, Twin Oaks, Kerista, Aliya

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 52-53. Ananda, Springtree, East Wind, Open House Community

“Grapevine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 52, 55.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May/June 1977): 23. Aliya, Dandelion, The Birth Center

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 50-51. A Woman’s Place, Integrity, and notes on newsletters

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 46-50.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 55-56. Older women’s network and feminist publishing

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 60-61.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 47-49.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 55-56.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 (December 1979/January 1980): 50-54.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 54-57.

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 63-64. Kibbutz, Gordon Park Food Co-op

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 51-54. Miscellaneous notes, Camphill

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 46-47. Notes on Gesundheit Institute and West Coast Network

“Grapevine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 52-55. Open House Community. 3HO, Ananda Update, Utopian Studies Conference

“Grapevine: Shannon Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 51-52.

Grassie, Sheryl. “Canine Community and the Dog that Other Dogs Hate.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 87.

Grassie, Sheryl. “My Unintentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 34-35.

Gravestock, Lynn. “Another Briarpatch Story.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 31-32. Article from the Collective Networker Newsletter

“The Great Alternative Life Group in the Sky . . . Five Years Later, part 2.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 38-43.

Greco, Thomas H., Jr. “Network Memo.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 67-69.

Green, Craig. “Recipe for a ‘Tribal Synergistic Ecovillage’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 25-27.

Green, Mike. “Finding my Heart at Camphill Soltane.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 54-57.

Greenberg, Arnold. “Deep Run School of Homesteading.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 46.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Chaos & Community: Memories of a ‘Wild Child”.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 29-31. Interview of Sean Gaston

Greenberg, Daniel. “Child-Adult Friendships, Part I.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 17.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Child-Adult Friendships, Part II.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 17.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Children in Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 61-64.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Children in Community: Fairyland or Fairy Tale?” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 130-34.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Children in Community: Multiple Parenting in Community: The Disadvantages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 22-23.

Greenberg, Daniel. “College Courses on Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 53-55.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Communities Where You Can Learn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 49-52.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Community Children and the ‘Outside World.’” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 19.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Ecovillages and Academia.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 34-37.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Intentional Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 18-19.

Greenberg, Daniel. “An Invitation to Share Your Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 4.

Greenberg, Daniel. “An Invitation to Share Your Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 6.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Keeping Our Children Safe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 56-57.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Learning About Community Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 62-63.

Greenberg, Daniel, ed. “Let’s Go! Learning Opportunities About Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 26-56.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Let’s Go! Learning Opportunities About Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 26-29.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Local Solutions to Global Warming: Paying for Our Carbon Meal.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 38-40.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Multiple Parenting in Community: The Advantages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 24-25.

Greenberg, Daniel. “On Placemaking and Butterflies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 32-33.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Peer Relationships.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 12.

Greenberg, Daniel. “A Place in the Tribe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 22-23.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Ring of Fire.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 59-60.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Spirituality and Ecovillage Education.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 56-57.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Supporting Children in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 22-23.

Greenberg, Daniel. “The View from 2060.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 38.

Greenberg, Daniel. “Why Educate in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 19.

Greenberg, Jonathan. “Adapting to ‘Overnight’ Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 34-39.

“Greenbriar Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 43-45.

Greene, Patricia. “Living the (Almost) Petrol-Free Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 56-58.

Greene, Patricia. “Seriously Seeking Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 26-31.

Greene, Patricia. “Seriously Seeking Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 20-24.

Greenstone, Sandra, with Clinton Greenstone, M.D. “Taking the Leap of Faith.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 40-41. Sunward Cohousing, Ann Arbor, MI

Greenwood, Leslie. “Leadership and the Cost of Eggs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 59.

Greenwood, Leslie. “Life in a Fishbowl.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 30-31.

Greenwood, Leslie. “Growing Pains.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 14.

Greenwood, Leslie. “Why Women’s Space.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 39. Poem Twin Oaks

Greenwood, Leslie. “Women in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 23-25.

Griebe, Kat. “Selecting Members for Your Commune.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 12-15. Abstracted and rpt. in Mushroom (New Zealand), No. 4 (Summer 1976): 11-13.

Grinde, Bjørn. “Happiness in Communal Life: A Scientific Project.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 80, 78-79.

Grindle, Lance, M.D. “Waldos: Health Care as Politics in Ecuador.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 36-38.

Groody, Ed. “‘You Mean We Have to Keep on Growing?’” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 34-39.

Grossberg, Jeff. “Manifesting Our Dreams: Community & the ‘Ways of the World’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 25-29.

Grossberg, Jeff. “Morals, Values, & Money: An Interview with Chuck Matthei.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 46-50.

Grossberg, Jeff, ed. “Values, Vision, & Money.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 25-51.

Grossman, Richard. “The Greening of Heartwood Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 11-13.

Grossman, Richard. “The Investment’s Fine—Join the Pool.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 58.

Grossman, Richard and the Common Facilities Team of Heartwood Cohousing. “Eco-Energy at Heartwood Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 66-67.

“Growing Up at Los Horcones. Deborah Altus Interviews Juan Robinson-Bustamente.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 53-57

Grubb, Jason and Mason Vollmer. “Community Composting: A Transformative Practice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 48-51.

Grubman, Emily. “All Eyes on Us? Pondering How to Balance Privacy and Transparency while Dating in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 23-24.

Grubman, Emily. “Lost and Found in the Valley.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 16-17.

Gruneberg, Martin. “Mutual Housing Associations: A New Housing Alternative for America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 22-23.

Grunthaner, Teri Lynn. “Leaning into Vulnerability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 35-38.

Grzywinski, Ron. “The National Consumer Cooperative Bank and Opportunities in Community Development.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 4-9.

Guarneri, Carl. “The Fourierist Movement in America.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 50-54.

Guesman, Stephen. “Community Is Messy—So Why Bother?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 36-37.

Guess, Josina. “About That Clothesline…” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 32-33.

Guess, Josina. “Putting Our Lives on the Line.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 12-13.

Gueymard, Marianne. “It Is My Turn.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 54, 74.

“A Guide to MNS Regional Contacts and Literature.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 32-33.

Guyer, Cynthia. “Conference on Alternative State and Local Policy.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 107.

Gyhra, Jane. “My Marathon Tour of Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 24-28.


Haas, Ain. “Worker Ownership and Community Salvation: The Rath Packing Company.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 39-40.

Haas, Lois. “Familia.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 37-41.

Haddad, Gabrielle. “How To Survive Communal Living.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 11-13.

Haenke, David. “Bioregionalism and Community: A Call to Action.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 117-120.

Haenke, David L. “Ozark Evolutionary From 1971 – 1976.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 32-35.

Hagamen, Lindsay. “Crossing over the Threshold: Transitioning the Windward Community to the Next Generation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 12-15.

Hagamen, Lindsay. “Economy, Community, and Place.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 31-33.

Hagamen, Lindsay. “Ecosexuality: Embracing a Force of Nature.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 27-29.

Hagamen, Lindsay. “Glimpsing the Wild Within: The Sacred Violence of Eating.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 55-57.

Hagamen, Lindsay and Walt Patrick. “Is Windward Egalitarian? Well, Sort Of . . .” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 44-47.

Hagamen, Lindsay. “Taking Death by the Hand.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 24-26.

Hagamen, Lindsay and Walt Patrick. “Technology in Service of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 47-51.

Haggard, Ben. “The Permaculture-Ecovillage Connection.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 55.

Haggard, Ben. “Zuni Mountain Sanctuary: From Habit to Habitat.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 29-30, 50.

Hahn, Roger. “Dance Haven.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 139-141.

Haines, Pamela. “Taking Back the Night.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 16-19.

Haines, Pamela. “Taking Back the Night.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 56 (December 1982/January 1983): 8-10. Rpt. from No. 19.

Hall, Burl. “Healthy Community; Health People.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 42-43.

Hall, Merry. “Affording a New Community: a Story of Persistence.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 64, 78.

Hall, Robert. “Establishing Community in Hard Times: A Swedish Case.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 42-45.

Hallbach, Dieter. “Utopian Polish and the Dust of Everyday Life: Twenty-Five Years of Creative Failure—What Can We Learn from the ZEGG Experiment?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 55-58, 76.

Hallsmith, Gwendolyn. “Ecovillage Infrastructure: The Skeleton of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 22-23, 74.

Hamler, Denise. “Consumer co-op Alliance: Institute ‘82’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 50.

Hamm, Zane. “Creatinf Family Where We Are Now” Building sustainable communities with the next generation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 60-61, 77.

Hancock, Allen. “Social Class & Money in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 30-32.

Hanley, Julia. “Living Routes Cyclone Relief Fund In Support of the Rebuilding Efforts of Auroville Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 11.

Hansman-Spice, Kathryn. “Education for Cooperation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 32-44.

“Happy Birthday, New Haven Food Coop.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 69-70.

Harasta, Jesse. “The Gift of Compost.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 37.

Harb, Ryan. “UMass Amherst Permaculture” Leading by Example. Creating One of the First Permaculture Gardens on a Public University Campus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 56-57, 76.

“Hard Lessons From Our Children.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 63.

Harden, Tom and Melissa Wenig. “An Alternative. An Interview with Alexandra Wilson.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 8-11. Cooperative Housing

Harden, Tom. “Nicaragua: To witness their struggle.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 29-34.

Harden, Tom. “Urban Ecology: Berkeley, Davis, Oakland, San Bernardino.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 18-23.

Hardin, Jesse Wolf. “The Ecology of Community, Part I: Commitment to Place.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 51-53.

Hardin, Jesse Wolf. “The Ecology of Community, Part II: Reinhabiting and Restoring Community Land.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 17-20.

Hardin, Joyce. “The Tucson’s [no ‘s in Table of Contents] People’s Yellow Pages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 29-33.

Harman, Margaret. “Friendship & Shared Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 60-61.

Harrick, Jack. “Computer use for retail and wholesale coops: An introduction.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 17-19.

Harris, Laura. “Harmonious Homemade Habitat.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 16-18.

Hart, Amy. “Perennial Lessons from Historical Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 47-48.

Hartford Courant Editorial Board. “Zoning Squabble: Family Is What Family Does.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 29. Originally published in the Hartford Courant (Hartford, CT) (November 21, 2014).

Hartnett, Tim, Ph.D. “Thinking Flexibly About Consensus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 62-63.

Hassanein, Audrey. “Healing Ourselves at Home: Favorite Books.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 58-59.

Hastings, Woody. “Intentional Electricity: The Challenges and Rewards of Community Power.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 41-43.

Hauk, Marna and Emily Heindsmann. “Building With Mud.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 36-40.

Hawley, Christina. “New Alchemy.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 94-97.

Hazel, Tomi and Megan Fehrman. “Rural Report: Community Inventory in Transition Times.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 36-38. An earlier version was published in Permaculture Design Magazine and in the local newspaper Applegator.

Head, Marian. “Getting Everyone to Agree: From the Geneva Cohousing Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 16.

“Healing Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 44. Kripalu Center, Lenox, MA.

“Health.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 41-43.

“Health: Compost Privy Basics.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 47-50.

“Health Misc.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 18-19.

Healy, Janel. “’Appropriate’ Technology and Community on the Path to Resiliency.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 10-11.

Healy, Janel. “Balancing the Act: How Much Are You Willing to Share?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 20-23.

Healy, Janel. “Self-Reliance In and Out of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 32.

Healy, Janel. “Singing for the Cameras: Reality TV = Community Exposure?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 80, 79.

Heben, Andrew. “From Camp to Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 24-25, 75.

Heckler, Richard Strozzi interviewed by Paul DeLapa. “Aikido: Moving Toward a Cooperative Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 46-49.

Heider, John Frederick. “Living in Paradox: A Utopian Soap Opera.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 53-56. Fiction

Heidi and Joyce. “Demystifying ‘Man Made’ Technology.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 2-4.

Heitzman, Diedra and Jan Martin Bang. “Camphill: Working with Special People.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 52-54.

H[eller], C[hristina]. “Behind the Scenes of the Construction Set.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 79.

Heller, Christina. “Renewing the Human Spirit: Igniting the Spark and Maintaining the Flame.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 80, 78-79.

Hellman, Steve and Daniel Spiro. “Ridgewood Ranch: A Mecca For Adaptive Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 30-33.

“Helpful Hints.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 44-45.

Helyar, Roger. “The Story of Glaneirw House Community.” Edited by Vince [Zager]. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 52-54.

Henderson, Denise. “Ozark Regional Land Trust.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 23-28.

Henfrey, Tom. “Permaculture, Community, and Climate Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 28-29.

Henson, Dave with Albert Bates Allen Butcher, and Diana Leafe Christian. “Legal Structures for Intentional Communities in the United States.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 91-100.

Hepburn, John. “From Conversation to Community: How a Bunch of Mates Bought Some Land Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 43-45.

Hertzman, Ellen. “Cohousing: A New Type of Housing for the Way We Live.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 57-60.

Hierta, Ebba and Michael F. Buda. “Co-ops Come To Michigan School Systems.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 6-8. Reprinted from Contact Magazine

Hierta, Ebba. “Co-op Education in a Decade of Challenge: A Synergy of Past and Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 17-19.

Hightower, Jim. “Passionate Candidates at a Grassroots Level.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 4-8.

Hildago, Enrique. “Ecovillages in Four Directions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 8-9.

Hildalgo, Enrique. “How to Really Support Ecovillages (Not Just Hugs and Theories).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 19-22.

Hidalgo, Enrique. “Spiritual Beings, Material World.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 47-49.

Hildebrand, Stan. “Food, Glorious Food: At Sandhill Farm, community life is organized around growing, processing, and enjoying delicious, organic food.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 45-47.

Hildebrand, Stan. “Looking Back: 25 Years at Sandhill Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 18-20.

Hildebrand, Stan. “Sandhill Sorghum Festival.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 40-41.

Hillendahl, Rev. Lou. “A Community of Counselor Pioneers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 39-41. Wesleyan Christian Community

H[iller], M[arty]. “E[co]V[illage at] I[thaca’s] Activism in the Wider Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 40.

Hiller, Marty. “A New Root Cellar, Bulk Buying, and Two CSAs.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 36-37, 39-40. EcoVillage at Ithaca.

H[iller], M[arty]. “Other E[co]V[illage at] I[thaca] Responses to Energy Decline.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 38.

Hiller, Marty. “Take a Deep Breath . . . and Plunge.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 50-54.

Hillis, Jane. “When You Feel All Alone.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 33-34. Part of “Three Perspectives on Intimacy in Community” (32-34).

Hinds, J.T. “The Changing Landscape of the Law: Experiences in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 47-50.

Hines, Dana. “Grassroots Activism Starts at Home.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 50, 75.

Hirsch, Audrey. “Turning It Over.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 34-37. Interview with Meg Christian, feminist musician

Hirsch, Stephanie. “Southern Hospitality, ‘Cotton Patch’ Style.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 33-35.

Hirsch, Suzanne. “The Quest for Communal Life in New York City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 60-62.

Hirsch-Tauber, Ethan. “NextGEN: Growing a Youth Movement within the Ecovillage Network.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 52-54.

Hirsch-Tauber, Ethan. “Permaculture as a Tool for Ecological Community Design.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 50-53. Auroville.

Hitchings, Rob. “APT Design and Development: Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 15-18.

Hluchy, Patricia. “Housing—Is There a Better Way?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 14-16. Reprinted from the Toronto Star (December 11, 1982).

Hoak, Susan. “Seabrook: A Political Community Mobilizes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 2-8.

Hoch, Susan. “Clamshell Alliance.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 129-130.

H[off], C[olette]. “How You Can Form a Women’s Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 38. Goodenough Community.

Hoff, Colette. “Still Thriving After All These Years.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 40-43. Goodenough Community.

Hoff, Colette. Valuing a Culture of Women.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 34-37, 72-73. Goodenough Community.

Hoff, John L. “Community: A Conciliatory Concept.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 30.

Hoffman, Joe. “A Different Kind of Family.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 ((December 1979/January 1980: 26-28.

Hoffman, Joe. “Introducing Isaac Dylan.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 ((December 1979/January 1980: 28.

Hoffman, P. J. “MNS Sprouts in the Savannah Sands.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 34-36.

Hoffman, Sheila and Spencer Beard. “Community-Building in the City.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 58-59.

“Holistic Health Care in Community: Help us with our Spring ’99 Holistic Health & Healing Issue.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998):52-53.

Hollenbach, Molly. “A Nomad Ponders Family and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 15-20.

Holley, Marcia. “The Personal can be Political.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 6-9.

Hollick, Malcolm. “How Community Values Conquered Climate Change. A Future History.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 29-32, 71.

Hollick, Malcolm & Christine Connelly. “Learning From Ecovillages Worldwide.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 62-64.

[Hollister, Don]. “A Community of Communes.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 36-40. Includes letters from Joyce Reimherr, Urban Mission, Philadelphia, on problems involved in creating a community, and Mark Alan Burch, reprinted from Alternate Society, which develops the idea of a community of communes.

Holloway, Bill. “Toronto Report.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 68-69.

Hollowell, Irena. “Affordability: What It’s Good For.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 33, 73.

Hollowell, Irena. “Southern Exposure Seed Exchange Wrestles with Growth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 16-17.

Hollyday, Joyce. “Being Human.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 16-17.

Holmes, Dale. “Love in the Workplace.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 24-25.

Holsinger, Martin. “Agreements and Individuality, The Farm’s ‘Multistery,’ and My Shotgun Wedding.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 37-41. See the comment on the article by Sharon Blick and Holsinger’s response at “Date Rape, Apologies, and the Evolution of Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 4-5.

Holsinger, Martin. “Baptism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 26-28. The Farm

Holsinger, Martin. “A Generation Betrayed: The Spoiled Legacy of the Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 26-34.

Holsinger, Martin. “Memories of a Mental Nudist Colony.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 16-17. Poem. The Farm.

Holstein, Alice A., Ed.D. “Tough Grace: Mental Illness as a Spiritual Path.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 26-29.

Home, Marybeth. “Reinventing Village and Family: Friends and Lovers Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 59-62.

“Honoring Philip Berrigan, Robert Swan.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 10.

Hoppe, Emilie. “Amana: Errors and Inaccuracies.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 4-5.

Hoppe, Emilie. “‘Life Is But a Pilgrimage’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 51-53, 64. Amana

Hornickel, Jack; Jim Oldham; and Johanna Rosen. “Preparing the Ground for an Innovative Farm Community–Orange County, New York.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 49-53 with sidebars “How Shared Farm Ownership Works” on 51 and “The Organizations Supporting This Effort” on 52.

Horton, Lucy. “My Path to a Commune.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 24-27.

Horton, Scott and Diana Leafe Christian. “101 Art Projects Your Community Can Do.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55.

Horton, Scott. “We’re Only Human.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 26-27.

Hovemann, Glenn. “Alpha.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 20-23.

Hovey, Jillian. “Permaculture: A Brief Introduction.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 101-02.

“How can I keep from Singing? Reflections on Cultural Imperialism and Who Can Own a Song.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 6-7.

“How to Encourage Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 52.

“How to Get Along with Your Asperger’s Neighbor.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 58.

Hoyle, David. “Findhorn’s Village Economy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 38-39.

Hoyt, Ann. “Child Care and the Cooperative Model.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 36-37.

Huckabay, Geoffrey. “After the Harbin Fire: Reflections on a Community Disrupted, Not Defeated.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 53-54.

Huckabay, Geoffrey. “In the Shadow of the Guru.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 38-40.

Hudson, Rick. “Educo of the Sea.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 28-29.

Huff, John L. “The New Hard Times: ‘Help Me Think Through This’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 23.

Hug, Hilary and Robin Bayer. “Can We Afford Not To?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 55-58.

Hug, Kathryn H., PhD. “Generational Bonding.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 13-14.

Hughes, Ethan with Less Stitt and the Possibility Alliance. “As Is: Secrets to Having Enough.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 38-42, 75.

Hughes, Ethan. “Back to Life: Returning from the Virtual to the Real.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 14-19.

Hughes, Ethan. “The Case for Mass Civil Disruption and Resistance: The story of how 15 intentional communities and experiments came together to form a national coalition to defend life, come hell or high water.” Ed. Laila Johnson and Gavain U’Prichard. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 40-42.

Hughes, Ethan and Sarah Wilcox-Hughes. “A World of Possibility: Communities & Global Transformation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 26-32.

Huling, Ahkua. “From India to Nepal to Northern California: Beyond the ‘Dream’ of Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 29-30.

H[ummel], A[beja]. “The New Membership Challenge.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 15.

Hummel, Abeja. “Self-Reliance, Right Livelihood, and Economic ‘Realities’: Finding Peace in Compromise.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 12-15.

Hummel, Abeja. “Standing in the Fire (actually, lighting it).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 8-11 with a sidenote “Notes from a Parched Land” on 11.

Hummel, Abeja [Judy]. “Want an Ecovillage? Stay Put!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 44.

Humphries, Sue and Naomi Pryluck. “Womancraft.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 22-25.

Hunter, Kim. “Those Who Sow Together Grow Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 29-30.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Addressing Climate Change: Two Generations at Heart-Culture Farm Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 25-27.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Belonging and a Life of Service: Remembering Nathan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 76, 75. Nathan Nelson.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Circular Fertility Cycles in an Integrated Permaculture Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 26-27.

Huntermoon. Kara. “Class, Race, and Privilege in Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 40-42. Heart-Culture Farm Community, Oregon

Huntermoon, Kara. “Community as a Super-Organism: Boundary Circles in Response to Persistent Difficult Behavior.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 46-49, with a sidebar “Heart-Culture’s Community Ownership/Decision-Making Structures” on 49.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Consent Culture Requires Liberation from Oppression.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 8-10.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Lessons on the Road to Community Stability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 8-11.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Long-Term Relationship Crucibles: A Model.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 18-20.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Managing Conflict: What Really Matters.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 15-17 with a sidebar “Dr. Gottman’s Four Horses of the Apocalypse (and their antidotes).”

Huntermoon, Kara. “Raising Kids in a Farming Community: Myriad’s Mom Responds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 24-25.

Huntermoon, Kara. “Together on this Ground.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 29-31. Heart-Culture Farm

Huntermoon, Kara. “Transitioning to a Handcraft Economy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 32-33.

Huntermoon. Kara. “Why Diversity Is Good for Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 43-44. Heart-Culture Farm Community, Oregon

Huntermoon, Myriad. “Growing Up at Heart-Culture Farm Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 22-23.

Huntington, Gertrude Enders. “Age, Gender, and Influence in Hutterite Colonies.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 24-27.

Hurwitz, Meir. “Impressions of Communal Living.” Edited by Vince [Zager]. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 61-64.


“I Remember A Time When a Collective Worker . . . in 10,000 words or less.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 17-22, 24-29.

Ian. “Advice on Commonsense Communes.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 46-47.

Icterus, Lee. “Busted, Almost Bludgeoned, Possibly Broke: Hard Lessons from the Trenches of Sustainability Education.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 52-55.

Iles, Helen. “Finding Balance of Public and Private in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 38-39.

Iles, Helen. “A Life Recycled.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 46.

Iles, Helen. “A New Economy: Connections of Affection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 34-35.

“Impressions of the Movement.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 10-12.

“In Memoriam: Kat Kinkade 1930-2008.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 80, 78-79.

“Individualism vs. Collectivism.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 11.

“Industrial Cooperative Association.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 55-56.

Ineson, George. “Reflections on Intentional Community Changes.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 83-84.

Inglese, Tullio. “Design for Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 28-30.

Inglese, Tullio. “Update: [NACUL].” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 31-33.

Inglis, Mary. “The Findhorn Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 50-52.

“The Intercollective Study and Planning Groups ‘Toward an Association of Collectives and Cooperatives in the Bay Area.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 44.

“Intercommunal Conference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 36-44.

“Intercommunities, Inc.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 24-25.

“International.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 58-59.

“International.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 46. Kibbutz

“Interview with [Rodger] McAfee.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 15-17.

“Introducing This Issue: Small talk from Austin by Sue White, Gary Newton & Paul Freundlich.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): Inside Front cover, 41.

“Iris Mountain.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 7-9. Ishaya, Vidya. “We Don’t Use ‘Good Process’: going Within to Find Perfect Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 60-63. Society for Ascension Academy (SFA), North Carolina.

Israel, Rachel. “Counterculture Crossover.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 17.

Israel, Serious. “Community as Crucible: The Love Israel Family.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 52-55.

Israel, Serious; as told to Diana Leafe Christian. “‘Deprogramming’ Our Members.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 43-44. Love Israel Family

Israel, Understanding. “Children of Utopia: Freedom’s Toll.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 47-48.

Israel, Understanding [R.]. “A Crucible.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 21.

Israel, Understanding R., M.A. Ed. “Diversity Begins at Home.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 28.

Israel, Understanding R. “Four Steps to an Elder’s Throne.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 42.

Israel, Understanding [R.], with contributions from Emmette Jorden, Eric Johannsen, John Ingraham, and Leah Black. “A Multitude of Counselors.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 40.

Israel, Understanding [R.]. “One Thousand Loaves of Bread: Reflections on Life Lessons in an Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 24-25.

Israel, Understanding. “Picking Up the Pieces of the Love Israel Family: Dead or Alive.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 16.

Israel, Understanding [R.], M.A. Ed. “Ties that Bind.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 60.

Israel, Understanding [R.]. “Towards a Seventh Generation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 45, 77.


Jackman, Kule and Barkat Jackman. “The Abode of the Message.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 27-28.

Jackson, Dave. “Coming Together.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 42-43.

Jackson, Hildur. “Ecovillages Cherry Blossom Style.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 52-55. Japan

Jackson, Hildur. “From Cohousing to Ecovillages: A Global Feminist Vision?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 42-48.

Jackson, Hildur. “Ten Years of the Danish Ecovillage Network.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 45.

Jackson, J.T. Ross. “The Global Eco-Village Network (GEN): Encouraging Model Ecovillages Worldwide.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 37-40.

Jackson, Johanna. “Smashing Chains.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 32. Poem

Jackson, Lyda. “Coronavirus Adaptation in an Urban Community: Applying Difficult, Effective Precautions at Jesus People USA.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 31-35.

Jackson, Ross and Hildur Jackson. “The Global Ecovillage Network: Focal Point for a Global Movement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 13-17.

Jacobs, Taran. “The Evolving State of Child Care at East Wind.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 21.

Jaelitza. “Protecting the Wonder of Childhood.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 43-45.

Jaffe, Dennis T. “A Family Commune.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 4-7.

Jaffe, Dennis. “The Therapist In Search Of Himself.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 2-7.

Jake and Bell. “Dreaming It Up: Our 20-Year Experiment with Open Marriage in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 27-29.

Jameson, River. “Creativity as ‘Sacred Pleasure’” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 50-51.

Jang, Audrey Younsook. “Green Localist Pathways to Ecological Civilization: Scaling the Impact of Los Angeles Eco-Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 30-39.

Jansen, Kristina. “Breaking Up (While Staying in Community).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 32-35.

Jansen, Kristina. “Communicable Gifts.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 22-25.

Jansen, Kristina. “Dancing with Discomfort: Thoughts on Empowerment from a Reluctantly Powerful Person.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 38-40.

Jansen, Kristina. “Finding Community in a Lonely World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 18-20.

Jansen, Kristina. “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 42-46.

Jansen, Kristina. “Hard Times at Orinda.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 16-17.

Jansen, Kristina. “My Tribal Childhood: School? I learned More Staying Home. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 28-30, 54.

Jansen, Kristina “Parenting in a Community of Friends: Happiness and Heartbreak.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 38-39.

Jansen, Kristina. “The Proper Way to ‘Anger’—A Marker of Belonging.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 13-15 with a sidebar “An Orinda Lexicon” on 15.

Janzen, David. “Christian Communities and ‘Cults’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 13.

Janzen, David. “The Clearing: A Refuge of Love & Mutual Care.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 23.

Janzen, David. “Here We Are, Amazed and Grateful.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 15.

Janzen, David. “Making a Living or Making a Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 14.

Janzen, David. “‘New Africa’ Comes to Plow Creek: Celebrating Interdependence.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 20.

Janzen, David. “Shalom Connections Conference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 16.

Janzen, David. “A Visit to New Covenant Fellowship Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 15.

Janzen, David. “A Visit with Our Companion Community in El Salvador.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 13. Valle Nuevo

Janzen, David. “Where Have All the (Seventies) Communities Gone?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 48-50.

Jardine, Keith. “The Emerging Cooperatives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 30-33. BC

Jarrett-Jefferson, Elizabeth. “Creativity as ‘Learning Game’: Our True Holidays Festival of Good Will.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 44-47. Goodenough Community

Jarving, Stein. “Holmen Organic Farms—Norway.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 45-47.

Jarving, Stein. “International Communes Festival.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 44-46.

Jean. “Planning at Aloe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 10-15.

“Jealousy: A Few Thoughts.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 27-30. Reprinted from The Harrad Grok.

Jeannechild, Penny. “Class and Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 8-10.

Jennings, Susan. “Raven Rocks and Fracking.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 53-55.

Jennings, Susan. “Restoring Ecosystems and Human Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 80-84.

Jennings, Susan. “Using the Internet, Questioning the Internet: Multigenerational Perspectives on Community, Authenticity, and Cyberspace.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 22-25.

Jensen, Christina Adler. “Svanholm in Denmark Goes Carbon-Neutral.” Trans. Pauline Kreiken and Nicholas Mickelsen. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 57.

Jensen, Sandy Brown. “Prescription Facebook: How can Facebook act as an agent of mental health to a community fragmented 20 years ago?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 36-38. Emissaries of the Divine Light.

Jerome, Judson. “All in Common: Sharing & Commitment in Small Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 2-7.

Jerome, Jud[son]. “Middle Aged Men in Communes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 9-13. Reprinted from Green Revolution.

Jerome, Jud. “Structure & Structure.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 16-21.

Jerome, Jud. “Unity.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 19-22, 63. Description of an unidentified community.

Jerome, Jud. “The Village.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 31-34. Poem

[Jerome, Jud]. “Would You Believe a Newsletter?” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 12-13.

Jessop, Peter. “Pioneer Valley: Members Leaving, New Members Joining.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 37.

Joaquin, Vito san. “Ohmega Salvage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 25-26.

John, Bubba Free. “Conscious Child Rearing.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 31-33.

Johnsen, Kirsten Ellen. “Movers of Mountains, Shapers of Worlds.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 36-38. Reprinted in Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 86-91. Greenfield Ranch

Johnson, Michael. “Turning It Around: Culture, Compassionate Inquiry, and Transformation in a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 63-64.

Johnson, Michael. “Two First Things in Building Collective Action.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 50-51.

Johnson, Mitchell. “Stocking Our Community: Here’s How Activists in Seattle Glean Free Food . . . The ‘Urban Harvest’ of the Future?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 52-55, 76-77.

Johnson, Randa. “Building Community in Hard Times.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 18-19.

Johnson, Selma Platt. “Meadowlark: Reflections on a pioneer therapeutic community.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 19-21.

Johnson, Tim and Vicki Matthews. “Intentional Communities: Society’s Research and Development Centers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 47-48.

Jones, Amber. “Common Community Quirks.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 68, 67.

Jones, Jeff. “How a Communitarian Running for High Public Office Influenced Party Politics in Colorado.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 12-15.

Jones, Jim. “High Rent & No Voice? No Thanks! How We Invented Student Co-ops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 58-61.

Jones, Katharina. “Immigrating to a Cohousing Project.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 51-52.

Jongkind, Julia. “Celebrating the Local, Shared Bounty at Groundswell Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 63.

Jordan, Deborah, “Reflections of a Fellow Community Member.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 21. Response to Schenk, Jim. “Being ‘Overthrown’—A Celebration Coming to Shared Power.”

Jordan, Mary. “Conversations Take Wing: The RareBirds Housing Cooperative Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 40-42.

Jordan, Mary Kate and Charlie Stuart. “The Center of the Light.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 29.

Joreen. “The Tyranny of Structurelessness.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 76-77. Reprinted in Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 124-125.

Joseph, Linda. “Great Gratitude!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 5.

Joseph, Linda. “Growing Our Grassroots Network Sustainably.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 59-60.

Joseph, Linda and Albert Bates. “What Is an ‘Ecovillage’?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 22-24.

Joseph, Linda, and Daniel Greenberg, (Alejandra) Liora Adler, Giovanni Ciarlo, Lois Arkin, Diana Leafe Christian, Nathan Scott, and Leonie Lylia Brien. “GEN-US, New Home and Publisher for Communities!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 12-13.

Joubert, Kosha Anja. “Overcoming Apartheid–the Global Ecovillage Network.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 10-12.

Joubert, Kosha Anja and Stephen Busby–Interview by Robin Alfred. “Collective Healing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 28-31.

Jubal. “Land Trust: How Should Land Be Used?” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 62-63.

Jubal. “School of Living and Deep Run Farm.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 4-8. Some mis-numbered pages

Jubera, Drew. “Children of the Communes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 27-28. Reprinted from The Atlanta Constitution and The Atlanta Journal

“Jubilee Partners.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 20-23.

Jud, Brother. “Creating an Efficient Money Management System.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 24.

Judson, Jerome. “Rumors of Change.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 20-27.


Kajedo. “Ice Sculptures, Pocketknives, and Shoelaces.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 68-69.

Kaldor, Mary. “A Theater of Peace: Working for Disarmament in Europe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 11-14.

Kamp, Margaret. “Intern’s Journal: Listening & Learning at Ganas.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 12-14.

Kamp, Margaret and David Cooper Salamon. “Landing in (Sustainable) Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 12-14.

Kamp, Margaret and David Cooper Salamon. “Waking up at Abundant Dawn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 10-11.

Kann, Elana, with Bill Fleming. “Community Process & Community Development: Incompatible Worlds?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 43-50.

Kaplan, Tobey. “An Alternative High School.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 36-37.

Kaplan, Todd. “A Letter From Israel.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 59 (July/August 1983): 25-26. Article from the Collective Networker Newsletter

K[aplowitz], L[arry]. “Assessing Community Well-Being.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 26-27.

Kaplowitz, Larry. “Community on a ‘Bad Day’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 76, 75.

Kaplowitz, Larry. “Living ‘Naka-Ima’ at Lost Valley.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 22-27.

Kaplowitz, Larry. “Living Outside the Box.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 36-39, 50-51.

Kaplowitz, Larry. “Lost Valley: Building Design That Fosters Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 28-30.

“Karass Project: Another Place to Arcosanti.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 34-45.

Karuna, Amara. “Geothermal Greenwashing and Injustice in Hawaii.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 43-45.

Karuna, Amara. “Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart: Peer Counseling in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 32-35.

K[ashtan], M[iki]. “How the Nonviolent Communication Model Works.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 54-55.

Kashtan, Miki. “Nonviolent Communication: Transforming Conflict and Enhancing Connection.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 51-57.

Kathy and Judy Lilith. “Long Range Planning: Discovering the Collective Way of Life.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 11-14.

Katz, Larry. “The Politics of the Collective.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 27-32. Karum Collective

Katz, Sam. “The Virtues of Off-Line Communication.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 46.

Kauth, Bill and Zoe Alowan. “Time for Tribe: Boomers Get Connected.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 41-43.

Kauth, Bill and Zoe Alowan. “Tribal Potlucks with a Mindful Twist.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 64-65.

Kay, Kiesa. “Fairies and Chainsaws: Finding Balance in an Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 14-15.

Kay, Kiesa. “Mellow Springs: A Poem.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 79.

Kay, Kiesa. “Taking the SCARE out of Scarcity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 37, 76.

Keenan. “Equality and Sexism at Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 25-27. Reprinted from Leaves of Twin Oaks (April 1993).

Keenan. “More Confident, Less Idealistic (How We Grow in Community).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 32-33.

Keepin, Will. “Toward a New Gender Harmony.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 50-52.

Keiderling, Esther. “A Culture of Song: Children and Music in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 48-49. Bruderhof

Kelch, Mark. “9 in 1 . . . An Unsuccessful Communal Endeavor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 50-55.

Kellogg, Scott and Stacy Pettigrew. “The Rhizome Collective: Starting an Activist Urban Community.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 30-34.

Kelly, John. “No Place to Run, No Place to Hide.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 42-45.

Kelly, Laura and Tomas Metzger. “Chaos, Control, and the Courage to Create.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 52-56. St. Benedict’s Farm

Kelly, Shannon [pseud.]. “Wounded Healers Together—or Not.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 25-29. Response to O.W.G. in the same issue. See the response by Jahia LaSangoma, “Critical Race Theory: Another Viewpoint.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 5-7.

Kelly, Stephen and Becky Dominic. “Project Artaud.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 4.

Kemble, Keith. “Developing New Food Marketing Systems.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 29-30.

Kemple, Megan. “Why I’m a Locavore.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 17.

Kendis, Nikola. “Learning the Art of Doing Nothing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 58-49.

Kennedy, Declan. “Our Life at Lebensgarten.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 52-54.

Kennedy, Joseph F. “Builders without Borders.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 54.

Kennedy, Joseph F. “A ‘Green’ Architect Falls in Love . . . with FrogSong Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 49-52.

Kenny, Michael. “Active Communities: Why working towards improving our world should be a defining part of any intentional community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 24.

Kenny, Robert. “‘Creating Community’ on South Whidbey Island: How do you develop a sense of connection and ‘glue’ in a larger geographic community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 52-54.

Kent, Joe. “Meet Our New ‘Non-Bio’ Family.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 14-16.

Kent, Jon. “‘Don’t Go Back to Sleep’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 19. Cohousing

Kepp, Michael. “The Berkeley Collectives: An Outside Perspective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 29-30.

“Kerista.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 19-47.

Kern, Diga. “Lovers, Friends, and Parents.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 43-45, 52-53.

Kern, Diga. “Shivalila: Yes, We’re Still Here.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 15-16.

Kerr, Les. “The Transition of King View Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 57-58.

Kile, Gaia. “Wildcrafting in Our Yard.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 48-49.

Killingbeck, Laura. “The Hope in Breaking.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 31-35.

Kilpatrick, Joseph. “I Slept and Dreamt that Life Was Joy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 24-28.

K[ilpatrick], J[oseph]. “Our Nonprofits.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 28.

Kim, Grace. “Making a Case for Urban Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 55-57.

Kindig, Christopher. “Business. Busy-ness. Coincidence?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 10-15.

Kindig, Christopher. “Climate Changes: Turn to Face the Strange.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 14-18.

K[indig], C[hristopher]. “Greasing the Wheels.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 17.

Kindig, Christopher. “Technology: Our External Thumb.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 12-13.

K[indig], C[hristopher]. “Travel Technology.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 13.

King, Ynestra. “The Ecology of Feminism and the Feminism of Ecology.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 32-38. Reprinted from Harbinger (Fall 1983)

. Kinkade, Kat. “Acorn, East Wind, & Twin Oaks: Not Three Peas in a Pod.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 14-15.

Kinkade, Kat. “Are We Keeping Culturally Diverse People Out?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 30-32.

Kinkade, Kat and Mildred Gordon. “‘Benevolent Dictators’ in Community: Kat and Mildred Debate Strong Central Government vs. Decision by Dialogue, Part I.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 28-30.

Kinkade, Kat and Mildred Gordon. “‘Benevolent Dictators’ in Community: Kat and Mildred Debate Strong Central Government vs. Decision by Dialogue, Part II.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 30-33.

Kinkade, Kat. “But Can He Design Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 49-52.

Kinkade, Kat. “A Commune That Works So Far.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 42-46. Reprinted from Whole Earth Review

Kinkade, Kat. “Communism Is Dead; Long Live the Commune.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 8.

Kinkade, Kat. “Food Wars.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 46-47. Excerpted from her Is It Utopia Yet?

Kinkade, Kat. “Governing Ourselves at Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 41-44.

Kinkade, Kat. “Health Insurance Is a Peach!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 20-21.

Kinkade, Kat. “How to Visit a Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 14-18. Reprinted in Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 40-45.

Kinkade, Kat. “It Works for Us!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 64-65. Twin Oaks

Kinkade, Kat. “Marriage and Sex.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 2-6. Kibbutz

Kinkade, Kat. “Please Don’t Start a Commune in 1977.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 2-7.

Kinkade, Kat. “Power and the Utopian Assumption.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No.18 (January/February 1976): 10-15.

Kinkade, Kat. “Reflections on the Israeli Kibbutz [and] American Commune [Community in the Table of Contents.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 4-8.

Kinkade, Kat. “A Response from Kat Kinkade.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 51.

Kinkade, Kat. “Selectors: Decisive Factors in Recruitment and Turnover.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 16-17.

Kinkade, Kat and Keith Davidson. “Should Your Group get a Small Computer?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 59 (July/August 1983): 5-14.

Kinkade, Kat. “Standard of Living and Quality of Life in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 14-18.

Kirby, Peadar. “Cloughjordan Ecovillage: Modeling the Transition to a Low-Carbon Society.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 49-53.

Kirchheimer, Gabe. “Rainbow Gathering 1984.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 33-35.

Kitch, Sally. “The Woman’s Commonwealth: Celibacy and Women’s Rights.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 40-44.

Kivel, Paul. “The Myth of the ‘Happy Family’: Racism and Denial in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 62-63.

Klaif, Marty. “Communities Financial Report.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 6-7.

Klaif, Marty. “Communities Magazine Makes a Profit!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 6-7.

Klaif, Marty. “A Culture of Cooperation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 6.

Klaif, Marty. “A Day in the Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 14-15.

Knack, June. “Healing in the Common House (With a Little Help from My Friends).” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 56-59.

Koch-Gonzalez, Jerry and Ted Rau. “Consensus and Sociocracy—Explained.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 52-55.

Koenenn, Connie. “CoHousing.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 73-74.

Kohl, Jon. “Intentional ‘Colonies’ and Tropical Sustainability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 42-44.

Kohl, Jon. “Making Home.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 58-60.

Kolff, Helen. “Vision and Reality in Ecotopia: Making Lemonade out of Lemons at the Port Townsend EcoVillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 50-51.

Kolff, Kees. “Money, Power, and Process: How We Pulled the Plug on Consensus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 22-25. See also Weinblatt, Marc; Ruth Baldwin; and Bekka Bloom. “EcoVillage Resident Reflections.”

Kolff, Kees. “To Be or Not to Be an LLC [Limited Liability Company]: Changing Horses in Mid Stream.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 38-41.

Kolff, Kees. “An Update from the Lemonade Stand.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015):42-43.

Kolmerten, Carol. “Women in Owenite Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 59-61.

Kolsbun, Ken. “Animal Town Game Company.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 32-34.

Komar, Ingrid. “The Sprouting of the American Greens.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 11-20.

“Kommune 2: A Berlin Commune.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 15-20.

Kontara, Werner. “Business Co-ops as a Prelude to Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 44-45.

Kopecky, Arty. “Communities and Zero Population Growth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 46-47.

Kopecky, Art. “New Buffalo Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 45.

Kopecky, Arty [AnSwei]. “Community Essentials.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 44, 76.

Kopecky, Arty. “The Irony of Right Livelihood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 39-40.

Kopp, Zoe and Laura Newton. “Threat to Choice Threatens Us All.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 37. Reprinted from Spectrum Newspaper, Tallahassee

Koven, Rick. “Workers Trust.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 24-25.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Absolute Truths.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 10-11.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Accounting for Sustainability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “The Archaeology of Decisions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Are You Using Money . . . or Is It Using You?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “The ‘Art’ of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Beyond Book Learning.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Building Community in an Election Year.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Cohousing: Affordable Housing?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Community & Me.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 72, 71.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Community as Performance Art.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 8.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Community, Love, and Healing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Community 101: In Community, Intentionally Part 1.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 10-11, 75. Excerpted from “In Community, Intentionally.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 16-21.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Community 101: In Community Intentionally Part 2.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 10-11, 70. Excerpted from “In Community, Intentionally.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 16-21.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Community Spirit, Community ‘Glue’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 49-51.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Compassion & Political Correctness.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Constructive Criticism.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 6-7. Cults

Kozeny, Geoph. “The Crazies Among Us: Balancing Compassion with Capacity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Cultural Laboratories.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Dancing with Dogma: The Fine Line Between Religion & Spirituality.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 72, 71.

Kozeny, Geoph. “‘Diversity’ Intentions Are Not Enough.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 10.

Kozeny, Geoph. “‘Eco’ Process.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 8-9.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Embracing the Inevitable.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 120 (Special issue 2003): 32, 31.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Embracing the Inevitable.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Feelings About Feelings . . . 25 Years Older . . . 25 Years Wiser?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 84, 83.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Following Through: Volunteers and Good Intentions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 8-9.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Food, Glorious Food.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 76.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Good Neighbors: Cults, Communities, and Neighborhood Relations.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 8-9.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Good Works: Walking the Talk.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Happily Never After.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Intentional Communities Abroad.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 80, 79. The Peripatetic Communitarian.

Kozeny, Geoph. “‘I Don’t Want to Talk About It’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “In Community, Intentionally.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 16-21. Rpt. in Communities Directory: A Comprehensive Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2010 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2010), 14-19; and in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 9-13.

Kozeny, Geoph. “In the Wake of Katrina . . . Intentional Community Members in Action.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Intentional Communities: Lifestyles Based on Ideals.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 18-24.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Interns & Intimacy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “The Limits of Good Parenting.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 6-7.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Long on Idealism, Short on Time.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 51-53.

Kozeny, Geoph. “‘Love’ or ‘In Love’?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 8-9.

Kozeny, Geoph. “‘Making a Living?’…A Curious Concept.” .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 8.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Mentoring in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 72, 71.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Models of Sustainability: Embracing Diversity, Finding Balance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “The Neverending Challenge.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 80, 79.

[Kozeny,] Geoph. “The Network.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 28.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Perseverance Pays: It’s A Video.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Pollyannas, Pessimists, and the Optimal Optimist.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Privacy and Transparency.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “A Reality Check.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 17.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Red Carpets and Slammed Doors: Visiting Communities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 35-40. Rpt. in Communities Directory: A Comprehensive Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2010 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2010), 26-29; and in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 14-18.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Reflections on the Fellowship’s Fall ’01 Get-Together.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 10-11.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Right (and Left) Livelihood.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 34-36.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Sage Advice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 10-11.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Seek First Community Within.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Shared Housing in the Bay Area.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 28-29.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Striving for Sustainability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “The Student/Teacher Convergence.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 80, 81.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Success, Vitality, and Charisma.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 72, 71.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Sustainability…and the Next Generation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 76.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Sustainable Energy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 80, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Toxic Emissions, Toxic Omissions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 89, 79.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Truth? Or Consequences . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 72, 71.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Twelve Ways You Can Help Us Spread the Word.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 12-13.

Kozeny, Gepph. “25 Years of Community Building.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 64-65.

Kozeny, Geoph. “The Urban/Rural Spectrum.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 76, 75.

Kozeny, Geoph. “What Works.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 18.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Working Together Apart.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 88, 87.

Kozeny, Geoph. “Y2K or Not Y2K . . . A Question of Beliefs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 80, 79.

Kreitner, Phil. “Energy Co-ops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 38-40.

Kreitner, Phil. “New Wave Ideology: what it is; what it isn’t; why we need it; why we don’t use it; what we must do to use it.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 7-10.

Krenek, Dale and Peter Zweig. “Appropriate Technology in the PRC.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 15-17.

Kriegman, Orion. Urban Ecovillages: Making Our Cities Green and Thriving.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 12-15.

Krishnamurti, J. “Education and the Significance of Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 3.

Kruley, Avi; Sky Blue; and Zach Rubin. “A Desire to Serve: The Experience of Military Veterans in Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 45-48.

“Krutsio.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 10-11.

Kubo, Keiko; Jesse Meredith; Darlene Pagano. “A Woman’s Place: Books with a Difference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 25-27.

Kuhlmann, Hilke. “Walden Two Communities: What Are They All About?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 35-41.

Kuner, Vakil. “Abode of the Message: Three Economic Systems.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 2-6.

Kurtz, Calliope. “Transgendered at Twin Oaks.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 48-51.


L’Abbe, Rebecca. “Decision Making in Practice: Leadership Decisions and Majority-Rule Democracy.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 89-90.

“Labor Credit Madness or Fun For the Whole Family.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 12-15.

Ladd, Jennifer. “Reflections on Class from a Newbie at Rocky Hill Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 26-28.

Ladd, Jennifer. “Yes, Wealthy People Want to Live in Community in Sustainable Ways Too! Fourteen suggestions from those who are trying it.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 36-39.

Ladne, Dyanne. “Community Economic Development in the Bay Area.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 15.

L[afond], M[ichael]. “Biodynamic Agriculture.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 48.

Lafond, Michael. “The Many Lives of Hof Marienhöhe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 45-48. Germany

Lagerman, David. “Space, Mk 3 Mod 3.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 42-44. Fiction.

Lagermam, David. “Strategies for living lightly on the land.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 26-27.

Lakeman, Mark. “Designing like Villagers.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 49-53.

Lakeman, Mark. “Urban Ecovillages: Micro-Infill Cohousing Without Cars.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 41-44.

Lakeman, Mark. “The Village Blooms in the City: Portland’s Natural Building Convergence.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 26-29.

Lakey, Berit. “Some Nuts and Bolts of Communal Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 28-30, 96.

Lakey, George. “From Crisis-Response To the Abolition of War: Some Notes on Strategy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 40-45.

Lakey, George. “Getting the Goods on Cancer.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 5-9.

Lambach, Ruth. “Goose Eggs: A Hutterite Childhood Story.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 36-38.

Langeveld, Jacqueline and Irena Hollowell.” More Perspectives from Acorn.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 23.

Langford, Andy. “Gaia University Launched at Last.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 13-15, 66.

Lanphear, Fred; Nancy Lanphear; Leah Early; Michelle Grandy; Cyndi Kershner; Rachel Lynette; and Kate Arden. “Childhoods at Songaia from Fort Can-Be to Coming of Age.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 8-13.

Lanphear, Fred. “Embracing a Terminal Illness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 20-21.

Lanphear, Fred. “The ‘Stuff of Community’—Economics, Culture, and Governance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 15-18.

Lanphear, Fred and Nancy Lanphear. “Turning People on to Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 52-55.

Lanphear, Fred. “What Have We learned in Five Years?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 40-41.

Lanphear, Nancy. “Simple Gifts and Good Food: How the Fabulous Food Folks Save Money at Songaia.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 50-51.

Lanphear, Nancy. “Song and Story at Songaia.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 44-46.

“Land Planning: May Valley Cooperative Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 42-44. “Large Rural Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 33-34.

Lasby, Satyama [Dawn]. “Love Is the Answer.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 25-26.

Lasby, Satyama Dawn. “Olympic-Sized Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 40-41.

L[asby], S[atyama Dawn]. “Tantra for Greater Understanding.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 26.

Lasby, Satyama Ratna. “Linked by Love and Transparency: The Need for Human Connection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 49-51.

Lashof, Judy. “Pleiades: A Lesbian Feminist House.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 40-44.

LaSangoma, Jahia. “Critical Race Theory: Another Viewpoint.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 5-7. Response to Shannon Kelly, Wounded Healers Together—or Not.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 25-29, which is a response to O.W.G. in the same issue.

LaSongoma, Jahia. “Engaging Difficult Knowledge: Experiencing Power, Race, and Presence in Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 14-17.

The Last Volunteer. “Finding Community, Producing Durability: Learning from the rhythms of Rutledge.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 80, 79.

Lasuertmer, Laura. “Common Home Farm: An Interfaith Catholic Worker Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 24.

Lasuertmer, Laura. “The Gifts of Gathering.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 45-46. Catholic Worker communities.

Lasuertmer, Laura. “It’s Not Just the Curtain: Crossing the Class Divide at the Bloomington Catholic Worker.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 50-52.

L[asuertmer], L[aura]. “A Missing Connection?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 46. Need for connections between religious and secular communities.

Lasuertmer, Laura. “The Radical Sabbatical: Discerning an Urban-to-Rural Move.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 29-33.

Latta, Ruth. “Mother & Father: Sometimes you can go home again.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 24-28. Fiction. Canadian author.

[Laurel, Alicia Bay and others]. “Wheeler’s Ranch 1971.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 2.

Lawless, Patrick. “Visit To the Farm.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 32-34.

Leach, David. “Grand Theft Utopia: What Can Video Games Teach Us about Community?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 20-21.

Leach, David. “Greening Your ‘Hood. An ignorant kid from the suburbs learns the lessons of living sustainable—from kibbutzes to ecovillages, from cohousing to pocket neighborhoods.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 51-53.

Leach, David. “Leaving Eden: One man’s quest for community in a divided land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 24-27, 74. Kibbutz

Leach, Shari “Celebrate Milestones!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 38.

Leach, Shari. “Who Says We Can’t Consense to Vote? Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 50-52.

Leach, Shari. “Wild Sage Cohousing’s Conflict Resolution Process.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 23. Excerpted from her Head, Heart, and Hands: Lessons in Community Building. Boulder, CO: Wonderland Hill Development Company, 2005.

Leasure, Mel. “Loving to the End.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 49-52.

“Leaving Twin Oaks: A Conversation With Former Members.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 20-28.

Ledgar, Jenny. “Social Capital: The Fragile Inheritance of Community Children.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 24-27, 52-53.

Ledoux, Stephen. “Designing a new Walden Two inspired community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 28-32, 84.

Lee, Robin and Paul Freundlich. “People Acting for Change.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 17-26.

Leeuwenburgh, Freija. “Adaptation, Community, and Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 40-43.

Lefko, Todd. “Politics and Citizen Participation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 14-15.

“Legal.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 38-39.

“Legal.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July/August 1974): 45-48.

“Legal.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 44.

“Legal.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 46-47.

“Legal.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 42-43.

Lehman, Christine Evans. “Attitudinal Healing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 42, 56.

Leis, Jenny. “Adventures of the Mini Moon: Realities of building your own earthen house with used materials and volunteer labor.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 8-11.

L[eis], J[enny]. “My Budget.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 11.

L[eis], J[enny]. “What I Learned about Local, Natural, Reused Materials.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 11.

Lempert, Shellie. “Fourteen Days, Anyway.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 41. Poem

Lenske, Larry and Mikki Wenig. “It’s the Community’s Business.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 3-10. Twin Oaks

Lenske, Larry. “A Practical Guide to Home Death.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 40-42.

“Lessons from a Community.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 50.

Let, Tom. “Ukiah Research Institute: Why the Group Split Up.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 35-36.

“Letters.” By Anonymous, Anne R., Roger Ulrich. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 4.

“Letters.” By Arjuna da Silva, Andrew Moore, Denise Henrikson, Kara Huntermoon, Brad Gunkel. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 6-8.

“Letters.” By Margaret Critchlow and Ronaye Matthew, Shannon Kelly, Elika Sepulveda. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 4-6. Includes a correction to Diana Leafe Christian’s review of Community Led Housing in issue 205 from Margaret Critchlow and Ronaye Matthew and letters from Shannon Kelly and Elika Sepulveda regarding Kelly’s “Wounded Healers” in issue 204.

“Letters.” By Stephen Wing, Jenny Chapin, Anonymous, Amy Donohue. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 4-5.

Letterman, Meg. “Ponderosa Village: A Self-Reliant Lifestyle.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 15-21.

Levin, Brent. “Esther and the Princes of Fairies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 28-29.

Levine, Richard S. “Sustainability and Livability in the Future Medieval City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 36-43.

Levy, Hy. “Enlightened Anarchy.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 34-35. Family Synergy

Levy, Hy. “Family Synergy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 (December 1979/January 1980): 24-27.

Lewis, Brittany. “Taking on Twin Oaks’ Garden Managership.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 35.

Liano, Fen. “Money and Sustainability at Green Valley Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 30-31, 71.

Licata, Nick. “Every Politician Should Live in a Commune.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 41-44.

Licata, Nick. “Running for Office from the Commune.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 43.

Lichtenfels, Sabine. “A Project to Save Love.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 49-51. Tamera.

Lietaert, Matthieu. “Challenges for Ecovillages in the 21st Century.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 60-64.

Lietaert, Matthieu. “A Strawbale Village in Denmark.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 37-40.

Linares, Rosemary. “Growing Inclusivity in Cohousing: Stories and Strategies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 18-21.

Lindberg, Jennie. “Keeping the Faith in a Farming Cohousing Community Or: Why I keep going on this seemingly endless journey.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 33-34. Sunnyside Village Cohousing

Lindegger, Max. “Ecovillage Design Down Under.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 38-40.

Lindegger, Max and Val Oliver. “An Honest Day’s (Village) Work.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 41-43.

Lindemann, Don. “Cohousing.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 45-46.

Lindsay, Owen. “Pioneer Health.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 39-41.

Lindsey, Kiva. “The Cavalry is Just Around the Corner.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 32-33. Part of “Three Perspectives on Intimacy in Community” (32-34).

Lingo, T.D. “Adventure Trails Survival School.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 3-9.

Lippman, Audrey F. “Resolving Conflicts in Our Multicultural Co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 54.

Lisanevich, Xenia. “Bookpeople.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 17-20.

Litewka, Jack. “The Bicycle Bus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 48-51.

“Little Flags Theater.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 12-16.

Litwok, Evelyn. “Women’s Resources Distribution Company.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 30-33.

Livingston, Richard. “Cadillac Hotel.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 4-6.

Livni, Michael with Mark Naveh and Alex Cicelsky. “Building Bridges of Mud, Clay & Straw: Jews and Arabs learn natural building in the desert . . . and much more.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 42-45.

Livni, Michael. “Battling the Bureaucracy in Israel.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 54-58. Kibbutz Lotan.

Livni, Michael. “Ecological Building on Kibbutz Lotan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 41.

Livni, Michael. “In Our Community—Ecology Is for the Birds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 40-41.

L[ivni], M[ichael]. “Why Are We Doing This? Our Responsibility to Nature A View from Kibbutz Lotan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 58.

Ljanta, Anissa. “From Intentional Community to Building a Tribe: One Woman’s Journey.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 39-43. From Twin Oaks to Piha, New Zealand.

L[janta], A[nissa]. “How to Create Community Wherever You Are.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 43.

LK [pseud.]. Sexual Misconduct in the Sphere of Power: The Nexus of Gender, Intimacy, and Discrimination.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 17-23.

“Local Exchange Trading Systems.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 69.

“Local Relations: Twin Oaks in Louisa County.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 17-22.

“Locating Community Resources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 34.

Lockman, Michael. “Living the Permaculture Dream.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 31-35.

Lockman, Michael, ed. “Sustainable Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 27-53.

Lockyer, Joshua. “Seeing the Good in the World: Connecting Communities and Students for Sustainability Education and Transformation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 30-31, 75.

Loftfield, Earl. “The Continuity of Elders’ Wisdom.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 14-15.

Loftfield, Earl. “Growing Pains.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 14.

Lombardi, Craig. “Access-1-Alliance: A Replicable Model to Make Things Better.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 38-39.

Long, Jannathan. “A ‘Queer’ Couple.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 47-48.

Lonny. “The Yellow House Commune.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 16-18.

Loomis, Mildred. “A lifetime of learning how to live.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 22-24.

Lore, Virginia. “Sunday at Duwamish.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 32-33.

Lore, Virginia and Maril Crabtree. “You Know You Live in Community . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 27.

Lott, Dr. Gus. “We Found Our Neo-Nomad, Telepresence-Enabled Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 37-39.

Love, Brittny. “A Community Journey.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 50-51.

Love, Brittny. “The Dolphin House, Looking Forward.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 37-39.

“Low-Cost Land.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 42-46.

Lozanova, Sarah. “Belfast Ecovillage Produces Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 46.

Lozoff, Bo. “A Pressing Need, an Overlooked Treasure.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 20-23. Kindness House (Durham, NC)

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “‘Busting the Myth’: Some Questions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 54-55.

L[udwig], M[a’ikwe] S[chaub]. “The Chronically Ill in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 55.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “Fellowship for Intentional Communities Events.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 22-23.

L[udwig], M[a’ikwe] S[chaub]. “A Few Quick Lyme Facts.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 54.

L[udwig], M[a’ikwe]. “A Four-Dimension Analysis of Dancing Rabbit.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 21.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “Growing Family in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 30-34.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “Limiting the Damage of Climate Change: Lessons from Dancing Rabbit.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 16-20.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “‘Make It or Break It’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 28-31.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “Making Lymeade: Turning Mid-Life Crisis into Opportunity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 51-54.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “More Perspectives on Leadership and Followship.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 34-35, 75. Response to Barrette, Elizabeth. “Balancing Powers: Leadership and Followship in Community.”

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “Noble Suffering and Appropriate Sacrifice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 20-22.

L[udwig], M[a’ikwe] S[chaub]. “On the Brink.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 53.

L[udwig], M[a’ikwe] S[chaub]. “PEACH and DRMIA.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 54.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “Right Livelihood, Wrong Volunteerism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 48-50.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “Spirit and Earth at Manitou Arbor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 30-33.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “Throwing in the Founder’s Towel.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009):40-41, 78.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “A Useful Tool for Founders and Seekers: SPECTRUMS.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 10-11. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 27-28.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “Variations on a Theme: Low-Carbon Communities of All Sorts.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 34-35, 72.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe. “Where There Are Good Cooks, There’s Good Morale.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 47-50.

Ludwig, Ma’ikwe Schaub. “Why America Needs Consensus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008):80, 79.

Ludwig, Yana. “Bringing Love to the Heart of the Beast: How Communalism Inspired a US Senate Run.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 8-9.

Ludwig, Yana. “Cross-Cultural Cooperation and Land Access.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 25-26.

Ludwig, Yana. “Liberation, Networks, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 35-36.

Ludwig, Yana. “Marxist Ecology.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 74.

Ludwig, Yana. “Narcissism, Dependence, and Culture Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 45-46.

Ludwig, Yana and Karen Gimnig. “Sharing Resources Well.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 75-76, with sidebars “Race, Class, and Sharing,” “Self-Check,” “Exercise: Inventory of Sharing Potential” on 76. An edited excerpt from the authors’ The Cooperative Culture Handbook.

Lundberg, Bill. “The Bank: A Report.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 31-34. Consumer Cooperative Alliance

Lundberg, Bill. “The Last Wave.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 46.

Lyons, Orenda. “Growing Up in the Miccosukee Land Co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 10-11.

Lyons, Rachel. “Free Store Magic.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 76, 75.

Lyons, Rachel. “Recipe for a Fruitful Meal-Share.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 57-58.

Lyons, Rachel. “Relationships in a Community-Forming Group.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 44-45.


Mabee, Jeffrey. “A Baby Boomer Rediscovers Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 34-35.

MacDonald, Lynn; Cindy Stapenhorst; and Kathy O’Leary. “Arcata’s Community Store.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 20-26.

MacDonald, Lynn. “Decisionmaking: Structure and Strategy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 20-21.

Macintyre, Thomas. “Answering the ‘Call of the Mountain; through a Spiralling Network of Sustainability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 10-13. CASA is the Council of Sustainable Settlements of the Americas.

Mackenzie, Elizabeth. “‘Ladies of the Farm’: Women’s Leadership in Health Care.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 33-35.

Mackenzie, Rev. Jacqueline Zaleski, Ph.D. “Living in Multi-Generational Communities May Empower Everyone.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 43-48.

Mackenzie, Rev. Jacqueline Zaleski, PhD. “Our Past, Our Future, and Making the Most of Human Capital.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 45-47.

Mackenzie, Rev. Jacqueline Zaleski, Ph.D. “Two Elders Locked Down in Ecuador.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 36-38.

Mackie, Gerry. “Kaweah.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 4-5.

Maclean, Dorothy. “The Spiritual Dimensions of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 22-23.

MacLeoad, Dianna. “Grafitti Sheet.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 18-21.

MacLeod, Dianna. “MNS Training: A Few Surprises . . .” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 28-31.

MacLeod, Dianna and Rachel Bedard. “Women in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 8-15.

M[acnamara], L[ooby]. “Activity: Who Do I Know.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 19.

Macnamara, Looby. “Integration of Different Generations.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 18-19, 72. Rpt. from her People and Permaculture: Caring and Designing for Ourselves, Each Other and the Planet. Permanent Publications, 2012.

Macnamara, Looby. “Storytelling and Catching.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 8-10, with a sidebar “Storytelling Insights” on 10. Article adapted from the author’s Cultural Emergence: A Toolkit for Transforming Ourselves and the World. Np: Permanent Publications, 2020. ISBN: 978 1 85623 335 4

Macnamara, Looby. “Wise Wording.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 47-49, with a sidebar “Reframing Phrases” on 47. Adapted from the author’s Cultural Emergence: A Toolkit for Transforming Ourselves and the World. Permanent Publications, 2020.

Maeda, S[hari]. “Arts and the Alternative Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 31.

Magic Residents, generations of, adapted by Harper Hug. “Language We Live.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 20-25.

Magnet, Shoshana. “Terra Firma: A Single Mother Discovers Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 60-61.

Maguire, Mac. “Affordable, Developer-Driven Ecovillages: Meeting an Unmet Need.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 54-57.

Maher, Timothy. “Issues in community development: Cooperative Communities Incorporated.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 47.

Maillard, Ward with Avi Kruley, Brajesh Friedberg, Dayanand Diffenbaugh, Iris Kachuck, Ratna Jenna Sturz, Savita Kay Brownfield, and Stephanie Conway. “Mount Madonna’s Wisdom for Everyday Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 52-53.

Makita, Sam. “Community, Public School, and Culture Clash: Food for Thought from Rural Missouri.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 32-33.

Makita, Sam. “Cooperation and Competition in the Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 20-23.

Makita, Sam. “Finding Community Outside of ‘Community’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 16-17, 74.

Makita, Sam. “Sexism at Dancing Rabbit.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 16-19.

Mallery, Stephen and Ianto Evans. “Aprovecho Institute and the End of the Road Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 34-36.

Mallory, Cynthia. “Feminism in MNS.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 15-17.

Malone, Devan. “Community Lost.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 14-15.

“Managers of Worker-owned Firms Meet at Conference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 55.

“Mandala Folk Emsemble.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 9-10.

Manitongquat (Medicine Story). “Traditional Native Learning.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 46-47.

Maniv, Asher. “Reflections on kibbutz and surrounding society.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 42-45.

Manno, Jack. “Syracuse Cultural Workers Project.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 29-33.

Manuel, Anne. “Long Mai.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 41-44.

Marashinsky, Amy Sophia and Bruce Davidson. “Sirius Community’s Meditation for Healing and Peace.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 43.

Marashinsky, Amy Sophia. “On the Edge of the Abyss.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 40-43. Sirius

Marchese, Gregg. “Building with Nature, Earth, & Magic.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 24-28.

Mare, E. Chris[topher]. “Designing My Own Education for the ‘Ecovillage Millennium’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 46-48. See also his “Would an Ecovillage by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 59, 79.

Mare, E. Christopher, M.A. “Would an Ecovillage by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 59, 79. Refers back to his article “Designing My Own Education for the ‘Ecovillage Millennium’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 46-48.

Mares, Bill and John Simmons. “Worker buyouts.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 36-38.

Margolis, Diane R. “On the Cohousing Trail—in the Pacific Northwest.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 16-19.

Mariano, Michael. “A High-Performance Building for Cohousing: From Vision to Move-In.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 36-41.

“Mariposa School.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 44-45.

Marks, Anton. “Children at Kibbutz Mishol.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 20-21.

Marks, Anton. “Urban Kibbutzim: A Growing Movement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 62.

Marks, Anton. “Will It Happen to Us?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 8-9. Changes in the Svanholm community in Denmark compared to recent changes in kibbutzim.

Marriott, Suzanne. “The Making of Senior Cohousing: The Story of Wolf Creek Lodge.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 46-51.

Marsh, Chuck. “The Earthaven Letter.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 25-26.

Marsh, Chuck. “Whole-Systems Design for Earthaven Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 38-42.

Martin, Alyssa. “Seeking Out the Edges: A Permaculture Perspective.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 17.

Martin, Melanie Ravensong. “A Community Newcomer Finds Her Rhythm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 53=-55.

Martin, Vance G. “A Personal Remembrance of Peter Caddy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 57.

Martinez, Xiuhtezcatl. “Sustainability Is a Life Style Not a Solar Panel.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 19-20.

Maskall, Marty. “Navigating a Sea of Obstacles: The 15-Year Journey to Fair Oaks Ecohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 54-57, with two sidebars, “Why EcoHousing” and What Are the Benefits of Cohousing,” on 56 and one “Ten Tips for Success in Building a CoHousing Community” on 57.

Maskell, Rupert. “Black & White Harmony: An Oasis in South Africa.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 10-14.

Mason, Ronald M. and Jeffrey L. Gleeson. “Democratic ebb tide for new wave coops.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 49-51.

Matarese, Susan M. “The Shaker ‘Culture of Cleanliness’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 28-31 with sidebars “The Shakers” and “Daily Life” on 29.

Matarese, Susan. “Shakers: Their Long & Healthy Lives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 54-56.

Matarese, Susan. “Why I Study Communal Societies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 26, 72.

Matarese, Susan and Paul Salmon. “The Shakers’ Secret of Longevity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 28-31.

Matfin, Tracy. “Confronting Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 11-14.

Matfin, Tracy. “Growing Together through Trauma, with the Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 29-31.

Matfin, Tracy. “Hot Topic, Raw Emotion, and the Spice of Life: Chewing over Food Choice in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 18-21.

Matfin, Tracy with Dona Willoughby. “Doing It, or Are We?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 46-47. La’akea Community, Hawaii.

Mathers, Joe. “Arcology, Arcosanti, and Community Development: An Interview with Paolo Soleri.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 26-35.

Matheson, Mary Ann. “Lama.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 35-36.

Matisse, Laura. “The Shadow Side of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 11-12.

Matson, Elizabeth. “The Unexpected Journey.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 31-33.

Matthews, Troy. “Cat Karma.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 11-12.

Mattingly, Katy. “White Bias, Black Lives: When Unconscious Bias Affects Your Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 23-25. Sunward Cohousing, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Mauch, Charles. “Why not build a real EPCOT?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 25-27.

Mazo, Julie. “The Challenge of Conflict.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 65-67.

Mazo, Julie. “Communities for the Mainstream.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 25-30.

Mazo, Julie. “Profit is not a Dirty Word.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 38-41.

Mazo, Julie. “Women in Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 57-60.

Mazziotti, Mark. “Natural Building Blues: Lessons from a Natural Building Internship.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 48-51.

McAtee, Ralph. “7 Months in the Gulf.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 34-40.

McAulay, Pat. “Kindling New Community: Village Hearth Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 52-54.

McCamant, Kathryn and Danette Milman. “Reinvigorating Urban Neighborhoods.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 63-66. Excerpted from New Village Journal, No. 1 (1999).

McCamant, Kathryn and Charles Durrett, with Danette Milman. “Bofælleskaber to Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 60-62. Denmark

McCamant, Sara. “Eating Local.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 41-44.

M[cCamant], S[ara]. “Living at Emerald Earth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 44.

McClellan, Chris. “A Community that Cherishes You.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 23.

McClellan, Michael. “What Can We Learn from the Amish?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 38-41.

McClure, Michael. “Life on the Electronic Frontier: The Fellowship’s Online Journey.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 20-21.

McCune, Martha. “Fran in Wonderland.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 45-47, 50. Skywoods

McDaniel, Carl N. “Creating a Twenty-First Century Landscape.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 38-39.

McDaniel, Carl N. “Evidence and Beliefs: Lessons from Oberlin.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 45-47, 76.

McGee, Alex. “Are Federation Communities Aspiritual?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 21.

McGee, Alex. “A ‘Big Sister’ Community to Help.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 54-55.

McGee, Alex and Laird Sandhill. “Hi Ho Silver Anniversary!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 20-21.

McGee, Alex. “Host It and They Will Come.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 12-14.

McGee, Alex. “How Clean is ‘Clean’?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No.90 (Spring 1996): 18.

McGinn, Nils. “Public Demolition and Private Distress.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 42-43.

McGugan, Peter. “Koh Panyee: A Thriving Community Defying the Odds.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 55-57.

McGugan, Peter. “Seeing Red Flags: When a Community’s Biggest Threat Comes from Within.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 64.

M[cKanan], D[an]. “About Catholic Worker and Camphill Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 53.

McKanan, Dan. “‘Doing the Work’: Can a community be spiritually diverse and still maintain its identity?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 50-54.

McKee, Beth and Pat Conover. “It Is Our Whole Lives.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 69-71.

McIntryre, Michael. “Cohousing: Building Community One Neighborhood at a Time.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 26-28.

McIntyre, Michael and Rod Sandelin, eds. “Cohousing: Building Community One Neighborhood at a Time.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 26-67.

McLanahan, Jack. “I Have Been To Barwick.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 18-19.

McLane, Tana. “Feminist Political Strategies as seen from Tallahassee.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 35-36.

McLane, Tana. “Thirteen Books about Pregnancy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 13-14.

McLane, Tara, ed. “3 Cooperative Communities in the Southeast.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 42 (February/March 1980): 7-31. Atlanta, Columbia, SC, Tallahassee cooperatives plus Miccosukee Land Co-op and Wetumpka Farm

McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. “Builders of the Dawn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 10-16. Excerpted from their book

McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. “A Checklist for Those Wanting to Join a Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 19-21.

McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. “A Word About Cults.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 31. Reprinted in Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 92-99.

McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. “Heralds of the Down.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 17-23.

McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. “The Planetary Network of Light: Regional Networks in New England and Washington, D.C.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 23-25.

McLaughlin, Corinne and Gordon Davidson. “Sirius Community: A Center of Light and Positive Vision.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 25-27.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “Consensus-Based Approaches to Conflict.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 14.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “Daily Life in the Sirius Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 10-13.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “The Future of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 24-26.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “Honoring Leadership in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 14.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “The Need for a Synthesis of Hierarchy and Democracy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 24.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “New-Paradigm Developments in Europe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 16.

McLaughlin, Corrine. “A New Political Paradigm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 9.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “A New Type of Community (Where It’s Needed Most).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 16.

McLaughlin, Corinne. “Transformational Politics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 13.

McLean, Andrew. “Burnt Out and Resentful.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 34-35.

McLean, Andrew. “Ducks as a Symbol of Letting Go.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 11-13 with a sidebar “The Eco-Villages Australia (EVA) Model” on 13.

McLeester, Dick. “Secrets of the Circle of Gold.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 8-14.

McLeester, Dick. “Where the Money Goes: from A Handbook For Exploring Dreams.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 34-35.

McLeod, Laura and Meredith Rush-Inglis. “Dear Yurt, You’re Not in Mongolia Anymore: An Ancient Traditional Structure Plays a Role in a Community’s Succession.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 42-44.

McPhee, Will. “Ca$h Networking.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 7-9.

McVilly, Joan. “The Expert.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 19-20.

McVilly, Joan. “Musings on the Culture of Connection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 38-39.

McVilly, Joan. “My Faith in Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 31-32.

Meisenhalter, Diane. “Building Community in the City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 10-11. Eco-Village

Melancon, Sharon. “Children’s Education at the Bruderhof.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 23-27.

M[eltzer], G[raham]. “Tokyo’s Unique Cityscape.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 59.

Meltzer, Graham. “’Urban Biotope’—Japanese Style.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 57-59. Kyodo no Mori, Tokyo.

Meltzer, Graham. “What I Miss about Findhorn.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015):58-59, 78.

Meltzer, Melanie and Mollie Nisen. “Meta-Conversation: an Exercise in Whimsical and Critical Facilitation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 36-37.

Mengel, Thomas. “Cooperative Futures Imagined—From Earth to Mars and Back.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 35-37. Discusses Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy and The Ministry of the Future and Octavia E. Butler’s Parables duology and the unfinished third volume. The fragments that exist are held in her papers at the Huntington Library. See Gerry Canavan, “‘There’s Nothing New Under The Sun, But There Are New Suns’: Recovering Octavia E. Butler’s Lost Parables.” Los Angeles Review of Books (June 9, 2014)., which is mentioned in the article.

Mengel, Thomas. “The Future Is Cooperative: What might it look like and how do we get there?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 31-34.

Mercer, Ann and Denise ‘SYD’ Fredrickson. “Women’s Wisdom: Voices of Experience.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 48-52. Interview

Mercogliano, Chris. “We Care About Each Other Fiercely.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 40-44.

Merola, Marianne and Chris Roth. “Politics Revisited.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 4-5.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Around German Communities to the ‘Centre of the World’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 12-15.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Charisma and Controversy: The Story of Herrnhut.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 56-59.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Communal Pathways to Sustainable Living: International Communal Studies Association Conference, Findhorn Foundation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 56-58.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “La Communaute de L’Arche.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 58-61. Founded in 1948 by Lanza del Vasto (named Shanditas or peace servant by Gandhi), not the L’Arche founded in 1964 by Jean Vanier.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Cennednyss.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 11.

Metcalf, Bill. “Communal Memories.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 60-61. Review of Anatomy of a Commune: Laurieston Hall 1972-1987. Ed. Dave Trainor. London: Diggers and Dreamers, 2020.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Community Living Worldwide: Riverside Community, New Zealand.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 55-56.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “[Community Living Worldwide]: UFA-Fabrik: Berlin’s Arts & Activist Commune.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 66-68.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Conversations at ZEGG.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 9-12.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Damanhur: A ‘Magical Mystery Tour’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 17-20. Italy

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Death of Two of Australia’s Community Elders.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 57, 76-77.

Metcalf, Bill. “Energising Community Spirit: Australian Intentional Community Conference, 2013.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 62-64.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Feeling Ittai at Yamagishi Toyosato.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 19-22.

Metcalf, Bill. “Findhorn Foundation, Scotland.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 18-20.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Heartwood” Urban (and Rural) Community Living in New Zealand.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 17-19.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Intentional Communities Are . . . Everywhere.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 16-17.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “International Conference about Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 62-65.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “International Communal Studies Association Conference at Damanhur.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 13-16.

Metcalf, Bill. “Learning from Our Past.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 20-21.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Mish’ol: An Urban Kibbutz.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 57-59.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Moora Moora, Australia.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 58-61.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Narara Ecovillage, Australia.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 58-60.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “New Norcia Community: Australia’s Monastic Town.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 8-12.

Metcalf, Bill. “People in Common: Coates’ Tales: Review of A Life in Common by Chris Coates.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 60-61.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “SomerVille Ecovillage, Australia.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 58-61, 75.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Tasman Village, Australia.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 58-59.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Torri Superiore: Restoring a Medieval Italian Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 8-10.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “The Wolery, Australia.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 12-14.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “Wurruk’an: An Experimental Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 58-62.

Metcalf, Bill [William James]. “ZEGG: Free Love in Germany.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 62-64.

Metcalf, Vicki. “No Community is an Island.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 32-33.

Metcalf, Vicki. “Political Activism in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 23-25.

Meter, Ken. “Common Ground Magazine.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 32.

“Mettanokit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 7-8.

Mewhinney, Kate. “Women and Communal Societies.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 37-40. Mostly historical, but also notes the problems in contemporary communities and the success at Twin Oaks.

Meyer-Stoll, Ina. “Artabana Solidarity Communities: New Paths for an Integrated Health Care System in Germany.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 32-34.

Meyers, Galen. “The Regeneration Handbook: Transform Yourself and Transform the World by Don Hall.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 52. Book Review

Michel, Elena. “The Magic of Connection and Co-Creation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 16-17 with sidebars “Ingredients for Temporal Community Building” and “Challenges We Faced” on 17.

Michrowski, Andrew. “Emerging Energy Technology and Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 Summer 1985): 6-7.

“Middle-Class Commune.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 8-11. The first part of the article was published in Alternatives, No. 3, but a summary is included here.

“Middle-Class Commune. Part Three.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 10-13.

Middlebrooks, Morgan and Joshua Lockyer. “Seeing the Good in the World, Part II: Transformative Learning Experiences at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 80, 78-79.

Mies, Rob with Cara Judea Alhadeff, Ph.D. “When Love Ignites a Creative-Waste Revolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 39-43. The article refers to Alhadeff’s “Permaculture Love Story, A Dung Beetle’s Perspective,” which is available at cara-judea-alhadeff-phd

Millenson, Jock. “Sociocracy, Feelings, and Emotions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 63-65.

Miller, Charles A. “The Community of Camp Catawba.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 61-62.

Miller, Jerre. “Growers & Buyers Go to Market.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 39.

Miller, Rich. “Why Do We Do It?” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 43-44.

Miller, Ron. “In an Atmosphere of Trust and Connection . . . Education and Learning in a Community Setting.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 19-21.

Miller, Ron, ed. “What Do Children Learn in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 19-54.

Miller, Ron. “Where to Learn More. . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 49-51.

Miller, Shawndra. “Trade School Indy: Bartering a Night School for Everyone.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 48, 72.

Miller, Tim. “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (and Unpredictable).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 19-20.

Miller, Timothy. “A Communitarian Conundrum: Why a World that Wants and Needs Community Doesn’t Get It.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 60-63, 65.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “Communities in the 20th Century.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 60-61.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “Creative Spirituality in American Communities in the Past.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 30-31.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “The ‘Cult’ Scare is Nothing New.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 37-38.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “‘Cults’ and Intentional Communities: Working Through Some Complicated Issues.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 30-32. Rpt. rev. in Communities Directory: A Comprehensive Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2010 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2010), 20-22; and in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 29-31.

M[iller], T[im]. “Delta and Providence Farms.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 56-57.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “Generational Transition and Communal Longevity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 14-15, with a sidebar “Counting Communal Longevity.”

Miller, Tim[othy]. “Identifying ‘Cults’: Those Lists of Generalizations.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 45-46.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “The Limits of Diversity: How Religion Figures In.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 22-23.

Miller, Tim. “Our Beliefs, Our Lives: Communitarian Activists in the Early 20th Century.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 54-57.

Miller, Tim. “Practical Utopianism: Review of The Utopians: Six Attempts to Build the Perfect Society by Anna Neima .” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 62.

Miller, Tim[othy]. “The Values of Shared Ownership.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 35, 73.

Miner, Mary. “The Start of Raven’s Roost–Ravens Unite.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 57.

Mintz, Jerry. “Learning at Greenbriar.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 43.

Mirriam-Goldberg, Caryn. “A Circle of Women, A Circle of Words.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 28-29.

Mirkin, Philip. “Adventures in Remote Simplicity: Four Distinct Community Styles.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 54-59.

Mirkin, Philip. “Building an Ecovillage in the Friendly Islands.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 56-60.

Mirkin, Philip. “Hurricane Lunch: Global Warming Affects Island Nations.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 36-37.

Mirkin, Philip. “Missed Opportunity at the Goat Ranch.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 34-37.

Mirkin, Philip. “Picking Up the Pieces at Fiji Organic Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 50-52.

Mirkin, Philip. “Rebuilding Remote Island Communities, One Adobe Cottage at a Time.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 57-59.

Mirkin, Philip. “Service in Community: A Fijian Success Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 18-19.

Miska, Rhonda. “Land Management and Lifesharing at Innisfree Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 54-57.

Mitchell, Biasha. “Can’t Get Away from the Commune: From Hog Farm to Stanford Co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 36-40.

Mitchell, Melanie; Lokesh Green; Elizabeth Gorla; and Brandy Macpherson. “Creating ‘Ecovillage Zoning’ With Local Officials.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 34-36.

Mitchell, Rick. “Camphill’s Evolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 52-54. Review of Dan McKanan, Camphill and the Future: Spirituality and Disability in an Evolving Communal Movement. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2020. ISBN: 9780520344082

Moffat, Gary. “A Community in Canada.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 30.

Moffat, Gary. “Community Axioms.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 6-7.

Moffat, Gary. “Community Heritage.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 12-25.

Moffat, Gary. “Community Heritage.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 29-35.

Moffett, Bill. “Support & Challenge at Oakshade” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 44-46.

Mofwoofoo (Tom Osher). “Challenges of Self-Organization at Chambalabamba.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 32-33.

Mollner, Terry. “Mondragon: Bringing It Home.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 45-47.

Mollner, Terence. “Trusteeship: The Inevitable Child of Socialism and Capitalism.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 35-39.

Molnar, Steve. “Organic Growing, Activism, & the Good Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 45-48.

Molloy, Susan. “Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 122-24.

Moody, Doug and Ruby. “The Bruderhof Responds [to Barayón article].” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 62-63.

Moohr, Marilyn. “Living with elderly family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 37.

Moohr, Marilyn. “A Morehouse divorce.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 39.

Moonraven, Raven. “How to Build Community: The Book.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 64. Review of Yana Ludwig. Building Belonging: Your Guide to Starting a Residential Intentional Community. Foundation for Intentional Community, 2023.

MoonRaven, Raven. “Starting from Scratch, Yet Again.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 42-43.

MoonRaven, Raven. “What Past and Present Communities Can Teach New Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 39, 73.

Moonsun, Patsy. “When We First Lived Together.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 18-19.

Moore, Andrew. “Margaret and Me: The Iron Lady Becomes and Unexpected Ally.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 54-57.

Moore, Andrew. “My Life in Cooperatives.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 50-51.

Moore, Andrew. “Power to the People: T’Sou-ke Nation’s Community Energy Solutions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 21-23, 73.

Moore, Andrew. “A Short History of Cooperatives.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 54, with an “Editor’s Note” on 54.

Moore, Andrew. “We’re Back! Still Beautiful, Bolder, and Hopefully a Whole Lot Better.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 36-37. Baby Boomers.

Moore, Bryan Allen. “1605 Commune, Washington DC.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 18-20.

Moore, Bryan Allan. “The Last Punks of Dupont Circle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 36-39.

Moore, Karen. “Somerville Ecovillage: Statutory Approvals and Finance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 48-50.

Moore, Leroy. “Communities of Conversation: The North American Equivalent of Base Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 37-39.

Moore, Linda. “Forty Years in Community: Has It Made a Difference?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 55-56.

Moore, Nancy J. and Richard L. Slaback. “Co-op Legal Network.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 20-21.

Moore, Peter. My Intentional Community and the Law.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 12-16.

Morales, Aurora Levins. “A Trivialist Strategy for the Sick and Disabled.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 32-35.

Moran, Jane. “Make Food, Make Hygge, Make Happy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 26-27.

Moran, Jane. “Vision, Money, and Sustainability: Bringing in Renters while Building the Dream.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 26-28.

More, Michael. “Rainbow Family Gathering.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 16-18.

Moreira, Gabriela Fagundes. “Community Living and Initiations into Adulthood as an Alternative Path for Young Adults.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 22-24.

Morgan, Ernest. “Stories from a Lifetime in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 56.

Morgan, Griscom. “Individuality and Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 33-36.

Morningstar, Clistine. “The Long Trail Home: Discovering My Own Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 53-55, 77.

Morningstar, Clistine. “Spirituality and Community Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 58-59.

Morris, Betsy. “Can Cohousing Communities Help Generate a More Sustainable Economy? COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 21-24.

Morris, Betsy. “Making Cohousing Affordable: Strategies and Successes.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 36-38, 75.

Morris, Betsy. “Women in Cohousing: Pionerrs, Visionaries, and Leaders.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 11-14.

Morris, David. “A Globe of Villages: Self-Reliant Community Development.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 23-25.

Morris, David. “Adams Morgan: Neighborhood Development.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 20-25.

Morris, David. “Politics: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 105-106.

Morris, Glenn T. “For the Next Seven Generations: Indigenous Americans and Communalism.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 158-164.

Morris, Judy. “Boundaries, Trust, and Discernment in Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 12.

Morrison, Beth Ann. “You Are Here: Finding the Feminine Energy that Cultivates Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 28-9, 75.

Morrow, Michael. “Cerro Gordo Project: A Large Scale Alternative Moves into Tomorrow.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 20-25.

Morton, James Parks. “Faith for the Planetary Age.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 51-53.

Mosely, Don. “The Spirit of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 64-65. Jubilee Partners

“M[ovement] for a N[ew] S[ociety] Letter.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 36.

Mowat, John. “Energy Production at Cerro Gordo.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 34-39.

Moyer, Bill and Alan Tuttle. “Overcoming Masculine Oppression in Mixed Groups.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 11-14. Reprinted from Win Magazine

Mueller, Marti. “Arctic Winds.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 14-16.

“Mulberry Farm.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 29-34.

Muller, Dirk. “My Way vs. Our Way: A New Take on Freedom.” With introduction by Sara Donna. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 26.

Mulligan, Moss [pseud.]. “Cardboard, Control, Catch-22s: Community and Food Production Dilemma.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 52-54.

Munsell, David. “Jesus Is Our Therapist.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 24-25.

Munters, Otto. “Goodness in Guilders: Blending Business and Love.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 25-27. Reprinted from One Earth Magazine 3, No. 6

Murdock, T.R. “Women, Dollars and $ense.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 32-34.

Murphy, Mary. “Feminist Spirituality and Gender: Lessons from Beyond Women-Only Space.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 38-39, 73.

M[urphy], M[ary]. “My Favorite Tiny House Resources.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 59.

Murphy, Mary. “Offerings to the Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 18-19, 75.

Murphy, Mary. “Re-Imagining the Hunting Camp: Feminism, Huntresses, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 58-59, 78.

Murphy, Mary. “Sharing Spaces, Sharing Values: Entrepreneurship at Dragon’s Nest Cooperative Homestead.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 34-36.

Murphy, Mary. “Tiny Houses as Appropriate Technology.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 54-59.

M[urphy], M[ary]. “Who Can Live in a Tiny House?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 59.

Murphy, Mary. “Wilderness Journeys Meet Cooperative Culture: Teens in Community on the Trail.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 44-47.

M[urphy], M[ary]. Ápril 6, 2015: Writing the Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 19.

Murphy, Jeanie. “A Shiloh Sister’s Story.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 29-32.

Musawa. “A ‘Feast of Art’ at We’Moon.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 62-64.

Myrwang, June Cotner. “Shared Parenting/Shared Providing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 3-5.

“Myth & Reality.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 25-26.


Nadeau, Maraiah Lynn. “Creating Budgetary Line Items for Ecological Upgrades.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 66.

Nadeau, Lynn. “Of Ravens and Rules.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 34-39, 58-59. RoseWind Community

Nagel, Greg. “Hoedads.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 33-36.

Nakano, Yoshifumi (a.k.a. Nakamon). “Let All the Money in the World Become Everyone’s Money.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 54-57. Konohana Community, Japan

Nalini. “What Is Spiritual Marriage?” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 38-41.

Name Withheld, Amber Jones, and River Bousquet. “Blowing Our Tops over Cover Photo.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 4. Regarding the cover on No. 201.

Nancy and Manny. “We make a school.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 36-38. Seven Springs Farm

“NASCO: North American Students of Cooperation.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 58-59.

Nashoba, Arizona. “Second Family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 40, 77.

Nashoba, Stephen. “Gluten-Free Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 34.

Nashoba, Stephan. “Intergenerational Living at Twin Oaks.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 15.

Nashoba, Stephan. “Language of Twin Oaks.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 28-29. Crossword. Solution in No. 197 (Winter 2022): 5.

Nashoba, Stephan. “Language of Twin Oaks: Crossword Solution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 5. The crossword can be found in No. 196 (Fall 2022): 28-29.

Nashoba, Stephan. “We Still Have Toilet Paper: COVID-19 Pandemic Response at Twin Oaks Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 12-15.

[“Nation Co-op Directory”]. Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 43.

Naureckas, Jim. “Land Trusts Offer American Land Reform.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 114-115.

Neal, Julia. “The American Shakers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 14-19.

Neece, Roger. “The Bank and Other Tools for Economic Development.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 27-28.

Neece, Roger. “Co-op Insurance Plan.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 46-47.

Neece, Roger. “Consumers United Group.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 22-23.

Neece, Roger. “The National Consumer Cooperative Bank—and Other Tools for Cooperative Community Economic Development.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 27-28.

Neece, Roger. “Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 34-35. Consumer Cooperative Alliance

Nehab, Hanna. “A Night in the Children’s House.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 26-28.

“Nethers Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 18-21.

“Networking.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 8-9. Northern California

Neubert, Rodney K.; Laure Chantal Tartaglia; Georganne Neubert; Dave Secunda; and Bill Rizzo. “Leadership, Teamwork, Individual Challenge: A Ropes Course Experience.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 78-79.

“New Community Project.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 70-71.

New Community Projects. “Working Things Out Together.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 15-17.

“New Town.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 19-21.Massachusetts

“The New New Towns.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 2-10. Bakavi, Communitarian Village, New Town/AC/Fayerwaeather, Village One, FutureVillage, Arcosanti, Pahana, Experimental Cities

“New World Alliance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 41-42.

“Newbury Street Theatre.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 10.

Newcomb, Hana. “From Dining Co-op at Oberlin to Cohousing at Blueberry Hill.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 62-64.

Newell, Frances. “I Didn’t Know You Were a Warrior.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 38-43.

Newey, Don. “Co-ops Co-operate.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 27.

“News from the FIC.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 64.

Newton, Gary H. “On Structure and Decision Making.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 48-51.

Newton, Gary, ed. “A Gathering of Friends.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 23-24. Consumer Cooperative Alliance

Newton, Gary. “Creating a Future: A Conversation with Jim Wyker.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 28-30. Consumer Cooperative Alliance

Newton, Gary. “Food Coop Nooz is Dead.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May/June 1977): 23.

Nic an Fhleisdeir, Heather. “Becoming Steward to Herbal Diversity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 64.

Nichols, Kate. “Designing Communities: Not Just Buildings.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 58-59. Review of Charles Durrett with Jinglin Yang, Alex Lin, Spencer Nash, and Nadthachai Kongkhajornkidsuk. Cohousing Communities: Designing for High-Functioning Neighborhoods. John Wiley & Sons, 2022.

Nichols, Kate. Review of Charles Durrett, A Solution to Homelessness in Your Town: Valley View Senior Housing, Napa Country California.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 68.

Nichols, Kate. “Starting a New Cohousing Group.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 28-30.

Nichols, Sumner. “Entrepreneurship and Long-Term Planning in an Income-Sharing Community: A Report from the Frontlines.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 24-26.

Nichols, Sumner. “The Federation of Egalitarian Communities and Community Networking.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 33-34.

Nichols, Summer. “Servant Leadership in Cooperative Business: Stirring It Up at East Wind Nut Butter.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 22-25.

Nickels, Sylvia. “Bods.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 28-29. Fiction.

Nickl, Bill and Barbara Stützel. “Painting and Dancing (& Singing, Acting, Sculpting) for Community Spirit: How artists and nonartists at ZEGG build trust and delight through art.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 28-33.

Nickles, Cindy. “How Community Can Help Baby Boomers Cope with Caregiving.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 27.

Nickles, Cindy. “Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing Hard at Work ‘Building Community One Conversation at a Time’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 48-49.

Niezgoda, Stephen. “Death & Rebirth at Skywoods Cosynegal.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 40-44. Michigan

Niezgoda, Stephen. “Down the Road with Dad.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 47-49. Skywoods

Niezgoda, Stephen. “Sleeping Together for Community Bonding.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 47-48.

“A Night at East Wind.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 38-43.

“9 in 1 . . . an unsuccessful Communal Endeavor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July August 1975): 50-55.

“1974/If I Could Fly.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 31-32. From Maccabee Farm.

“1975 Community Directory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 22-35.

“The 1976 Community Directory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 18 (January/February 1976): 16-31.

“1977 Community Directory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 3-5, 46-58.

“1978 Community Directory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 28-58.

“1981 Directory of Intentional Communities and Resources.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 31-64.

“1983 Directory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 56 (December 1982/January 1983): 55-88.

“1985 Directory of Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 40-83.

The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living. Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990. Counts as 77/78 of Communities: Journal of Cooperation.

Nitzkin, Rikki. “Straw Bales, Permaculture, and Building with Heart.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 13-15 with a sidebar “Why Build with Straw? Is Self-Building Really Possible?” by Nitzkin and Maren Termens on 15. Adapted from A Complete Guide to Straw Bale Building (2020) by Nitzkin and Termens.

Noel, William. “Mobile Home Parks: A Fast and Inexpensive Path to Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 41-43, 74.

Nolan, Mike. “Twelve Is About the Right Number: Planning for the Land and Community Process in Comptche.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 6-12. Reprinted in No. 56 with subtitle Journal of Cooperation (December 1982/January 1983): 23-27.

Noll, Stephanie. “Cabins, Computers, & Construction Dirt.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 39-42.

Nopales, Laura-Marie Strawberry. “All Bodies Are Valid Bodies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 61-63.

Nopales, Laura-Marie Strawberry. “Avocado Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 42-43.

Nopales, Laura-Marie Strawberry. “Poems.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 64. “Ode to Walnut Hands” and “Morning after Passover Seder at Walnut Street”.

Nopales, Laura-Marie Strawberry. “Queer Elder.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 21-23.

Norberg-Hodge, Helena. “Regaining Our Sense of Oneness through Localization.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 15-16.

North, Carolyn. “Adapting to One Another in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 33-34.

North, Carolyn. “The Dilemmas of Being a Benefactor: Creating a Community Land Trust.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 23-24.

Norwood, Ken E. “Innovative Housing Options for Urban Areas.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 71-72.

Norwood, Ken. “Urban Cooperative Block.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 35-37.

“Notes from my journal—a year in the life of a city/country woman.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 19-24.

“Notes from the New Communities Team.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 9-11.

Notremonde, Albert L de. (pseud.). “Transit Ashram Commune.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 18-21.

Novey, Joelle. “Cook One Meal, Eat for a Week.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 23-26, 77.

“NVC in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 57.


O’Connell, Coleen. “The Balancing Act of Farming in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 47-51.

O’Connell, Coleen. “Living the Questions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 52-54. Development of an ecovillage in Maine.

O’Connell, Tom. “Southside Community Enterprises.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 62-63.

O’Hashi, Alan. “Bridging Social and Cultural Divides in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 22.

O’Hashi, Alan. “Cohousing Is a Vaccine against COVID-19 Isolation, Loneliness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 59-60.

O’Hashi. Alan. “‘Come Play on Our Lawn’: Seniors-Only Communities and the Generation Gap.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 41-43.

O’Hashi, Andrew. “Introverts Unite!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 37-38.

O’Hashi, Alan. “A Life of Intentional Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 21-23.

O’Hashi, Alan. “Reimagining Superman’s American Way.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 23-25. Overcoming individualism in building community.

O’Keefe, Terry. “Y2K & Change in the World.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 63-64.

O’Lee, Lil. “The Illusion of Love.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 22-23.

O’Malley, Marty and Lisa Cigliana. “L’Arche International Federation: Communities for the Mentally Handicapped.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 52-53.

O’Meara, Claire and Norman Davis. “Friendship Conquers All.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 ((December 1979/January 1980: 4-8.

O’Rear, Tena Meadows with John Buck. “‘Going Dutch’: Sociocracy at EcoVillage of Loudoun County.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 38-43.

O.W.G. [pseud.]. “The Great Schism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 18-19. Responses by Diana Leafe Christian, Laird Schaub, Shannon Kelly, and Crystal Farmer in the same issue.

Oaks, Adder. “Participatory Budgeting in an Income-Sharing Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 18-21.

Oaks, Margaret. “Community Living: One Woman’s Choice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 44-47.

Oaks, Susan. “Eight Years After.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 22-27. Twin Oaks

Oaks, Valerie. “Developing a ‘Culture of Communities’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 15.

Oaks, Valerie. “Twin Oaks Holds Successful Communities Conference & Women’s Gathering.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 21.

Obermayer, Hank. “Celebrating Arts and Creativity in Community: From the Guest Editor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 27-28.

“Ocean Arks International.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 40.

“Ochiltree Commune.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 42-44. BC

Ogden, Oliver. “Learning to Say ‘ECO-BUILD’ in Your Own Vernacular—Or, What Is Eco-Building, and How Do You Know You’re Doing It Right? COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 62-65.

Okerlund, Nancy. “Plowshare Community: Radicals in the North Country.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 37-40.

Oki, Yoko. “When Each One of Us Changes Our Mind, the World Changes: Life with Konohana Family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 20-23.

Oliver, Ben. “When your parents divorce.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 38.

Olsen, Kris. “Community Alliances.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 10.

Olsen, Kris. “Food for People: All Cooperating Assembly.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 48-52.

Olsen, Kris. “It Wasn’t Camp David.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 18-22. Consumer Cooperative Alliance

Olson, Ed. “Turning the Dream into Reality.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 34-35. Stelle

Olson, Robert. “A New Value Base for Politics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 46.

Omogrosso, Michael. “The Flowering of Art at East Blair: ‘Hot, Intimate, and Wildly Revealing’” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 44-46.

Omondi, Victor. “Cultivating Hope: Using Permaculture to Feed the Orphaned Children in Kenya.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 40.

“On Being an Atheist in a Spiritual Age.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 27-29.

“On Beyond Jealousy: Keristans on the Donahue Show.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 28-38.

“On Reentering the ‘Outside’.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 19-20. Findhorn

“On Singles.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 12-13.

“One Summer Does Not a Swallow Make.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 59-61. Japanese Communes

“Open Gate.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 23-25. Plan for a community in Oregon to be called New Jerusalem.

“Open Meetings: Worth the Risk?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 10-12.

“Open Relationships.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 7.

Orleans, Ellen. “Do We Really Value ‘Diversity’? Asking Hard Questions at Wild Sage Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 17-20.

Ormsby, Vic; Yarrow Brown; and Tony Brown. “Taming the Wiscoy Wilderness.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 28-29.

Orsi, Janelle. “Home Ownership Is Dead! Long Live the Permanent Real Estate Cooperative!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 40.

Osborne, Macy. “A Welcome Intimacy, or Too Little Privacy? Community Conversations at Lost Valley.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 32-35.

Osman, Franny. “The Owl and the Pooh Hut.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 50-55.

Osman, Franny. “The Play is the Thing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 36-39.

Osmer, Molly. “Political Action at Twin Oaks: My Version.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 36-37.

“Other Alternatives Presses: Yourself. Books you can make by yourself for children.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 38.

Otman, Abdul. “Attending to ‘Essential’: Life in Suderbyn Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 8-10. Sweden

Otto, Brian. “International Communes Conference.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 28-31.

Ottrumai, Viduthalai [pseud.]. “Auroville: A Vision Under Siege—Autonomy vs. Authoritarianism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 10-13.

“Our First Year: Eugene Community Sustaining Fund.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 60-61.

“Our New Managing Editor.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 12.

“Our Oregon Community.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 11-12. Fiction? about a community in Oregon in 1902.

“Our Process.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 26.

“Our Vaguely Artistic Page.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 53. A found poem and poems by Martha Long and Marisha Chamberlain.

“Our Vaguely Artistic Page.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 53.

“The Overly Powerful Community Member.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 25-28.

Owensby, Meridith. “Pandemic Practices.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 24-25 with a sidebar “Calculating a Pandemic” on 25.


Page, Thea. “International Communes Festival.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 38-40.

Page, Thea. “Raising Children Communally.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 20-22.

Paine, Rick. “On Coming Out of the Desert.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 21.

Pais, Bill. “The Desire for Diversity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 16. Rev. as “The Desire for Diversity: A Cohousing Perspective.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 141-42 by Zev Paiss. Cohousing

Paiss, Bill. “CoHousing and the Wider Communities Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 13, 17.

Paiss, Bill. “Creating a Collective Vision.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 14-15. Cohousing

Paiss, Bill. “Experiencing the ‘Community Family’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 15.

Paiss, Bill. “From Suburbia to Community: Cohousing as a Bridge.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 17.

Paiss, Bill. “Perspectives on Creating Cohousing Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 12-13.

Paiss, Neshama Abraham. “Current Cohousers Consider New Options for the Years Ahead.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 36-37.

Paiss, Neshama Abraham. “How Will I Live My Elder Years in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 30-32.

Paiss, Zev. “The Desire for Diversity: A Cohousing Perspective.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 141-42. Rev. from “The Desire for Diversity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 16 by Bill Paiss.

Paiss, Zev. “Finding the People, Finding the Money.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 51-53.

Palakln, Adam. “What I’m Learning from Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 56-58.

Palmes, Monica; Bill Grabin; and Gary Cohen. “Renaissance Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 41 ((December 1979/January 1980: 30-35.

Pandita dasa, Damodara. “Basis & Planning of a Vedic Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 20-21.

Pandita dasa, Damodora and Madhava Ghosa dasa. “Timeless Principles of Ideal Government In Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 36-37. Hari Krishna

Papas, Emilie. “Work and Play at Camphill Copake.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 26-28.

“Papaya.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 26-29. Community in Hawaii and the problems they were having.

Parenti, Susan. “‘Composing’ Our Lives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 47-49.

Paris, Robin and Daniel A. Brown. “The Renaissance Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 37-41.

Pariser, Emanuel. “‘A Steadiness Within’: The Community School in Maine.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 45-48.

Parker, Dan. “The Wealth of Music-Making in a Multigenerational Cohousing Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 44-45.

Parker, Richard. “Towards a New Economic Agenda.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 62 (Spring 1984): 9-13.

Parliament, Steve. “Developer’s Dream Community’s Nightmare: West Bank’s Struggle for Resident Control.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 26-31.

Parris, Lyndall. “The Benefits of Multigenerationality at Narara Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 15.

Parrish, Carol E. “Advice from Community Founders: Two Decades of Community Experience.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 19-21.

Parry, Danaan. “I-ness We-ness One-ness.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 30-31.Reprinted from Holyearth Journal 3, No. 1 (Spring 1985).

Pasikov, David. “Stewardship: Green Pastures Estate An Emissary Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 29-32.

“Passiv Haus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 53.

Pat, Ed and Duffy of New Community Projects. “‘It isn’t just me’.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 37-38.

“Patch Adams on Health & Healing. Interviewed by Diana Leafe Christian.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 37-39.

“Patch Adams on the Movie ‘Patch Adams’. Interviewed by Diana Leafe Christian.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 20-23.

Patrick, Walt. “Autonomy in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 47-48. Windward Foundation

Patrick, Walt. “Pondering Pareto: Understanding Group Population Dynamics.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 40-41.

P[atrick], W[alt]. “Seeking a Viable Alternative.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 42.

Patrick, Walt. “Tracing Windward’s Memeology.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 22-25.

“Patriot Survivalists on an Idaho Mountain.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 49.

Patterson, Fiona. “Grief and Growth: Six Babies’ First Year and Peter’s Last.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 57-59, 75.

Pauley, Cindy. “Sirius Hosts the FIC Spring ‘93 Board Meeting.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 22.

Pauley, Shen. “Elders in Community: Bruce and Linda’s Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 80, 77-79.

Paulson, Belden. “Community Dilemmas.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 27-28.

Paulson, Belden. “High Wind: A Retrospective.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 55-59. Wisconsin community from 1977-91 by a co-founder.

Paulson, Belden. “The Three-Community Seminar. Introductory Note.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 30.

Paulson, Belden. “Three Kinds of Community–Three Kinds of Experience and Learning.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 20-24.

Paulson, Lisa. “Getting to Community and Life after Community: COLLECTIVISM VS. INDIVIDUALISM.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 25-29.

Paulson, Lisa. “High Wind: Community Lives, Personal Loves.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 32-35.

Paulson, Lisa. “Mixing Up Visionaries and ‘Regular Folks’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 48-49.

Paulson, Lisa. “Walk Gently On the Earth.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 25.

Paulson, Lisa. “Would I Live in Community Again?” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 36-38.

Payne, Janna. “Journeying on the Ark: One Woman’s Experience at L’Arche.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 48-50. The one in Ontario.

Payne, Janna. “Picking Fights for Peace.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 57.

Peabody, Llyn. “The Sharing Gardens: A unique and viable approach to establishing local food self-reliance while building stronger communities based on the principle of ‘giving without thought of receiving’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 41-45.

Peabody, Llyn. “Veganic Soil Fertility with Local Materials.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 28-30.

Pearson, Peg and Jake Baker. “Seattle Worker’s Brigade: History of a Collective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 20-24.

Pecker, Annette. “Clash of ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’ Selves Splits Community in Two.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 36-39. Excerpted from Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture 11.1 (Spring/Summer 2001): 24-26. In an issue entitled “Tools for Sustainability /Eco-Humor.”

Pedersen, Else Marie. “How to Live Collectively in a World without Balance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 18-20.

Pelican, Jules. “Hello, Goodbye.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 43-47.

Pennington, Julie, ed. “Life After Student Co-ops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 30-48.

Pennington, Julie. “Life After Student Co-ops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 30-32.

Pennington, Julie. “Planning a Community Visit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 36-41.

Pennington, Julie. “Visiting Communities: Tips for Guests and Hosts.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 47-49.

P[ennington], J[ulie]. “What is a Student Housing Co-op?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 33.

“Penny Candy Page.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 65.

“Penny Candy Page: Sweat equity as featured in Supergirl Comics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 64.

“People’s College of Law.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 6-7.

Pepsin, Maureen Ferris and Henry McCartney. “Bringing Your Neighborhood Together.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 43-49.

Percoco, Marissa. “The Firefly Gathering: Learning to Live Well with the Earth and One Another.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 19-22.

Percoco, Marissa. “Weaving Resilience through Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 20-23.

“The Peripatetic Communitarian. In Memoriam.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 76, 75.

Perkins, David. “‘No Bad Vibes’: Communes in the Rocky Mountain Southwest ‘65-’75.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 30-35. Longer version in Spirit (Spring 1996).

Perler, Bruce. “Communities: Better Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 27.

P[erler], B[ruce]. “West Communities (Un)Conference 2018.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 27.

Perlow, Ken. “The People’s Yacht Collective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 2-3.

Perlow, Ken. “You Can’t Go Home Again.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 52-53.

Perry, Hugh. “Keys to the Journey of Forming a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 52-53.

Perry, Hugh. “Three Flipping Points: Conflict into Connection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 40-41.

Perry, Hugh. “The Vibe.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 4. Letter

Perry, Hugh. “Why Community Was the Best Time of My Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 37-39.

“Perspectives on Power.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 42.

Peter, Barry. “garbage!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 26. Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture 13.3&4 (Fall/Winter 2003/2004). Poem

Peters, Charlene; see Aquarian, Isis.

Peterson, Dene. “ElderSpirit: Living the Spiritual Quest of Later Years.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 26-29.

Peterson, Joe V. “‘Behold How Good’: Music and Christian Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 65.

Peterson, Joe V. “The Rise & Fall of Shiloh.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 60-65.

Peterson, Joe V. “What You Need to Know About Christian Communities . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 24-27.

Peterson, Joe V. “What You Should Know About Christian Communities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 60-63.

Peterson, Joe [V.]. “‘You’ve Gotta Be a Baby’—The Power of Spirit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 44-48. Shiloh interview

Petersen, John L.; Margaret Wheatley; & Myron Kellner-Rogers.” The Year 2000: Social Chaos or Social Transformation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 30-35, 59.

Petit, Tara. “Transitioning into the Heart of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 44-47.

Petrakis, Emmanuel. “A Crash Course in Leadership.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 77.

Petrie, Noel. “Shaw EcoVillage: Bicycle Power and Activist Youth in the Inner City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 9-11.

Pétursson, Guďmundur Ármann. “Cultural Summer in Sólheimer, Iceland.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 46.

Peugh, Jody. “The Santa Cruz Women’s Health Collective.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 19-27.

Phoenix, Danielle. “‘Dreeeeeem On!’ The Re-Education of a Nonprofit Seeking to Build a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 47-49.

Pickerill, Jenny. “Building Collectively Is Greener, Easier, and Cheaper.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 12-15.

Pickerill, Jenny. “Who Builds the Houses? Gender in Eco-Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 20-23.

Pickerill, Jenny and Ruth Hayward. “Building Community and Learning from Failure.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 34-36. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 40-42.

Pickford, Bob. “Co-ops in El Salvador.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 34.

“Pickle Family Circus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 5-6.

Piesen, Debbie. “The Direct Drive DC Microgrid: An Energy Future the Whole World Can Afford.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 12-17.

Piesen, Debbie. “On the Road to a Solar Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 12-14.

Pietzner, Cornelius M. “Art in Everyday Life, and the ‘Fine Art’ of Social Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 60-61.

Pike, Sarah M. “Being the Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 76. Review of A. Whitney Sanford, Living Sustainably: What Intentional Communities Can Teach Us about Democracy, Simplicity, and Nonviolence.

Pimentel, Carol. “The Hope Street Gang Forever.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 13-16. Reprinted from HopeDance: The Magazine About Making a Difference in SLO County (Central Coast California) (Jan/Feb ’97).

Pimentel, Carol. “Shared Living—When Home Is a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 28-30.

Pine, Whispering. “‘Pure Water Is More Precious Than Gold’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 50-51.

Pitt, William. “Database Searches for Intentional Communities Information.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 141-142.

Pittman, Pendell. “Sunrise Ranch: Adventures with Technology.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 12-14.

Pitzer, Don. “The Communal Studies Association.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 8-9.

Pitzer, Donald. “Lessons from Historic Communal Societies.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 8-13.

“Plan Ahead.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 36-38.

“Planning at Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 48-49.

Plant, Laura J. “All Aboard!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 13-16.

“Players Theatre.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 35.

[Pleasure, Thomas]. “Henry Ebenezer: Impersonating a Cultural Hero.” By Sweet William (pseud.). Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 28-31.

Poage, Nina and Ben Poage. “On the Move.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 21-23.

Pocock, Iva. “European Day of Sustainable Communities, 22 September: A Celebration of the Diversity of Grassroots Action.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 28-29.

“Poor Peoples’ Development Foundation.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 13-14.

Popenoe, Oliver and Chris Popenoe. “Stelle.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 66 (Spring 1985): 17-23, 85-86. Excerpted from their book

Porter, Carrie, and Fred Thornthwaite. “Dignity We Must: Cooperative Services.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 61-64.

Porter, McCune. “Community Search Resources.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 12.

Porter, McCune. “A Visit to Krutsio.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 22.

Posner, Honey Shor. “Finding Our Way Home in the Giant of Berkeley.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 45-47.

“The Possibility Alliance Mission Statement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 29.

“The Potlatch Agreements.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 15-18.

“A Potpourri of Children’s Books.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 36-37.

Poulter, Simon. “Seeking Group Renewal.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 31-32.

“The Power Imbalance: Can’t Live With It Can’t Live Without It.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 22-25.

Powers, Robert T. “A Self-Guided Tour.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 30-34. Stelle

Powers, Stephanie. “Quad-Parenting in Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 34-37.

Poyourow, Joanne. “A Fistful of Sunflowers.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 36-37. Community Garden at Holy Nativity.

Prendergast, Barbara B. “Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 33.

Prensky, Bill. “Camphill: The Way of My Brother.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 56-57.

Prentiss, Molly. “The Giant Sea Turtle in Our Shower: Growing up in community can mystify your friends, but by the time you get to college, can turn out just fine.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 39-41.

Presmont, Jud. “A Friendly Difference of Opinion: Brother Jud’s Perspective on the Kerista Breakup.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 34.

“Preventing ‘Tyranny of the Minority’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 23-25.

Price, Christine Stewart interviewed Paul DeLapa. “Gestalt Practice: Awareness Moment to Moment.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 60-64.

Price, Michelle Erica. “The Remembrance of Roots.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 50-51, 72.

“Principles of the F[ederation of] E[galitarian] C[ommunities].” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 79. From

“Prisoner’s Struggle—Where Are We?” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 14-19.

“Private Sex, Private Space, Private People.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 11-14.

Prosser, Martin. “Sunflower Cohousing en France.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 62-63.

Prouty, Guy. “Preparing for a Post-Carbon: Why I’m Joining O.U.R. Ecovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 54-55.

Prusik, Brendan. “The Cité Écologique raises the bar for sustainable living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 8-9. Labeled an Advertisement.

“Pueblo to People.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 4-5.

Pulito, Marie. “The Rocky Road to Rocky Corner Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 45-46.

Pulkingham, Graham. “‘If You Can Possibly Avoid Doing It…’” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 53.

Purvis, Russ. “Apple Trees in Winter.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 25.

Purvis, Russ. “Canadian Ecovillages: Perspectives on Affordability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 44-45.

Purvis, Russ. “Ecovillage Network of Canada.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 21, 71.

Purvis, Russ. “Ecovillage Radio.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 58.

Purvis, Russ. “Walking Through the Forest.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 47, 77.


Quarta, Stefano. “A Family Builds its Breeze Home in Paradise.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 47-51.

Quatrella, Len. “Cooperative Alternative Community Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 4-8.

Questenberry, Dan. “Regional Networking at Fellowship Board Meeting.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 19-21.

Questenberry, Dan. “Residential Land Trust Organizing: The School of Living, Community Service, Inc. and The Land Trust Movement.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 116-121.

Questenberry, Dan. “Who We Are: An Exploration of What ‘Intentional Community’ Means.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 33-39.

Quinn, Megan. “Helping Friends and Neighbors Prepare.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 51-53.


Ragland, Oz and Wendy Willbanks Wiesner. “Affordability Strategies and Contrasts.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 39, 76.

Ragland, Craig. “Remembering Fred Lanphear.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 4-5.

Ragland, Craig. “What Older Cohousers Say about Elder Cohousing.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 64.

Raimly, Eric. “Living Together.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 17-28.

Raimy, Eric. “Middle Class Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 1.

Raimy, Eric, and Mikki Wenig. “Family Life and Relationships: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 83-84.

Rain, Amanda. “Community Accountability: The Struggles, Challenges, and Hopes for Community Action on Sexual Assault.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 10-14 with a sidebar on “Helpful Resources: Creative Interventions Toolkit” on 14.

Rain, Amanda. “The Sweet Spot of Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 25-28.

“Rainbow Family 1978 gathering.” Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978):46.

Ramsey, Greg. “Car-Reduced and Car-Free Rural Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 58-59, 79.

Rasch, Tony. “Dancing for Peace, Joy, and Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 33-37.

Raser-Rowland, Annie. “Mixing Sociability and Utility: A Recipe for Community Connection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 58-59 with a sidebar “Young Fava Bean Smash Recipe” on 59.

Rathbone, Olivia. “How Do We Eat As If We Plan to Be Here for Another 10,000 Years: Cultivating Food Culture in Stewardship of Place.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 36-38.

Rau, Ted with Jerry Koch-Gonzalez. “A Language of Needs.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 809 with a sidebar “Some NVC Vocabulary” on 9.

Rau, Ted. “Scaling Small-Group Consent with Sociocracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 47-49.

Rau, Ted. “What Needs to Be in a Community’s DNA to Form?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 44-45 with a sidebar “Making Agenda Decisions Together” on 45.

Rauber, Paul. “Rainbow Collective Off the Ground.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 30.

Rauber, Paul. “The Collective Outcome.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 10-14. Reprinted from The Monthly

Rauch, Sherry. “Pornography and Silence: Culture’s Revenge Against Nature.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 38-40.

Ray, Gypsy. “Everyone Feels Useful Here.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 53-57. Camphill communities in Ireland.

Ray, Starling. “Connecting with Our Country Neighbors.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 55-56.

Ray, Starling. “An Ecovillage on Erin’s Isle.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 12-14.

Rayman, Paula. “The Commune Movement: a long way to go.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 20-21.

Raz, Jon. “Camphill Village.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 17-23.

“Reach.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 68-77.

“Recovery for the Corporations: Depression for the People?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 21-24.

“Red Hawk Woman.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 14-17.

Redko, Beatriz Vera Possi. “The Elder and the Community: Perspectives from São Paulo.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 40-41.

Reed, Molly and Susan Frank. “Art of Community: An Experience Centered Around the Values of Right Livelihood in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 9-10.

Reed, Molly and Susan Frank. “Art of Community 2012.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 80, 79.

Reeve, Mark. “Cincinatti Reports.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 67.

“Reflections.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 2-4.

“Regional Gatherings for Urban Communal Families October 24-27, 1975.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 38-41.

Register, Richard and Joan Talbott. “Site Planning Findhorn’s ‘Field of Dreams’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 56-58.

Register, Richard. “The Village Can Save the City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 30, 32-35.

Rehmus, Jon. “The Education of Hancock County.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 16-18. Education cooperative

Reichert, Tom with Peggy Wonder. “Software, Hardware, and Ecology at Ganas.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 55-57.

Reid, [C.] Luc. “Doctor Ike’s Magical Cup O’ Facilitation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 45.

Reid, [C.] Luc. [“Electronic Consensus”]. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 53-56. Meadowdance

Reid, [C.] Luc. “Finding New Community Members. Part I.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 22-26.

Reid, [C.] Luc. “Finding New Community Members. Part II: The Publicity Toolbox.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 22-26.

Reid, [C.] Luc. “Meadowdance’s Hybrid Economy: Can Independent Finances and Income Sharing Co-exist?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 32-34, 36-38, 67.

R[eid], [C.] L[uc]. “Our Work-Requirements System.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 34-35.

Reid, C. Luc. “Using the Internet to Find Your Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 21-25.

Reid, Rebecca. “Leaps of Faith.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 47-50. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 36-39.

Reidel, Kate. “Ecologically Speaking Communities: Enright Ridge Urban Eco-Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 55-57.

Reina, Russ. “‘True Confessions’ of FIC Membership.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 12-15.

Reiss, Leo. “Milwaukee Reports.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 66.

“Remembering Margo Adair.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 5, 76.

“Renaissance Cities: A Whole New of Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 28-30.

Renwick, Valerie. “A Baby Boomer’s Guide to Community: Then and Now.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 12.

Renwick, Valerie (Author), RatzoSkull (Illus.). “Another Quintessential Commune Moment.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 6.

Renwick, Valerie. “Gender-Bending on the Commune.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 4-25.

Renwick, Valerie. “GPS Directions for Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 76.

Renwick, Valerie. “Life’s Little Victories: Twin Oaks Version.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 76.

Renwick, Valerie. “20 Years of Egalitarian Community: What We’ve Done So Far…” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 16.

Renwick, Valerie. “Quintessential Commune Moments.” Illus. RatzoSkull. Labour Credits McCune. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 64.

Renwick-Porter, Valerie. “Celebration & Ceremony at Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 38-39.

Renwick-Porter, Valerie. “Communities Seeking Elders.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 52-55.

Renwick-Porter, Valerie. “The Community that Dines Together, Aligns Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 80.

Renwick-Porter, Valerie. “Egalitarian . . . and Green!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 14-15. Twin Oaks

Renwick-Porter, Valerie. “Elephants of a Different Stripe: Politics at Twin Oaks: Distinguishing ‘Acceptable’ from ‘Combustible’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 52, 62.

Renwick-Potter, Valerie. “Everything I Needed to Know about Community Living I Learned from Harry Potter.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 13.

Renwick-Porter, Valerie. “‘My Other Car Isn’t Mine Either’: Bumper Sticker for an Income Sharing Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 47.

“Resources for Appropriate Technology.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 57.

“Retiring to the Good Life: Stephen Gaskin on ‘Rocinante’. Interviewed by Betty Didcoct.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 62-64.

Reuben, Lee. “Deed Land to God.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 10.

Rex. “Can Any Bunch of People Become a Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 40-48.

Rhodes, Robert. “How It Is to Be ‘Forgotten,’ and to Forgive.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 40-43. Hutterites

Rhodes, Robert. “What We Can Learn from the Shakers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 69-72.

Riano-Bradley, Jewell. “Community: Innovation and Shifting Mindsets.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 38-41.

Rider, Larry. “Finding Fulfillment at Ananda.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 44-47, 76.

Ridgway, Barb and Jan Fillingham, eds. “Our Story.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 19-29. Feminist therapy group

Riechelmann, Bernd. “Farming with Horses. . .Not Tractors: A La’akea member reminisces about growing up on a 75 hectare (185 acre) farm in northern Germany.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011):48-49.

Riffer, Nancy W. “Creating a Center for Holistic Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 59 (July/August 1983): 30-32.

Ringrose, Isis and Benjamin Brown. “Regional Organizing: InterCommunities of Virginia.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 132-135.

Rios, Melanie. “Bringing Home Lessons from Community Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 25-27, 71.

Rios, Melanie. “Centering Blackness in Our Soils and Our Souls to Promote Climate Justice.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 53-57.

R[ios], M[elanie]. “The Chronically Under-Touched Project.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 58. A program for “African Heritage men.”

Rios, Melanie. “Five Tools to Help Groups Thrive.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 24-26.

Rios, Melanie. “How to Add Zest to Your Sustainability Education Program.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 48-51.

R[ios], M[elanie]. “How to Change a Law.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 19.

Rios, Melanie. “It Takes All Kinds to Raise a Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 17-19.

R[ios], M[elanie]. “Life in Dome Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 19.

Rios, Melanie. “Network for New Culture Meets Holistic Resistance: A Potential Partnership towards Liberation from White Supremacy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 26-29, with a sidebar “Challenges to be Addressed” on 29.

Rios, Melanie. “A Network of Ventures for Community Resilience.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 76, 74-75. Portland, Oregon

Rios, Melanie G. “Our Sustainable Acre in the City.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 36-39. Maitreya EcoVillage, Eugene, OR.

Rios, Melanie. “Sociocracy: A Permaculture Approach to Community Evolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 20-23.

R[ios], M[elanie] G. “A Vision for Cascadia Bioregion.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 38.

Rios, Melanie [G.]. “A ‘Wife-Swapping’ Adventure.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 56-59, 73. TV program.

Rios, Michael. “Gender at Summer Camp East.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 33.

Rios, Melanie and Skye Rios. “Transparency, Vulnerability, Interdependence, and Collaboration: An Intergenerational Perspective from a Boomer and a Millennial.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 38-40.

Rios, Skye (with Melanie Rios). “An Abundance of Dads.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 16-17, 75.

Ritter, Sheila. “Living Well in ICC Co-ops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 46-48.

“Ritual in Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 30-31.

Robbins, M.J. and Richard Fox. “Healing Waters. Indian Hot Springs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 27-29.

Robbins, Thomas. “Proposed ‘Bill of Rights for Communities’: Throwing Out the Baby with the Bath Water?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 12-13.

Roberts, Gordi. “Alternatives to Terminal Consciousness.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 43-45.

Roberts, Marianne. “Innisfree: Lifesharing with Adults with Mental Disabilities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 105-108.

Robin, Vicki. “How Much Is Enough?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 52. Excerpted from In Context: Journal of Sustainable Culture.

Robinson, Murphy. “An Ax, a Rope, and Teamwork: Build a Simple A-Frame Shelter for Under $100.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 52-54.

Robinson, Murphy. “The Gift Economy of Standing Rock.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 15-17.

Robinson, Murphy. “Moving Beyond White Fragility: Lessons from Standing Rock.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 15-16.

Robinson, Murphy. “Nine Traditions That Draw Us Together: How a Small Town Nurtures Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 56-57.

Robinson, Murphy. “The Pronoun Dilemma.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 52-53 with a sidebar “What Is Pronoun Culture?” on 53.

Robinson, Peter with help from Bernie and Clay. “A Mixed Economy Model for Intentional Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 85-89.

Roe, Gerald Walden. “Instant Read-Back. An Open Love Letter to Kat Kinkade.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 18 (January/February 1976): 59-63.

Rohde, Kirsten. “Abundance and Scarcity in the Goodenough Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 32-36.

Rohde, Kirsten. “How We Came to Inherit a Salmon Stream.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 27-28.

Rohde, Kirsten. “On the Land at Last.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 14-16. Goodenough

Rohrbach, Cynthia. “The Farm School.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 37-39.

Roig, Madelaine. “The Quilt.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 46-48. Commonground Community and Healing Retreat Center, Killaloe, Ont., Canada

Romero, Noelle. “Ecobarrios: A Chilanga’s Dream.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 26-30, 72.

Ronn. “The Local Scene: Your Times X-Press.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 22 (September/October 1976): 29-31.

Root, Wanda. “Camphill: Glimpses of Community Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 54-55.

Rosaler, Maxine. “Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: NFCDCU and the Credit Union Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 36-38.

Rosen, Corey. “Legislation for worker ownership.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 52.

Rosen, Corey. “Resource: The national center for employee ownership.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 54.

Rosenblatt, Alison. “Crossing Generational Bridges at the Brazil E[covillage] N[etwork of the] A[mericas] Meeting.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 13-16.

Rosenblatt, Alison. “(Re)localization: An Exploration in Local Currencies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 58-59.

Rosenblatt, Alison. “Shifting Our Views on Ecovillage Economics.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 16-20.

Rosenblatt, Alison and Lois Arkin. “Triumphs and Struggles at Los Angeles Eco-Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 16-20.

Rosenblum, Art. “Communities Saving Themselves (and the Planet).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 16.

[Rosenn, Dan and Stu Copans]. “Pioneer Health.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 46. Both authors are doctors.

[Rosenn, Dan and Stu Copans].“Pioneer Health.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 42-45. Both authors are doctors.

[Rosenn, Dan and Stu Copans]. “Pioneer Health.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 39-41. Both authors are doctors.

Rosurthian. “An Alternate Future.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 187): 37.

Roth, Chris. “Affording Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 11.

Roth, Chris. “Around the World in 80 Pages.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 8.

Roth, Chris. “Attention Complimentary Subscription Recipients!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 1.

Roth, Chris. “Building for the Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “Business Ventures.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “But Not Without Tears: Our Toughest Membership Decision Ever.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 26-31.

Roth, Chris. “Climate Crisis, Dystopia, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Coming Home to History.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 54-56. Review of David Graeber and David Wengrow, The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2021, 704 pp.

Roth, Chris. “Common Ground in an Uncertain World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 40-43.

Roth, Chris. “Communities’ Impact.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 4-5.

Roth, Chris. “Community, Consensus, and Facilitation Book Project.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 1.

Roth, Chris. “Community in Hard Times.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 15.

Roth, Chris. “Community, Land, Self: We’re Part of the Same Elephant.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 32-37.

Roth, Chris. “Community Wisdom for Everyday Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 9.

Roth, Chris. “The Community’s Garden Orchestra.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 32-35.

Roth, Chris. “Confessions of a Fallen, Eco-Warrior.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 38-42.

Roth, Chris. “Connecting Land and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 8.

Roth, Chris. “Cover Revisited: Masks, Parties, Politics.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 6.

Roth, Chris. “Crazy About Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 11, 13.

Roth, Chris. “Dinosaurs, Asteroids, Gardening, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 25-30.

Roth, Chris. “Diversity in Diversity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 12-13.

Roth, Chris. “An Ecovillage Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 11.

Roth, Chris. “Ecology and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 15.

Roth, Chris. “The Ecstatic Communion and Revelatory Foibles of Sun House.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 50-57. Review of David James Duncan, Sun House. Little, Brown, 2023. For an excerpt, see pages 12-15 of the same issue.

Roth, Chris. “Education for Sustainability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010):14-15.

Roth, Chris. “Emergent Properties, Widening Circles.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 4-5.

Roth, Chris. “Endings and Beginnings.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 9.

Roth, Chris. “Evergreens.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 1.

Roth, Chris. “An Evolution in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 17-21.

Roth, Chris. “Expanding Communities’ Reach.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): Back Cover.

Roth, Chris. “Exploring Family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 46-50.

Roth, Chris. “Exploring the Shadow Side.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 15.

Roth, Chris. “Festivals and Gatherings.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009):17.

Roth, Chris. “A Few Words on Adaptation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “Found by Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Getting Elder All the Time.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 15.

Roth, Chris. “Getting to Know Beans about Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 29-33. Originally published in Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture 9.1 (Spring/Summer 1999).

Roth, Chris. “Gender: Is There a ‘There’ There?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 10-11.

Roth, Chris. “Gratitude, Loss, Rebirth, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 26-31.

Roth, Chris. “The Haybox Cooker.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 48-50.

Roth, Chris. “Health and Quiet.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 80, 79-80. Review of One Square Inch of Silence by Gordon Hempton and John Grossman.

Roth, Chris. “Health and Well-Being.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 15.

Roth, Chris. “Hopeful Stories from the Old World: A New We.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 80, 79.

Roth, Chris. “How Ecology Led Me to Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 30-33, 73.

Roth, Chris. “In Deep Forest and Meadow.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 50-54. Lost Valley Educational Center.

Roth, Chris. “Intimacy: Past, Future, Present.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 12-13.

Roth, Chris. “Introducing this Issue.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 6.

Roth, Chris. “It’s the Law.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 8-10.

Roth, Chris. “Join Our Author’s List.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 4.

Roth, Chris. “The Lighter Side of Community: A Communitarian Appreciates Wanderlust.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 58-63, 75.

Roth, Chris. “Living for the City.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 8.

Roth, Chris. “Magazine News.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 6.

Roth, Chris. “Many Faces.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 10.

Roth, Chris. “Matching Freedom with Responsibility.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 4-7.

Roth, Chris. “Memory Lane Is No Dead End.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “Mirrors and Windows.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “More Sustainable Than Thou.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 42-47.

Roth, Chris. “My Story As Told By Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 34-41. Originally published in Talking Leaves 14.1 and 2 (Spring/Early Summer 2004). See the next article for the author’s later reflections on this piece.

Roth, Chris. “My Story As Told By Land: Lessons in the Leaves.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 42-43. Reflections on the previous article.

Roth, Chris. “The Need for Greater Purpose.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Neighbor Nightmare in Northern California.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 30-34.

Roth, Chris. “New Beginnings and Initiatives for Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 4-5.

Roth, Chris. “The New Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Not Rocket Science, but Just as Important.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 6-8.

Roth, Chris. “On the Road with Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 67.

Roth, Chris. “Passing the Communities Torch to a New Publisher.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 10-11.

Roth, Chris. “Permaculture 101.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 10-13.

Roth, Chris. “Picking Up the Torch.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 18. Follow up on “Seizing the Torch” in the previous issue (38-42).

Roth, Chris. “Place and Planet, Unplugged.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “Please Support Communities!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 1.

Roth, Chris. “A Politics in Community Survey: Searching for Republicans . . . and Other Elephants in the Community Living Room.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 46-51, 62.

Roth, Chris. “Power and Disempowerment on the Ecobus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 41-47.

Roth, Chris. “The Quest for Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Questions in Middle Ages (or: Communities Turns 50.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “Recipe for Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 8.

Roth, Chris. “remembering the Hopi Center for Human Services.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 27. Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture 12.2 (Summer 2002). Poem

Roth, Chris. “Remembering Laird.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 9-11.

Roth, Chris. “Remembering Linda Joseph.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 4.

Roth, Chris. “Remembering Zendik.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 76, 75. Review of Helen Zuman, Mating in Captivity [A Memoir] Berkeley, CA: She Writes Press, 2018.

Roth, Chris. “Reviving Native Language.” Review of Leanne Hinton, Flutes of Fire: An Introduction to Native California Languages. Rev. & updated ed. Berkeley, CA: Heyday, 2022. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 64, 63.

Roth, Chris. “Right Lively ‘Hood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 11-12, 14.

Roth, Chris. “Sandhill Farm’s Children* Remember Stan *(and moms).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 8.

Roth, Chris. “Seizing the Torch.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 38-42. Fir Ridge and Maple Creek communities.

Roth, Chris. “Slices of Life in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 8.

Roth, Chris. “Soil, Communities, and Climate Change: An Interview with Nikki Silvestri.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 22-24.

Roth, Chris. “Speaking of Ecological Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 1.

Roth, Chris. “‘Stewarding Our Home’: A Place for Everyone.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 10.

Roth, Chris. “Talking about Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 8.

Roth, Chris. “Technology, Nature, and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “Technology on the Path to Reality: Snapshots from the Pre-Post-Digital Age.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 33-37.

Roth, Chris. “Testing the Faith.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 68, 64-67.

Roth, Chris. “Themes and Dreams.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 1.

Roth, Chris. “Thoughts on Power.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 14-15.

Roth, Chris. “Transition Times on Planet Earth.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “Undressing and Addressing the Elephant in the Room.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 6-7.

Roth, Chris. “A Universal Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 74. Review of Beverly Seckinger, Hippie Family Values. Video. DVD.

Roth, Chris. “Unraveling a Pseudonymystery: Who Are Troy Bell, M. Broiling, Marcus DeGauche, Lee Icterus, Nils McGinn, Moss Mulligan, Annette Pecker, Barry Peter, T. Shirtless, and Water Wordsworth?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 28IF.

Roth, Chris. “Up, Down, and All Around.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 4-7.

Roth, Chris. “Welcome.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 1.

Roth, Chris. “Withdrawal and Engagement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 4-5.

Roth, Chris. “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 8-9.

Roth, Chris. “The Year that Changed Everything.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 8-11.

Roth, Chris. “Youth in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 6.

Roth, Nancy. “Monasticism, Community, and ‘The Great Work’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 32-33, 75.

Roth, Nancy Moore. “The Lenox Place News.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 45-47.

Roth, Nancy. “Remembering Jane Owen: New Harmony’s Joyful Elder. Jane Blaffer Owen April 18, 1915-June 21, 2010. New Harmony, Indiana.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 32-33.

Roth, Nancy. “Strangely Warmed: A Homeowner’s Adventure with Geothermal Energy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 46-47.

Roth, Nancy. “The Virtues of Unsettling.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 75. Review of Mark Sundeen, The Unsettlers.

Rothberg, Donald. “The Dynamics of Buddhist Community: A conversation with Stephen and Martine Batchelor.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 24-27.

Royer, Chris. “Co-operative Housing.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 31-35.

Royle, Stephen A. “‘On a Desert Isle’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 16-20. Tristan da Cunha, Pitcairn

Rozza, Dave; Hannah Simms; Josh Blanchfield; Julia Rosenblatt; Kevin Lamkins; Laura Rozza; Maureen Welch; and Simon Raahauge DeSantis. “Setting the Record Straight/Bellevue Washington’s Definition of Family/Bellevue’s ‘Rooming House’ Definition.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 27.

Rozza, Dave; Hannah Simms; Josh Blanchfield; Julia Rosenblatt; Kevin Lamkins; Laura Rozza; Maureen Welch; and Simon Raahauge DeSantis. “Zoning Nightmare: Hartford’s Scarborough Street House.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 26-28.

Rubin, Zach; Yana Ludwig; and Don Willis. “Conflict Resolution and Satisfaction in Today’s Intentional Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 57-60.

Rubin, Zach; Ma’ikwe Ludwig; and Don Willis. “Happy, Healthy, Functional, Fit: What Works Best in Present-Day Communities.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 42-46.

Rubissow, Ariel. “The Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 53 (April/May 1982): 9-16, 45-50.

Ruddick, Peter. “How Sharing Food Builds Community in Silicon Valley.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 60-61.

Rudesill, Shandin. “Rediscovering My Roots in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 54. Twin Oaks

Russ, Joel. “Reaching Out in the Eighties.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 10-11.

Russell, Laura Vavra. “Relating to Each Via ‘Roles’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 34-35.

Russert, Joshua. “Educating Prem.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 32-43. Homeschooling within a community.

Ruth, Celinas. “Seeking Truth in Media: What Happens When Your Community Is Criticized on National TV.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 60-65. Aquarian Concept Community, Sedona, AZ.

Ruth, David. “The Evolution of Work at Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 58-60.

Ruth, David. “An Interview With Roger Ulrich.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 12-18.

Ruth, David. “The Personal Journey of the Column’s Editor through 5 years at Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 48-51.

Ruth, David. “Social Science.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 30 (January/February 1978): 69-72.

Ruth, David. “Social Science.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 48-51.Twin Oaks

Ruth, David. “Social Science.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 54-55.

Ruth, David. “Visions & Revisions.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 2-9.

Ruth, David, ed. “Social Science.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 27 (July/August 1977): 55-58.

Ruvalcaba, Jessica [Fitzgerald]. “Parenting in Los Angeles Eco-Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 16-19.

Ruz, Coyote Alberto. “Fear of Change in Long-Term Intentional Communities and Ecovillages.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 16-20.

Ruz, Subcoyote Alberto. “The ‘Call of the Hummingbird’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 10-12.

Ruz, Subcoyote Alberto. “La Caravana Arcoiris por La Paz (The Rainbow Caravan of Peace).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 46-49.

Ruz, Subcoyote Alberto. “Nomadic Caravan Communities Worldwide.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 11-13.

Ruz, Subcoyote Alberto. “Temporary Ceremonial P.E.A.C.E. Villages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 58-59.

Ruz, Subcoyote Alberto. “Three Nomadic Groups in Argentina.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 52-56.

Ryan, Briony. “Native Wildlife vs. Cats and Dogs.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 85-86. Reprinted from Eco Village Voice, No. 1.


Sabot, Karina. “Buddha Being . . . Buddha Doing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 56-59.

Sabot, Karina. “Gypsy Grit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 22-24.

Sachs, Stephen. “Building Workplace Democracy in the U. S.: An Overview.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 34-35.

Sachs, Stephen. “Family homes Cooperative: Pre-fab housing the cooperative way.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 48.

Sachs, Stephen. “Workplace democracy and community economic development. Democratizing North Carolina: Building a network.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 44-45.

Safransky, Sy. “A Sun Sampler.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 35-42.

Sahmat. “Creating Ideal Community Policies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 46-51.

Sahmat. “Creating the Ideal Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 55-59 with sidebars “Our Community Self and the Identity-Shift” on 57, “The Beloved Tribal Blueprint” on 58, and “The Ideal Community Workshop” on 59.

Salamon, David Cooper. “Another Kind of Sustainability.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 14-16. Ganas

Sale, Kirkpatrick. “Bioregionalism, Community, and the Future: Lessons from the Past.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 20-22.

Saly, Art. “New Communities: A Real Alternative.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 8-14.

“The Sam Ely Maine Land Trust.” Communities, No. 2 (February 1973): 6.

Sampson, Innis. “Gender: The Infinite Ocean.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 35-37, 71.

Samuelson, Lone. “Not Just Eco-Technology.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 43-44, 59.

“San Francisco Mime Troupe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 11-12.

Sandelin, Rob. “‘Clearly Something Is Happening Here’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 29-31.

Sandelin, Rob. “Dysfunctional Consensus—and What You Can Do About It.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 20-23.

Sandelin, Rob. “Cohousing Opportunities for Elders.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 17.

Sandelin, Rob. “Designing Community Buildings: What We Can Learn From Cohousers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 11.

Sandelin, Rob. “Dinners at the Sharingwood Cafe.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 36-37.

Sandelin, Rob. “Getting Started.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 18.

Sandelin, Rob. “Honoring Shirley Risser.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 9.

Sandelin, Rob. “How Rumors Can Ruin Community Friendships (And What You Can Do About It).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 107 (Summer 2000): 20-21.

Sandelin, Rob. “‘I Want to Live Here Forever, Dad’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 67.

Sandelin, Rob and Lois Arkin. “An Introduction to Financial Development of Communities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 103-10.

Sandelin, Rob. “The Kindness of Strangers . . .” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 13-14.

Sandelin, Rob. “Mega-Bucks Money Pressures in Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 38-40.

Sandelin, Rob. “Saturday Night Fever . . . By Design.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 16-17.

Sandelin, Rob. “Site Evaluation Checklist.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 48.

Sandelin, Rob. “Site Planning in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 14.

Sandelin, Rob. “Social Design Elements.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 58.

Sandelin, Rob. “What We’ve Learned at Sharingwood Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 51.

Sandelin, Rob. “When People Miss Meetings.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 33-34.

Sandelin, Rob. “Working With Difficult Behaviors in Meetings.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 47-50.

Sandhill, Ceilee. “Remembering a Father.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 10.

“Sandhill Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 8-9.

Sandhill, Jo. “Lasting Love and Lessons from a Community Parent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 9-10.

Sandhill, Laird. “Being Accountable to Members: Does the Fellowship Frolic in Luxury?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 18-19. Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC)

Sandhill, Laird. “Building Together: The Fellowship for Intentional Community.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 123-128.

Sandhill, Laird. “Changing Perspectives for a Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 7.

Sandhill, Laird. “Coming of Age in Community: The Multi-Generational Challenge.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 8.

Sandhill, Laird. “Community—Life in the ‘Exact Change’ Lane: A Father’s Journey.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 7-9.

Sandhill, Laird. “Community Living as a Political Act.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 6-7.

Sandhill, Laird. “The Federation of Egalitarian Communities.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 128-129.

Sandhill, Laird. “Feedback Files: The Fellowship’s New Approach to Handling Complaints about Communities Listed in the Community Directory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 13.

Sandhill, Laird. “Getting Religion: The Importance of Learning About Christian Communities—Whether You’re a Christian or Not.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 6.

Sandhill, Laird. “Growing Pains: Embracing Community and Democracy at the Same Time.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 19.

Sandhill, Laird. “How Should the Communities Movement Handle Questions of Abuse? Responding to Benjamin Zablocki’s Proposed ‘Bill of Rights’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 9.

Sandhill, Laird. “Is the Communities Movement ‘Regionally Challenged?’” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 22-23.

Sandhill, Laird. “Leaning Into the Punch: And Learning How Not to Get Hit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 6-7.

Sandhill, Laird. “Minding Your Peace and Cues: Searching for the ‘Whole’ in Holistic Health.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 7-9.

Sandhill, Laird. “Once More With Feeling: Conflict as an Opportunity for Harnessing Emotional Energy.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 112-17.

Sandhill, Laird. “Organizational Alligator Wrestling (Issues we’ve been thrashing around).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 14-15.

Sandhill, Laird. “Personal Thoughts on Sexual Discrimination.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 26.

Sandhill, Laird. “Snapshop of a Moving Target: The Communities Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 5-7.

Sandhill, Laird. “Taking Credit for Change: By Changing to Take Credit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 6-7.

Sandhill, Laird. “Y2K. Opportunity of the Millennium: A Chip Off the Old Clock.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 6-7.

Sandhill, Laird. “You’re Not Just a Customer . . . You Own the Place.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 15.

Sandorfag. “Recruiting Queer Communards! Homophobia, Sexuality, and Community Living.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 70-72.

Sandorfag. “Tastes of Short Mountain: The Culinary Rewards of Community Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 41-45.

Sanguinetti, Angela; Heidi Berggren; Neil Planchon; Diane Margolis; Robert Boyer; and Chuck MacLane. “The Cohousing Research Network: A Community Approach to Communities Research.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 42-44.

Sarbeck, Craig. “Even Mothers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 39.

Sargent, Lyman Tower. “Dreams and Other Products of Nineteenth-Century Communities.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 165-171.

Satchidananda, Swami. “Let’s Come . . . Unity.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 47-48.

Schachtman, Beth and Marjorie Lefkowitz, eds. “Art Collectively.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 56 (December 1982/January 1983): 33-35. From No. 45. San Francisco Mime Troupe

Schachtman, Beth and Marjorie Lefkowitz. “Art Collectively.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 45 (October/November 1980): 3-4.

Schapiro, Mark. “New School for Democratic Management.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 117-120.

Schaub, Laird. “AAA for the Heart: Sometimes You Need a Map to Navigate Emotional Territory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 7-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Accountability: Conflating Task Monitors with the Police.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 62-63.

Schaub, Laird. “Afloat in Choppy Seas: Though Our Support is Hot, Our Profits are Not.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Art Rosenblum Remembered.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 10.

Schaub, Laird. “Asking for Money.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 41.

Schaub, Laird. “Being Vigilant about Vigilante Dynamics.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 6, 9.

Schaub, Laird. “Blocking Made Easy (or at Least Easier): Taking a Look at the Dynamics of Dissent.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Blogging: Pulling Proposals out of a Hat (or Some Orifice).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 53, 73.

Schaub, Laird. “Boomerang.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 6-7, 70.

Schaub, Laird. “‘Busting the Myth’: How Consensus Can Work.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 50-53.

Schaub, Laird. “‘Busting the Myth, Part II’: More Thoughts.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 66-67.

Schaub, Laird. “But Seriously Folks . . . When to Take a Joke and When to Give One.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Challenges in Inclusivity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 204 (Fall 2024): 22-23, with sidebars “The Macro Level”, Nuances in Working with Inclusivity”, and “Key Hazards on the Road to Inclusivity” on 24. Response to O.W.G. in the same issue.

Schaub, Laird. “The Challenging Dynamics of Community Businesses.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 52-53, with sidebars “Defining Sustainability” and “The ‘Non’trepreneurs” on 53.

Schaub, Laird. “Changeaculture: Why Chinese Garlic in Iowa Is Not a Good Sign.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “CMag and Me.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 51-53.

Schaub, Laird. “Cohousing Comes of Age.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “The Cohousing Conference in Carolina . . . A Senior Moment?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 15-17.

Schaub, Laird. “Cohousing’s 2020 Vision: Warm and a Bit Fuzzy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 14-16.

Schaub, Laird. “Communities Limbo Dances Through 2002. How Low Can We Go?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Community as Economic Engine.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 26-29 with sidebars “Redefining Terms (27), “Challenges Peculiar to Community-Based Businesses (28), “Profile of Member Seeking Part-Time Employment” (29), and in one sidebar “Defining Living Wage,” Getting the Life You Want on Less Money,” “Making Work Work for You,” and “The Problems of Separating Love and Money” (29).

Schaub, Laird. ‘Confessions of a Process Warrior: Looking for Plowshares Among the Swords.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Conflict, Terrorism & Humility: The Cooperators Response.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 (Winter 2001): 12-14.

Schaub, Laird. “Crossing the Red Sea.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Curious George Steps Back: The Energizer Bunny Pauses to Recharge Batteries.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 21-22. On George Caneda of Ganas.

Schaub, Laird. “Dancing with Stars.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 4-5. On finances.

Schaub, Laird. “The Day the Electrons Died: Reflections of a Laptop Dancer.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 7-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Deciding to Be Curious: Notes from the Train of Experience.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Doing the Heavy Lifting on Affordability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 26-37, 74.

Schaub, Laird. “Double Bubble: Deep Dialogue Offers Hope for ‘Toil & Trouble’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 12-14.

Schaub, Laird. “Down the Rabbit Hole: Communities Continues to Make Friends. . .and Lose Money.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “The Dryer, the Chain Saw, and the Laptop.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Eat Like You Give a Damn: A Shibboleth from Seattle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 46, 75.

Schaub, Laird. “Ecovillage Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Enhancing Community Where You Are.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “The Entrepreneurial Dilemma.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 24-25.

Schaub, Laird. “Exit Dynamics in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 80, 79.

Schaub, Laird. “Facilitating in an Altered State: Trusting the Magic.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “False Meeting Economy: Learning When It’s a Bad Bargain to Go Fast.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 16-18.

Schaub, Laird. “Federation History.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 53-59.

Schaub, Laird. “Finding Community in Co-op Housing and Getting Schooled in Diversity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Finding My Place.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 44-47. Three “lightly edited” from the author’s blog “Community and Consensus” ( The three pieces are “Finding My Place” (originally published as “Home Is Where the Hart Is”), “Viola, Voila!”, and “Stories in Cooperative Groups.”

Schaub, Laird. “Forty Candles and Counting.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Gender Dynamics in Cooperative Groups.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 6-8

Schaub, Laird. “Geoph Kozeny—Dead at 57: The Road Trip Ends.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 17-21.

Schaub, Laird. “Getting Schooled: You’re Never Too Old.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Giving Up the Gjetos: Seeing I, Eye to Eye.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Giving Velma a Bow . . . as She Bows Out.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 21. Velma Kahn.

Schaub, Laird. “Good Field, No Hit: The Scouting Report After Our First 10 Years as Publisher.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 7-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Good to Go: Though the Boat Has a Hole in It, We’re Plenty See-worthy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 5-7. Financial status of the journal.

S[chaub], L[aird]. “Have You Noticed? Communities has become COMMUNITIES.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 9.

Schaub, Laird. “Honoring Ira Wallace.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 80, 78-79.

Schaub, Laird. “Honoring Starhawk: 2019 Kozeny Competition Communitarian Award Recipient.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 76, 75.

Schaub, Laird. “How Collaboration Falls Short: With Hints About How to Help It Go Long.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “The Intergenerational Challenge.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 16-17, 71.

S[chaub], L[aird]. “Laird’s Economic Journey.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 30.

Schaub, Laird. “Left Livelihood: Doing the Rights Thing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Lessons from Summer Camp.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Lessons from the Orchard: A PEACH of a Health Care Plan.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Looking Up: Hopeful Signs from our Annual Bean Counting.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 8-9.

Schaub, Laird. “Managing Management.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 54-55, 77.

Schaub, Laird. “The Marriage of Marriage & Community: My Labyrinthine Path to the Altar.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 7-10.

Schaub, Laird. “Martyrs and Slackers: Finessing the Fit Between Flexible and Fair.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 138 (Spring 2008): 6-10.

Schaub, Laird. “Miller Keeps the Gears Turning.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 8.

Schaub, Laird. “Minding the ‘P’s for Cues.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 74.

Schaub, Laird. “Much Better, Thanks.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “My Journey with Money: Finding Cooperative Leverage in a Competitive World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird “Navigating the Boundary Between Transparency and Discretion: Ways in Which Silence is Less than golden.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 20-22. Expanded from the author’s blog entry Laird’s Commentary on Community and Consensus” (June 4, 2023).

Schaub, Laird. “No Pat Answers: Can Communities Be a Safety Net for People Struggling in Life?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 8-10.

Schaub, Laird. “Not Quite Ready for Prime Time: Parting the Sea of Red Ink.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 8-9.

Schaub, Laird. “O Subscriber, Where Art Thou? Sometimes Size Does Matter…as with Circulation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird and Terry O’Keefe. “Opening Pandemic’s Box.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 68, 67.

Schaub, Laird. “Opening Up to Strangers . . . and the Strange Ways that Kindness May Be Repaid.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “The Paralysis of Racism in Social Change Groups.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 19-20.

Schaub, Laird. “The Passing of a Gentle Warrior.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 6-7. On Al Anderson.

Schaub, Laird. “The Peace Bridge.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 45.

Schaub, Laird. “Poor Minutes Lead to Wasted Hours: Keys to Effective Notetaking.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 65.

Schaub, Laird. “Power Steering: Driving Bumper to Bumper Down Leadership Lane.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 48-51.

Schaub, Laird. “Problem Solving in Community: How a Group Addresses Issues Says a Lot about Its Cohesion…and Vice Versa.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Questioning Technology.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “The Red and the Black: A Report on Magazine Finances and FIC’s Efforts to Cope with a Deficit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 7-8.

Schaub, Laird. “Reflections on Sociocracy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 80, 77-79.

Schaub, Laird. “The Relationship of Relationships to the Group.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 30-31.

Schaub, Laird. “Remembering Joani Blank.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 62.

Schaub, Laird. “Remembering Lina.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 64, 62-63. Obituary of Caroline Estes

Schaub, Laird. “Rotating the Wheel of Fortune: And Navigating Safely Between Process and Product.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “‘Ruth’ or Consequences: Defining Tough Love for Groups.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 10-13.

Schaub, Laird. “Saying Goodbye to Mildred Gordon.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 166 (Spring 2015): 76.

Schaub, Laird. “Saying ‘No’ to Prospective Members.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 44-45.

Schaub, Laird. “Second Helpings: When to Talk and When to Walk.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 63-64.

Schaub, Laird. “The Shipping News: While We’re Still Pumping Out Red Ink, There’s a Sea Change Coming.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Sky’s the Limit.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 4-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Speaking for the Dead: Saying Goodbye to My Mother.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 19-22.

Schaub, Laird. “State of the Communities Movement: Good Things Come in Threes.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 8-9.

Schaub, Laird. “Stephen Gaskin Dies at 79.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 7.

Schaub, Laird. “The Straw Poll That Broke the Camel’s Back.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 54-55.

Schaub, Laird. “Sweetening Tea in China: Peak Oil and International Markets.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Taking Aim on the Future . . . By Taking a Bead on the Past.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 10-11.

Schaub, Laird. “Taking Time for Transitions: Reflections on Marriage, Death, Birth, and a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 6-9.

Schaub, Laird. “Tangled in a Field of Dreams.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 121 (Winter 2003): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Technology Doesn’t Change Just the Answers: Sometimes It Changes the Questions as Well.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 6-8.

Schaub, Laird. “The Third Rail of Emotional Abuse.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 201 (Winter 2023): 28-29.

Schaub, Laird. “Three Essential Agreements of Effective Groups.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Tragedy’s Hard Questions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 6-10, 12.

Schaub, Laird. “Tripping on Our Shoestring: How the Directory Update Got to Be a [sic] an Issue of Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 120 (Special issue 2003): 4-5.

Schaub, Laird. “Unpacking the Dynamics of a Packed Car.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “Using Email for Community-Wide Conversations? A Few Words of Caution . . . We’ll never get the genie back in the bottle.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “We’re Floating (Almost).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 6-7.

Schaub, Laird. “What Do You Mean, ‘Community’?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 34-40.

Schaub, Laird. “What the F Can Happen with Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 52-53 with a sidebar “Minding the ‘P’s for Cues on 59. Adapted from his (May 7, 2022).

Schaub, Laird. “Whole Foods: Half a Solution? The Convoluted Politics of Natural Grocering.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 6-8, 76.

Schaub, Laird. “Winners & Whiners: Giving Change a Hand.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 6-7.

Scheib, Jonah ‘Cecil’. “Getting There: Alternative Transportation at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 46-48.

Scheidt, Kim. “Adventures in Temporary Community: An Interview with Liat Silverman.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009):25-27.

Scheidt, Kim. “The Adventure of Starting Over.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 24-25.

Scheidt, Kim. “The Church of Fermentation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 80, 79. Vegetables.

Scheidt, Kim. “Communities: An Experimental Shift to Gift Economy and Open Source Information.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 5.

Scheidt, Kim. “Creating a Community of Homesteaders.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 22-24.

Scheidt, Kim. “Down at the Pond: a youthful take on body image.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 14-15.

Scheidt, Kim. “Fascinating Selfhood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 40-41.

Scheidt, Kim. “Simple Living Close to Nature.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 40-41.

Scheidt, Kim. “Teaching FEMINISM by Example.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 40-41.

Scheidt, Kim. “When an Ecovillage Is Raising Your Child.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 20-23.

Scheidt, Kim. “Words of Experience: Starting a Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 30-32. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 19-21.

Scheidt, Kim. “Work Less, Simplify More.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 16-19.

Schenk, Jim. “Being ‘Overthrown’—A Celebration Coming to Shared Power.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 16-21. See also Jordan, Deborah. “Reflections of a Fellow Community Member.”

Schenk, Jim. “Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage: A 13-Year-Old Retrofit Ecovillage in Cincinnati, Ohio.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 26-28.

Schenk, Jim. “A Home-Grown Ecovillage on Our Street.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 52-56. Enright Ridge Eco-village, Cincinnati, OH.

Schenk, Jim. “A Species Deep Diversity in the Ecovillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 24-25.

S[chenk], J[im].” Why Urban?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 56.

Schildgen, Bob. “The Berkeley Co-op.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 16-18.

Schinnerer, John. “How a Hawai’i Community Rescued a Marimba Studio From the Bulldozer.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 52-53.

Schinnerer. John. “In a Hawai’ian Rainforest. . . Living the Good Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 35-37.

Schinnerer, John. “Towards Clarity and Honesty Part I: What We Can Learn from a Nonresidential Therapeutic Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 113 -14 (Winter 2001 – Spring 2002): 38-44; 15-17, 55.

Schinnerer, John. “Use It Again, Sam: Salvaging Building Materials.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 45-47.

S[chinnerer], J[ohn]. “Using Water Wisely at Malu’aina.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 111 (Summer 2001): 37.

Schlam, Carolyn. “An Invitation to Single Men: Consider Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 60-61.

Schlam, Carolyn. “Why I Left Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 58-59.

Schlicht, William, Jr. “Finding a Community To Call Home.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 22-24.

Schneider, Don and Elin England. “What Are the Boundaries of an Intentional Community: An Experiment in Geographically-Dispersed Community-Building.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 60-62.

Schonbeck, Mark. “What Does Healthy Soil Have to Do with Community?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 22.

Schonbeck, Mark. “Why I Joined a ‘Cult,’ Why I Left, and What I Learned.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 33-34.

“School Set to Field Test Course on Cooperatives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 53.

Schramm, Don. “Burlington Cohousing’s Excellent Solar Adventures.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 30-33.

Schrom, David. “Magic, Ever-Evolving.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 34-35.

Schultz, Dan. “The Concrete Thinking of Hobbits.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 55-56.

Schultz, Dan. “Discovering the Joy of Communal Food: Camaraderie and Work at Maitreya Mountain Village.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 28.

Schultz, Dan. “Economics and Cooperation in Community: The Ultimate Contest.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 53, 75.

Schultz, Dan. “Efficiency vs. Humanity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 76.

Schultz, Dan. “From Holism to Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 52.

Schultz, Dan. “The Land of Misfit Toys.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 45.

Schultz, Dan. “Off-Grid, and In Community: ‘Tis Easier to Find Than To Found.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 33. Rpt. in Communities Directory: The Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. 2016 Edition (Rutledge, MO: The Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2016), 35. Maitreya Mountain Village

S[chultz], D[an]. “Pros and Cons of Concrete.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 56.

Schultz, Dan. “True Sustainability: Indigenous Pathways.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 54-55.

Schutz, Marie H. “Supporting the Aging Process in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 42-43.

Schweitzer, Peter with Lisa Wartinger. “Agents of Goodwill: How We Created the ‘Hippie Peace Corps’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 32-35.

Schweitzer, Peter. “’How Can We Help’: The Farm’s Plenty Organization.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 41.

“S.E.A.D.S. of Truth, Inc.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 41. SeBlonka, Kristy. “‘What Do You Mean? Food Processing?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 18-19.

See. “Glimpses of the Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 29-30.

See. “In the Balance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 47. Climate change activism

See. “We Get Up Again.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 48-49.

Seldman, Neil. “Neighborhood Planning Council.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 22-28.

Selenite, Cedar Rose. “How to Live Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 62.

Sender Barayón [spelled Baryón in Table of Contents and description of author], Ramón. “The Heart Will Find a Way: Creating a Network of Reunion.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 61-64. KIT

Sender Barayón, Ramón. “Politics on Open Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 54-56, 76.

Senka, Jim. “A (Small) Step in the Right Direction.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 48.

Sessions, George. “Deep Ecology.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 31-32.

Sevky, Cole. “I think that I shall never see A Home as lovely as a tree.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 31-33.

Shaffer, Carolyn. “Committing to Community for the Long Term: Do We Have What It Takes?” Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 143-47.

Shaffer, Carolyn. “Identity & Money at Shenoa.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 98 (Spring 1998): 41-45.

“The Shakers Then and Now.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 31.

“Shared Living Now Legal in Boulder.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 9.

Shaver, Nick. “‘Is That Community?’” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 34-35.

Shaver, Tom. “Land and Culture Collaboration.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 45-48.

Shea, Molly. “Nobody Likes Bosses.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 168 (Fall 2015): 60-61.

Shea, Molly. “Particulate Matter.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 14-15.

Shepard, Mark. “Danagram Village: The Joy of Unity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 28-31.

Shepard, Mark. “The People’s Court: Justice That Unites.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 6-10. India

Sherts, Miles. “Not a New Religion: Spirituality in Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 61-62.

Sherwin, Greg. “Community Events: The ‘We’ of ‘Me’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 73-75 (digital issue and supplement only) with a sidebar “From ‘Me’ to ‘We’” on 75. Available at

Shields, Bill. “Workers Cultural Conference Gets Down.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 32-34.

Shiv, Ishka. “Learning Consent through Therapeutic Touch.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 29-30.

Shivani. “Farm and Garden Composting: The Bio-dynamic Method.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 40-45.

“Short Green: A Rap On Communal Finances.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 22-24.

“A Short Guide to Training for Urban Alternatives—Spring, 1975.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 64.

Shrader, Ann. “Bean Sprout.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 14-15. Sandhill

Shuker, Scott. “After the Fire: The Lama Foundation’s Kitchen and Dining Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 17-18.

Shuker, Scott. “Comin’ Home to Rainbow.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 32-33, 73.

Shuker, Scott. “The Personal and the Planetary: Spiritual and Planetary Renewal at Lama Foundation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 52-53.

Shuker, Scott. “The Tao of Speaking & Listening.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 38-39.

Shumway, Ann. “From Housewife to Activist: One Woman’s Odyssey.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 39 (August/September 1979): 12-17.

Shupe, Anson. “Covenantal Groups and Charges of Abuse: The Case of Jesus People USA.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 47-49.

Shurtleff, William and Akiko Aoyagi. “Tempeh: Production in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 3-10.

Shurtleff, William and Akiko Aoyagi. “Tofu: Eating Healthy in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 17-23.

Siedenburg, Kai. “Sharing the Path: Simple and Inclusive Practices for Integrating Spirituality into Groups.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 20-25.

Siera, Sage. “Finding Hope in the Face of Powerlessness.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 48.

Sieverling, Bill. “Reconciliation & Intimacy Defined.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 29.

SILC Guelph. “Sharing Stories and Rituals.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 24-25. SILC equals Sustainable Intentional Living Community.”

Silver, Lily. “Community Is the Best Medicine: A guide to cooperative living on a disability income.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 46-47.

Silvestri, Nikki. See Roth, Chris. “Soil, Communities, and Climate Change: An Interview with Nikki Silvestri.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 22-24.

Simmons, John. “Workplace democracy organization: What is the association for workplace democracy?” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 53-54.

Simmons, Kathryn. “Feminism vs. Spaghetti Pits.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 26-27.

Simon, Wendy Weiss. “The Kibbutz Movement.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 50-51.

Singer, Morningstar. “Developing a Matriarchy.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 36-37.

Sirna, Tony. “Bringing Our Vision Back Into Focus.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 56-57.

Sirna, Tony. “Creating a ‘Society of Communities’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 55.

Sirna, Tony. “Long-time Voice of Communities, Diana Leafe Christian: Fare Thee Well!” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 10, 12.

Sirna, Tony. “What is Ecovillage?” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 44.

Sirna, Tony. “You Can Take It With You.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 38-39.

Siskind, Lawrence. “G8.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 44-45.

Siskind, Lawrence. “Relationships in the Crucible.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 40-42.

Siskind, Lawrence. “Smoker and Mirrors?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 45.

Skolimowski, Henryk. “The Origin and Meaning of Eco-Philosophy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 29-30.

Skovlund, Søren. “One Life, Live It! Sólhaimar Ecovillage and the Importance of Neuro-Inclusive Communities by Charles Durrett, AIA.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024):49. Book Review

Slater, Phillip. “Beyond Tinkertoys: Excerpts From an Evolution.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 26 (May June 1977): 2-5. Kresge College

Slepian, Anne; Christopher Mogil; and Allen Hancock. “You Say Yes, I Say No: Resolving Polarized Views About Money in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 15-17.

Slomiak, Mitchel J. “All for One and One for All: Balancing Personal Needs With the Needs of Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living 2000 Edition (Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2000), 119-21.

Slomiak, Mitch. “The ‘Shadow Side’ of Community: Denial and the Demise of Kerista.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 52-58. Excerpted from Loving More (Spring ‘96 & Summer ‘96).

“The Small Community: Foundation of Democratic Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 41.

“Small Rural Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 35-38.

Smith, Cristina. “Canta Libre School; Sing Free.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 9-11.

Smith, Dakota. “What I Learned Last Summer.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 34-35.

Smith, Dena. “Jugglers in the Jungle: Innovation, Special Permits, Neighbor Issues, and the Ultimate Work/Life Balance Routine.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 37-40.

Smith, Michael G. “Many Hands Make Sustainability Work.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 30-35.

Smith, Michael G. “Natural Building and Community: Two Ways to Build Connection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 32-36.

Smith, Michael G. “Teaching Hands-On Workshops in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 147 (Summer 2010): 18-25.

Smith, Nora and Karen Fegan. “Village Conversations: Delburne’s Story.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 22-23.

Smith, Patty. “Countering Ableism.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 39.

Smith, Steven K. “Therapeutic Community: A Century at Gould Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 46-51.

Smith, William O. “New Community I.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 8-10.

“Snake Oil Remedy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 28-31. Interview with the Mayor of Davis, California regarding Proposition 13

“Snapshots of the Celebration.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 43-44.

Snyder, Philip. “Living and Learning Centers.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 117 (Spring 2003): 29.

Snyder-Grant, Dana. “Spirit in the Woods.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 54-55.

Snyder-Grant, Dana. “‘Things Co-Exist’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 33. Cohousing

Snyder-Grant, Dana. “Yearning for Spring.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 22-23.

“The Social Contract of Kerista’s Tribe for Children.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 44-47.

“Social Notes From All Over.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 8-18.

“Social Science.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 46-47.

“Social Science.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 61-62.

“Social Science.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 48-49, 55.

“Social Science: Research & Theory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 52-53.

“Social Science: Research & Theory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 38-39.

“Social Science.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 46-47.

“Social Science: Research & Theory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 16 (September/October 1975): 52-57.

“Social Science: Research & Theory.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 52-55.

“Social Science: Research & Theory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 53-54.

Solares, Allan. “Christian Homesteading Movement.” Communities: A Journal in Cooperative Living, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 26-32.

Soleri, Paolo. “Arcology.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 32-35.

Solkinson, Delvin; Annaliese Hordern; Dana Wilson; and Kym Chi. “Surfing the New Edge of Permaculture: Looby Macnamara, Robin Clayfield, Rosemary Morrow, and Robina McCurdy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 14-15.

Soloway, Elaine. “Kibbutz Women in Transition.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 8-9.

“Some Natural Ways to Manage Your Asthma and Allergies.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 45.

“Some Thoughts on Christian Communes.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 26-27.

“Some Views From Women in Community.” Communities, No. 7 (March-April 1974): 11-13.

Sommer, Eleanor K. and Gail K. Ellison. “Bringing the Arts to Patients (and Community to Ourselves . . .).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 48-49, 56-57.

Sommer, Ellie [Eleanor K.]. “Good Neighbors.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 30-32.

Sommer, Robert and Marcia Horner. “Social Interaction in Co-ops and Supermarkets.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 15-18.

Sommer, Robert. “Cooperation By Design.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 4-9. Designing coop stores

Sommer, Robert. “One Co-op At a Time: A Problem and Some Solutions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 40-42.

Sommer, Robert. “Research—The Missing ‘R’ in Cooperation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 34-35.

Sonntag, Viki. “Towards a Relationship Economy at Port Townsend EcoVillage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 36-39.

“Sort of a Poem.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 35.

Soweto, Linda. “Energy and Environment: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 93.

“Sowing Circle Community’s Conflict Resolution Policy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 22. Excerpted from Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2003.

“Space Settlements.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 58-63.

Spain, Glen. “Warnings: LCA.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 26-28.

Spangler, David. “From Paradigm to Politics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 43-44.

Spears, Larry and Deborah Brody. “First Among Equals: Sevant Leadership.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 53, 55.

Speer, Lindsay. “From Blight to Beautiful: Renovating an Urban House By and For Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 42-45.

Spencer, Jan. “From Five Earths to One.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 25-28.

Spencer, Jan. “From Five Earths to One: Implementing the Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 20-29.

Spencer, Jan. “From Five Earths to One, Part Three: Transforming Our Economy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 59-62. See also the author’s website

Spencer, Jan. “Green and Resilient Neighborhoods: Portland, Oregon and Beyond.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 49-54.

Spenser, Ben and Elsa. “Lessons from the ‘Hive Mind’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 127 (Summer 2005): 15-17.

“Spiritual Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 40-42.

Sproule, Gordon. “Does ‘Success’ Spoil the Commune?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 20.

Sproule, Gordon. “‘Reading Window’: Minor Miracles in Teaching Reading.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 10-11.

Squires, Anne. “On the Trail.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 57 (February/March 1983): 10-15. Audobon Society Expedition

Sreenivasan, Jyotsna. “Worker Ownership at Co-op America: Who Makes Your Decisions?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 43-45. Reprinted from Connections: The Quarterly Newsletter of the Co-op America Business Network 3, No. 1 (Spring 1992).

St. John, Judy; Ilana Firestone; and Marilyn Moohr with Arlene Goens and Ben Oliver. “Morehouse—Choosing Your Family.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 35-39.

Stafford, Allie. “Bringing a Little Fairy Dust to Corporate America.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 36-37.

Stager, Jay. “Downeast Community: An Educational Experiment.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 12-16.

Standish, Jay. “Confessions of a Coliving Entrepreneur.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 35-37.

Staples, Val. “Health and Well-Being: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 19-20.

Star, Blue Evening. “Coming Into Unity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 26-28. Global Communications Alliance

Starhawk. “Creating Community Ritual.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 12-14.

Starhawk. “Facilitating Diverse Groups.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 20-23.

Starhawk. “Framing Conflict.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 203 (Summer 2024): 8-10.

Starhawk. “Social Permaculture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 153 (Winter 2011): 14-16.

Starhawk. “Social Permaculture–What Is It?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 173 (Winter 2016): 10-13.

Stark, Evan. “Notes on the Future, the Past and the Left or ‘You know your friends because they’re the ones who stab you in the front’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 19-20.

Stark, Phil and Rosemary Stark. “An Interview with John L. Hoff.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 28-29. Goodenough Community

Starr, Tom. “The Rhythms of Home: Perspectives on a Communal Lifestyle.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 137-140.

Steinberg, Sarah. “How I Learned to Hug a Windmill: An Inside Look at the Findhorn Community Semester.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 52-55.

Steiner, Claude. “Cooperation and Radical Psychiatry.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 28-31.

Steiner, Claude. “Cooperation.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 40-47. Reprinted from Issues in Radical Therapy.

Steiner, Claude. “Cooperative Living.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 14-16.

Steinhardt, David. “Driving Lessons.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 21-22. Emotional problems in community.

Steinman, Jan. “Common Problems with Private Ownership of ‘Community’ Land.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 62.

Steinman, Jan and Diana Leafe Christian. “Community Survival During the Coming Energy Decline.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 24-31.

Steinman, Jan. “An Energy Primer: How We Consume Our Ancient Sunlight.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 32-35.

Steinman, Jan. “Our Zero-Waste Chicken Camper.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 139 (Summer 2008): 46-51.

S[teinman], J[an] and D[iana] L[eafe] C[hristian]. “Resources for Learning More About Peak Oil.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 31.

Stephen. “Mulberry Family Scrapbook.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 33-39, 55.

Stephenson, Kate. “Now I Want to Join a Community (or Maybe Start My Own . . .).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 39-40, 42.

Sterling, Ted. “Intimacy in the Village Setting.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 35-37.

Sterling, Ted. “It’s a Magical Life.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 41-44.

Stern, Susan. “Foster Children.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 31-32.

Stevelt, Tom M. “Peacemakers Convene.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 29 (November/December 1977): 61-62.

Stevens, David Ross. “Project Warm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 59 (July/August 1983): 27-29.

S[tevenson], D[ouglas]. “Farm Midwives and Government Certification.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 47.

Stevenson, Douglas. “Festivals and Gatherings on The Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 18-21.

Stevenson, Douglas. “Inventing a Rural Economy, Business by Business: How The Farm Lost its Communal Subsidy and Formed a Stable Economy in Its Place.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 45-49.

Stevenson, Douglas. “It Takes All of Us.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 112 (Fall 2001): 34-37. The Farm

S[tevenson], D[ouglas]. “The Making of a Community Entrepreneur.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 116 (Fall/Winter 2002): 48-49.

Stevenson, Douglas. “Multicultural Hippie Roots and Spiritual Foundations of The Farm Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 58-60.

Stevenson, Douglas. “The Spiritual Path.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 26-29.

Stevenson, Douglas. “Why The Farm Survived.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 12-14.

Stevens-Wood, Kirsten. “Diggers and Dreamers: Networking to build communities in the UK.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 43-44.

Stevens-Wood, Kirsten. “Researching Intentional Communities: A Reflection.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 52-54.

Stewart, Will. “A Look Down the Road: The Need for Long Range Planning in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 41-43.

Stewart, Elizabeth. “A Spring Day at Tamera.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 40-42.

Stipp, David. “Communes Still Exist in the U. S.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 75-76. Reprinted from The Wall Street Journal

Stiriss, Melvyn. “Right Livelihood at The Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 41-42, 44.

Stiriss, Melvyn. “Voluntary Peasants.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 43. Excerpt from his book of that title.

Stiriss, Melvyn. “Why The Farm Collective Failed.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 176 (Fall 2017): 10-11.

Stone, Sue. “Excerpts from a Community Seeker’s Journal.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 29-35.

Stoner, Sarah. “Going for the Grid: A Community Ditches Energy Independence to Get Greener.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 26-29, 75.

Stopper, Larry. “Reflections from a Communitarian Entrepreneur.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 15.

Strasser, Judy. “The Land is No Escape.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 12-18.

Straugher, Stanley. “Development Issues for Co-ops in Low-Income Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 6-7.

Straughter, Stanley. “The Long Pattern of Racism in the Consumer Cooperative Movement.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 30-31.

“Strongforce.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 65.

Stroup, John. “Notes from the Business Manager: A Social Entrepreneur.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 141 (Winter 2008): 9-10, 71.

“Struggle in the Country.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 4-5. Reprinted from The Seed.

Stroyman,. Oblio. “Evolving Gender Consciousness in New Culture Camps.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 28-33.

Stryker, Sean. “Green Politics in the Bay Area.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 32-34. Article from the Collective Networker Newsletter

Stucki, Jubal and Artie Yeatman. “Community Land Trysts.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 104-108.

Stupski, Karen and Giovanni Ciarlo. “Learning in Ecovillages and Getting a College Degree.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 32-37, 76.

Sturm, Martin. “Establishing and Incorporating Renewable Energy Technologies in Camphill Communities. A Personal Journey.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 34-35.

Stusser, Michael. “China: An Agriculturist’s Visit.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 12-15.

Stützel, Barbara. “Festivals: Times of High Energy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 47, 74-75.

Stützel, Barbara. “The Path of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 64.

Sullivan, Iris. “Feeding Each Other.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 29-31, 75.

Sullivan, Maggie. “Dandelion Village: Building an Ecovillage in Town.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 47-48, 77.

Sundancer, Elaine. “Celery Wine: Moving Forward.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 16-21.

Sundancer, Elaine. “Life on a Country Commune.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 5-11.

Sundancer, Elaine. “The New Little Pigs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 32-33.

Sundancer, Elaine. “Saddle Ridge Farm.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 5-8. Excerpt from her Celery Wine

Sundancer, Elaine. “Stories from a Country Commune.” Illus. Judith St. Soleil a.k.a. Judith Margolis. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 10-15. Excerpted from the author’s Celery Wine: The Story of a Country Commune. Yellow Springs, OH: Community Publications Cooperative, 1973.

Sundberg, Karin Iona. “Fair Play: The Wisdom of Children in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 22-23, 69.

Sundberg, Karin Iona. “Reminiscences: Growing Up in Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 16-21.

Sundberg, Karin Iona. “Wisdom from Within, Wisdom from Without.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 10-12.

“Survival Through Cooperative Self-Reliance: Consumer Cooperative Alliance ‘81.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 29-52.

Susan. “About Us.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 2-3.

Sutherland, Allan. “Festival of the Babas.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 44-45.

Sutherland, Lisa. “Fifty Years On: Living Now in the Findhorn Foundation Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 42-43, 76.

Sutter, Kathy. “The Beauty in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 64.

Sutton, Robert P. “The Icarian Communities in America 1848-1898.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 68 (Winter 1985): 43-49.

Swantko, Jean and Ed Wiseman. “Messianic Communities, Sociologists, and the Law.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 34-35. Community at Island Pond

Swetina, Barbara. “Celebration as a Way of Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 42-43.

Swift, Jonathan [pseud.]. “A Modest Proposal: Eat the Bank.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 57.

Swinger, Maureen. “Intergenerational Community: My Bruderhof Experience.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 44-47.

Sydney. “Spiritual Abortion: A Tale of Two Trials.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 56 (December 1982/January 1983): 11-14. From No. 31.

Sydney. “Spiritual Abortion: A Tale Of Two Trials.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 31 (March/April 1978): 2-5.

Syracuse, Amy. “It Takes a Village: The Journey to Build a Lifesharing Community in New Orleans.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 56-58.

Sylvan, Jam. “A Pot of Gold? A look at Rainbow Stores. An Interview with Stuart Fishman.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 70 (Spring 1986): 22-25.

Szecsey, Christopher. “The Chinese Connection.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 9-11.


“Taboo or Not Taboo.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 17 (November/December 1975): 34. Reprinted from Country Women, No. 15 (April 1975).

Taggart, Nat. “Rethinking Community: Bioregional Reinhabitation.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 48-52.

“Taking Y2K Siriusly. Monique Gauthier Interviews Linda Reimer & Bruce Davidson of Sirius Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 27-29.

“Tamar Friedner: Leaving a Legacy of Beauty.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 149 (Winter 2010): 80.

Tarnay, Stella. “Living the Good Life Downtown.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 40-43. Excerpted from Reinventing Community: Stories from the Walkways of Cohousing. Ed. David Wann. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 2005.

Tarrytown Group. “Ten Aspects of the Utopian Vision.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990): 49.

Taub, Sarah; Indigo Dawn; and Michael Rios. “Consent in the New Culture Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 32-34 with sidebars “The Consent Team at FCNC Events” on 33 and “Indigo’s Story” and “Dawson Robert’s Story” on 34.

Taub, Sarah; Indigo Dawn; and Michael Rios. “A Response to Crystal Farmer.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 29.

Taub, Sarah with Michael Rios. “New Culture Perspective for Everyday Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 28-32.

Taylor, Julia. “The Red, Yellow, Green Game: Consent and Accountability at Home and in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 15-17.

Taylor, Twin Oaks. “Reflections on Community Living.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 59 (July/August 1983): 33-37.

Taylor, Vivian. “Mainstreamer’s Search for Community.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 48-56.

Taylor-Hoar, Kira. “Dreaming an Ecovillage Youth Exchange Program.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 55.

“Taxi Unlimited.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 47 (February/March 1981): 23.

“The ‘Ten Most Beautiful Communities’ in the World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 44-49, 75-77.

Tennen, Denise and Sharon Villines. Reviews of Collaborative Happiness: Building the Good Life in Urban Cohousing Communities by Catherine Kingfisher. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 195 (Summer 2022): 61-63 with Tennen on 61-62 and Villines on 62-63.

Teshu, Susan. “Income Sharing: Overcoming Stage Fright.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 54-55.

Thatcher, Dave. “100 Mile Lodge: Emissaries of Divine Light.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 39-41. BC

Thatcher, Dave. “Paradise Lost Paradise Nearly Remembered.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 41-44.

Thatcher, Dave. “The International Emissary Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 19-20.

Thatcher, David and Carol Thatcher. “Why Live Communally.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 45-46.

Theole, Michael. “Alpha Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 14-19.

Thesenga, Susan. “Living Communally: An Episode on the Way to Self-Knowledge.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 8-9.

Thomas, Chant. “Environmental Activism: Securing Your Community’s Quality of Life into the Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 44-46, 75.

Thomas, Chant. “Getting Clear through Consent.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 35-36.

Thomas, Chant. “Pioneering Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 50-53.

Thomas, Chant. “‘Wilderness is our Classroom. . .’ Growing Education—and Community—at Trillium Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 36-40.

Thomas, Chant. “Why Vegetarian?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 45.

Thomas, Esty. “Genderqueer Geeks Discover Hivemind in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 34.

Thomas, Scott. “Heart Club: Good Wilkl and Connection at Lama.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 118 (Summer 2003): 11-13.

Thomas, Scott. “Rocky Mountain High.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 35-37.

Thompson, David. “Agrovillage.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 35-41.

Thompson, David. “Consumer Co-ops and the New Deal.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 47-50.

Thompson, David. “Creative Futures: The Co-op Way.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 61 (Winter 1983/84): 38-39.

Thompson, David. “England: Prospects for the Cooperative Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 34-35.

Thompson, David. “The International Cooperative Alliance.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 44 (June/July 1980): 49-50.

Thompson, David. “The Utopian Heritage of the Cooperative Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): 36-39.

Thompson, Paul. “How It Feels To Give It All Away.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 2-5.

Thompson, Paul. “How It Feels To Give It All Away.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 56 (December 1982/January 1983): 4-7. From No. 13. Open House Community

Thompson, Piankhy. “A Twin Oaker Considers Healthy and Unhealthy Communal Economies.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 44-45.

Thompson, William Irwin. “Eight These for a GAIA Politik.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1978): 5-7.

T[homson], S[andy]. “Community Vision and Values.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 32. Heartwood Community.

T[homson], S[andy]. “Core Identity.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 33.

Thomson, Sandy. “The Dirty Business of Growing a Cohousing Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 29-30, 33.

Thomson, Sandy. “Four Ways to Grow at Heartwood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 39-41.

Thomson, Sandy. “A Homeschool With Heart.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 23-25.

T[homson], S[andy]. “Interns: The Spice of Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 31.

T[homson], S[andy]. “Interpersonal Agreements.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 163 (Summer 2014): 33. Heartwood Community.

Thomson, Sandy. “Then and Now: Generational Shifts at Heartwood Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 20-21.

“Thought for Food.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 22-24. Reflections on the food industry and alternatives available to communities from the Lime Saddle community in northern California.

Three Rivers, Amoja. “Cultural Etiquette: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 44-47.

Tiefert, Rita. “Hapless in Ohio: Reviving Our Ailing Co-op & Learning to Love It Too.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 50-53.

“Times Change Process.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 18-21.

Tina, Cynthia. “How Have Intentional Communities Fared through the Pandemic?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 39-44.

Tina, Cynthia. “Introducing the New FIC [Foundation for Intentional Community].” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 4-5.

Tina, Cynthia. “The Journey of an Intentional Community Matchmaker.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 27-29.

Tina, Cynthia. “Leading Edges of Collaboration: GENNA Alliance.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 14-16. GENNA is the North American Region of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN).

Tina, Cynthia. “Six Steps to Find Your Home in an Intentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 30-33.

Tina, Cynthia. “The Types of Intentional Communities: Common Terms Explained and What’s in a Name?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 44-46.

Tittes, Wayne H., Sr. “A ‘People House’ of Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 40-41.

“T.O. Conference/Fawn’s Day Watching.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 34-37.

“To Doctor…or Not?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 146 (Spring 2010): 59.

Tobin, Marc. “Design Goals for Ecovillages.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 18-20.

Tocher, Iris and Joan Valles. “Opposing Leadership.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 104 (Fall 1999): 29-31. Goodenough

Toké, Arun and Amy Klauke. “Women in the World Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 14-15.

Toké, Arun. “Baba Amte’s Communities of Heart in India.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 26.

Toké, Arun. “Learning to Embrace Change.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 11.

Toké, Arun. “Skipping Stones in Multicultural Waters.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 18-20.

Toké, Arun. “Television: The Magic Box.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 24. India

Tom, Allison. “Inclusivity and Disability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 37-39.

Toomey, Brian. “Rx for ‘Mental Illness’: Caring Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 39-41. Footnoted version at

“The Toughest Issue We Ever Faced.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 20-22.

“Toward a New Definition of Work.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 30. Reprinted from Vocations for Social Change

Trainer, Ted. “The Role of Ecovillages and Transition Towns in the Revolution.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 206 (Spring 2025): 27-30.

“Training for a New Society.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 14.

“Transformation: Work and Cooperation.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 12 (January/February 1975): 5-7. Karums Collective

Traugot, Michael. “Covid Comes to The Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 26-32.

Traugot, Michael. “The Great ‘Changeover’ at the Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 56-60.

Traugot, Michael. “Halloween at the Farm: Honoring Our Dead at the Burial Ground.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 25-27.

Traugot, Michael. “Kudzu and Consensus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 24-25.

Traugot, Michael. “Re-Sacralizing Marriage and Fertility at the Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 36-37.

Traugot, Michael; Mary Ellen Bowen; Paul Schweitzer; with Pamela Hunt; Richard Schoenbrun; Carol Ann Nelson; Nancy Rhine Figallo; Michael O’Gorman; John Coate; Marilyn Friedlander, and David Frohman. “The Farm: The First 50 Years.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 88-98.

Trauzettel, Annik. “A Community Approach to the Climate Crisis: The ZEGG community in Germany finds its place in the climate movement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 45-46.

Trevelyan, Sir George. “The Basis of Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 6-7.

Triggs, Bruce. “Activism in Catholic Worker Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 28-29.

Triola, Susa. “Potlatch Story.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 19-24.

Trook, Arin. “Living the Wild: Ecological Citizenship and the Audobon Expedition Institute.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 140 (Fall 2008): 34-37, 74-75.

Trott, Jon. “Communally Shared Sex: Some Gently Skeptical Questions.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 12-13.

Trott, Jon. “Finding ‘New Life’: What Happens When Black and White Christian Communities Merge?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 42-43.

Trott, Jon. “Following the Lord . . . Into Chicago Politics.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 39-42. Truax, Jenny. “Combating Racism, One Community at a Time.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 178 (Spring 2018): 45-49. St. Louis Catholic Worker, Missouri

“Trust in Land Trust in People.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 19-25.

Truwyn, Nile. “Grapevine: What’s up in the Ozarks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 21-22.

Tsao, Leon. “The False Dichotomy of Urban Life versus Community Life: Small Community Culture Within Big City Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 66.

Tsieng, Kylie. “Cities Are Shifting: How Can We Still Build Community?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 40-41.

Tuncer, Deniz. “I Learned More in the Co-op Than in My Classes.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 30-32.

T[uncer], D[eniz]. “NASCO: Building the Cooperative Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 32.

Tuncer, Deniz, ed. “Student Co-ops: What I Really Learned in College.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 30-61.

Tuncer, Deniz. “Who Says We Have To Move Out? A Tiny Co-op Becomes N Street Cohousing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 54-57.

Tupelo, Thea and Graham Meltzer. “ZEGG Forum.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 15-17.

Tupelo, Tom Freeman. “Living in Community with the Land.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 114 (Spring 2002): 60-61.

“25 Years of Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 43-51.

“Twin Oaks.” Communities, No. 1 (December 1972): 24-28.

“Twin Oaks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 9-10.

“Twin Oaks: A Middle Class View.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 44-45.

“Twin Oaks & Little Folks.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 9 (July-August 1974): 10-12.

“Twin Oaks Community Child Program. From Information for Prospective Members.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 11-14.

“Twin Oaks Conference July 1-3, 1972.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 13-14.

“Twin Oaks’ Labor Credit System: How members of one income-sharing community feel about their labor-contribution system.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 15-19.

Twombly, Zephyr. “On the Road with Zephyr. Part One.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 135 (Summer 2007): 20-23, 72-73.

Twombly, Zephyr. “Travels With Zephyr: Part Two.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 29-32, 70-73.

Twombly, Zephyr. “On the Road With Zephyr: Part Three.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 137 (Winter 2007): 26-29.

Tymon, Philip with Brock Dolman, Adam Wolpert, and Dave Henson. “Heirloom Gardens, Clean Water, & No GMOs.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 131 (Summer 2006): 54-57.

“The Tyranny of Structurelessness?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 10-11.

Tzur, Muki. “Women and Family in the Kibbutz.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 23 (November/December 1976): 3-7.


“U & I Conference: Homesteading & Communities.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 29-31.

Ulrich, Roger. “We Are All Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 4.

Ulrich, Roger. “Where a Dog Sniffs First.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 4. Letter

“United States vs. Rainbow: A Legal Update.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 24.

“United US Stand.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 11 (December 1974): 2-7.

“‘Until We Can Engage the Power of the Market . . .’: Building Economic Self-Reliance in Eco-Communities.” Guy Dauncey interviewed by Lynne Elizabeth. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 59-61.

Unwin, Sophie. “Health and Community: A Move to Edinburgh.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 18-19.

Unwin, Sophie. “Remade in Edinburgh” The Story of a community Vision for a Reuse and Repair Centre in Scotland.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 26-31.

“Update: TANSTAAFL!” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 30. Renascence Project

Update to the 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. Guide to Cooperative Living. Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1991.

“Urban Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Summer 1994): 38-39.

“The URI ‘Theory’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 37. Ukiah Research Institute


Vaarde, Tomi Hazel. “Tending the Land as People of Place.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 200 (Fall 2023): 13-18, with sidebar “Two Baby Skunks” on 17. Excerpted and adapted with permission from pages ix, 28-30, 32-34, and 74-79 of the author’s Social Forestry: Tending the Land as People of Place. Sante Fe, NM/London: Synergetic Press, 2023. A review of the book by Devon Bonady can be found on pages 56-57 of this issue.

Vaillant, Vivian. “Community: Three More ‘F’ Words.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 52-53.

Vaillant, Vivian. “Creating eCohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 34-35.

Vaillant, Vivian. “How Recreational Therapy Helps Fun Happen.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011): 80, 78-79.

“The Vale School.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 2-4.

Valles, Joan. “Hard Times, Good Life, Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 144 (Fall 2009): 20-23.

“VALS.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 55-62. Values and Lifestyles

“Vancouver Blues.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 10 (November 1974): 25-29.

Vanier, Jean. “If You Have Love for One Another…” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 41.

Vanier, Jean. “The Story of L’Arche.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 22-24. Reprinted from Resurgence Magazine

Vellela, Tony. “Consumer Cooperative Alliance’s Annual Institute.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 58 (April/May 1983): 49.

Venditti, Lucia. “Citizens Party.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 51 (December 1981): 4-6.

Verdon, Julie. “The Women’s Initiative for Peace in Comiso.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 63 (Summer 1984): 36-39.

Vile, Wren. “Agriculture, Wild Foods, and the Future: a story about how changing community changed my perspective.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 52-53.

“The Village of Arts + Ideas.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 48-49.

V[illaire], L[ouis]. “About Stone Soup Housing Cooperative.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 37.

Villaire, Lou[is]. “When People Don’t Do Their Work . . . How we taught ourselves good problem-solving skills (and got a cleaner house, too).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 36-38.

Villines, Sharon. “Diversity in DC.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 155 (Summer 2012): 21.

Villines, Sharon. “Is Consent Decision-Making Hard?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 37-38.

Villines, Sharon. “Maintaining Affordability and Sustainability: Saving for the Future.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 40-41.

Villines, Sharon. “Nine Ways to Develop Trust in Committees and Small Groups.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 119 (Fall 2003): 68, 67.

Vince. “Helpful Hints.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 42-43.

Vince, ed. “Auroville.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 47-53.

Vince, ed. “Behaviorism at Los Horcones.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 48-50.

Vince [Zager], ed. “Who Is Sempas Family.” Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 53. Yugoslavia

“Vision #1: Five Benefactors Could Provide Communities Print Subscriptions to 500 High-Impact Hubs.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): 1.

“Vision #2: One Major Benefactor (or a Team of Several) Could Make COMMUNITIES Free to the World.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 197 (Winter 2022): Back Cover.

Vogt, Mick. “Loneliness in Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 46-48.

“Voluntary Community Participation? A conversation among Ed Sutton, Kathleen Lowry, Joyce Cheney, Bonnie Ferguson, Anonymous, Lisa Kuntz, Liz Magill, Samantha Embrey, David Heimann, Sharon Villines, and Denise Tennen.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 30-33. An edited manuscript from cohousing-l listserv ( in January 2023.

Von Harmony, Bucket. “Sharing and Climate Change: A Human-Sized Answer to Global Problems.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 16-17.

Voorhis, Jerry. “Why Must There Be an Alternative Economic System?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 21-23.

Voyvodic, Blair, M.D. “Community is Healing.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 30-32.

Voyvodic, Blair, M.D. and Madelaine Roig, ed. “Health and Healing in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 102 (Spring 1999): 30-59.


“The Wa Shing” An Essay on Dishwashing.” Communities, No. 4 (1973): 45-46.

Wachter, John. “A Mental Health Patient Seeks (But Does Not Find) Religious Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 44-45.

Wagner, Jon. “‘Success’ and ‘Failure’ in Intentional Communities: The Problem of Evaluation.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 50.

Wagner, Pat with Rajal Cohen. “Exploring Leadership Dynamics in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 105 (Winter 1999): 27-30.

Wagner, Pat. “First Aid for Conflict Resolution.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 85 (Winter 1994): 25-26.

Wagner, Pat. “The Open Network.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 52 (January/March 1982): 12-18.

Wagner, Pat. “When Leaders Become Bullies.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 61-63.

Wagner, Paul Chiyokten. “Community on Turtle Island.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture. No. 187 (Summer 2020): 21.

Wahba, Gigi (Root). “In Memoriam: Stan (Pooch) Hildebrand.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 193 (Winter 2021): 13-14.

Wahba, Gigi. “My Journey with Food in Community: A Banquet, in Five Courses.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 167 (Summer 2015): 22-25.

Wahba, Gigi. “Walking Wounded.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 18-21.

Wahl, Daniel Christian. “Activism Revisited: Personal Reflections on trying to make a difference.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 43-45.

Wahl, Daniel Christian. “Nurturing Vital Diversity and Resilience: Scaling Out, rather than Scaling Up! COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 18-19.

Wahl, Daniel Christian. “What If?—Scaling Out Regenerative Development Glocally: Building Educational Systems of Collaboration to Improve Planeatary Health.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 16-17.

Walker, Liz. “Building Green Community on a Budget.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 56-59.

Walker, Liz. “Coming of Age: 21 Years of EcoVillage Planning and Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 36-40.

Walker, Liz. “Eco-Village at Ithaca: The Good News So Far.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 47-49.

Walker, Liz. “EcoVillage at Ithaca: Model for Mainstream Development?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 41-43.

Walker, Liz. “Our ‘Year of Living Dangerously’ (And How We Survived It).” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 128 (Fall 2005): 32-35. Rpt. from her EcoVillage At Ithaca: Pioneering Sustainable Community. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers, 2005.

Walker, Liz. “Summertime . . . and the Livin’s Busy.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 123 (Summer 2004): 35-39. EcoVillage at Ithaca

Walker, LIz. “We Are Rising Strong: 30 Years of Resilient Living.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 15-21.

Walker, Marilyn. “The Dukha Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 39.

Walker, Marilyn. “The Reindeer Herders of Northern Mongolia: Community, Ecology, and Spirit Matters.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 34-39.

Wallace, Ina. Review of Lean Penniman, Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land. COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 19.

Wallace, Ira and Tree Bressen. “What We Learned About Diversity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 90 (Spring 1996): 28-29.

Wallen, John L. “Constructive Openness.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 9-10. Rpt. from “Community Notes” in WIN Magazine.

Wallis, Jim. “The New Community: An Alternative Social Reality.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No.92 (Fall 1996): 37.

Walmsley, Steve. “Cranberry Commons: Merging to Make It Happen.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 54-55.

Walters, J. Donald. “The Art of Supportive Leadership: Leadership Is Not An Ego Game.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 60.

Wanek, Catherine. “Everybody Loves Strawbale.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 51-55.

“WANTED: Magazine Ambassadors.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 1.

“The War Between Us and Within Us.” Communities, No. 5 (October-November 1973): 18-24.

Wardell, Cole. “On This Episode of ‘Girls with Tool’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 162 (Spring 2014): 12-13.

Warner, Charlie. “Housing as a Commodity.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 32-36. Reprinted in No. 56 with subtitle Journal of Cooperation (December 1982/January 1983): 36-38. From No. 49.

Warner, Keith, OFM. “Responding to Sexual Misconduct in Christian Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 92 (Fall 1996): 56-59.

Warren, Lee Walker. “Aspiring to the Working Class.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 17-19.

Warren, Lee. “Community Grief.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 53-57. Earthaven Ecovillage.

Warren, Lee. “Faith in the Experiment.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 14-17. Earthaven Ecovillage

Warren, Lee. “Village-Building Stumbles: A few of the things Earthaven Ecovillage has gotten wrong.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 14-18.

Warren, Lee Walker. “Women in Community: An Interview with Ira Wallace.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 80, 77-78.

Washer, David. “A Subtle State of Silence: Sonoma State 1978.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 34 (September/October 1978): 3.

Washio-Collette, Julian. “Planted in Good Soil: Cultural Roots and Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 181 (Winter 2018): 25-27.

“Waste Disposal.” Communities, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 36-37.

Waterhouse, Ann. “Reclaiming Our Cities: Minneapolis.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 12-17.

Waters, Indra. “Coronavirus Response in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 45-51.

Waters, Indra. “Scaling to the Pandemic: Community Perspectives.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 50-52, with sidebars “Nachbarschaftlich Wohnen in Dormagen (Germany)” and “Kibbutz Mishot (Israel) on 51 and “Birchwood Hall (UK) on 52.

Watson, Wallace. “Aging in Community: How an Older Couple Helped Launch a New Multi-Generational Ecovillage Neighborhood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 172 (Fall 2016): 59-62, 77.

Watzke, Robert H. “Finding and Financing Community Land, Part I.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 16-18.

Watzke, Robert H. “Finding and Financing Land, Part II.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 18-21.

Watzke, Robert H. “Tips on Financing Realty.” In Communities Directory: A Guide to Cooperative Living, 1995 Edition (Langley, Washington: Fellowship for Intentional Community): 155-157.

Way, Bluejay. “The Odyssey of Kerista Village.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 36 (January/February 1979): 17-21.

Way, Bluejay; Eden Zia; and Wise Sun. “Kerista: The Utopian Commune That Invented ‘Polyfidelity’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 71 & 72 (Summer/Fall 1986): 65-66.

“The Way of Life—an herb store.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 15-16. Interview

“We Can’t Control What We Don’t Own.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 25-26.

Weatherly, Martie. “Appreciating Merlin.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 13-15. Merlin Porter-Borden (1939-2004), a founding member of Liberty Village Cohousing.

Weatherly, Martie. “How Conflict Can Lead to Consensus.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 39.

Wedd, Don. “Learning to Screen New Members . . . the Hard Way.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 21-24. Sophia Community, Chicago

Weddle, Daniel. “Going from Vision to Culture.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 49.

Wegrzyn, Mimi. “Good Grief.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 15-17.

Weihe, Frederick. “The First Ecovillage in Palestine.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 62-63, 78.

Weihe, Frederick. “Life with the Solar Kitchen.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 52-53, 75.

Weinblatt, Marc; Ruth Baldwin; and Bekka Bloom, “EcoVillage Resident Reflections.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 25. Responses to Kolff, Kees. “Money, Power, and Process: How We Pulled the Plug on Consensus.”

Weiner, Diane. “Star Blazers: Space Odyssey of Self Discovery.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 48-49.

Weinstein, MaxZine; Tom Seider; and K. Hass. “Radical Faeries in Tennessee.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 46.

Weisberg, D. Kelly. “Communes & the Law.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 33-34.

Weisstein, Naomi and Heather Booth. “Will the Women’s Movement Survive?” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 41-46.

Welch, Kathy. “Savitria: Through the Eyes of a Neophyte.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 13 (March/April 1975): 11-13.

“Welcome New Worldwide Readers.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 1.

“Welcome to Community Market.” Communities, No. 3 (1973): 25-42. Camphill Village; Community Service, Inc.; East Street Gallery; Liberty House Coop; The Feminist Press; Twin Oaks; SWEAT Associates; Walrus Woodworking Collective; Pike County; Rounder Records; Wilderness Shop

Welkin, Evan. “Networking through the Mandala: Finding and Building Common Values.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 180 (Fall 2018): 17-19.

Welling, Andrea. “The Power of Process: How WindSong Created its Community Contribution System.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 148 (Fall 2010): 50-53. The text of “WindSong’s Community Contribution Agreement” is on page. 53.

Welsh, Tom. “What Is the Science of Behavior?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 30.

Welty, Joel David. “Cooperative Leadership: Collaborative Decision Making.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 80/81 (Spring-Summer 1993): 51-52.

Welty, Joel David. “The Rochdale Principles of 1844 in Today’s Co-operatives.” In The 1990/91 Directory of Intentional Communities. A Guide to Cooperative Living (Stelle, Illinois: Communities Publications Cooperative / Evansville, Indiana: Fellowship for Intentional Community, 1990), 95-98.

Welty, Joel [David]. “Students’ Stumbling Start-up Succeeds.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 36-38.

Wenig, Dana Gaskin. “The Kids Are Talking: Pay Attention. Remembering a Communal Childhood.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 199 (Summer 2023): 42-46.

Wenig, Melissa. “Bright Morning Star.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 4-10. Interview

Wenig, Melissa. “One Step at a Time: A Conversation with 5 Social Activists.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 15-22.

Wenig, Melissa. “Social Change: Three Perspectives.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 49 (June/July 1981): 19-27. Reprinted in No. 56 with subtitle Journal of Cooperation (December 1982/January 1983): 39-45.

Wenig, Melissa, ed. “A Death in Our Family.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 50 (October/November 1981): 18-32. Reprinted in Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 56 (December 1982/January 1983): 45-50.

Wenig, Mikki. “Education: Overview.” In A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives: Community Participation, Social Change, Well-Being, Appropriate Technology, Networking and Almost Anything Else Hopeful in America, (New Haven, CT and Louisa, VA: Community Publications Cooperative, 1979): 115-116.

[Wenig], Mikki. “In this issue.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 35 (November/December 1978): Inside front cover.

Wenig, Mikki. “Shaping a Business: An Interview with Susan Fowler.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 40 (October/November 1979): 2-9.

Wenig, Mikki. “Still Serving That Dream: An Interview With Virginia Blaisdell.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 5-14.

Wenig, Mikki and Chip Coffman. “Mothers and Daughters Break With Tradition.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): 32-39.

[Wenig], Mikki and Rachel [Bedard]. “Introducing this issue. . . .” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 33 (July/August 1978): Inside front cover.

W[erhane], A[manda]. “Community Co-ops and Student Co-ops.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 34.

Werhane, Amanda. “I Was a Teenage Homeowner.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 110 (Spring 2001): 33-35.

Wessinger, Catherine. “Religious Intolerance—Not ‘Cults’—Is the Problem.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 32-33.

Wexelberg, Kayla. “Burning Man: Experiencing the Playa Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 28-31.

Wharff, Mary; Elizabeth Schulte; and Deborah Altus. “Kawsmos: The Unintentional Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 164 (Fall 2014): 26-28.

“What Do You Do When. . .? Ask the Experts.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 129 (Winter 2005): 24-26, 60.

“What Do You Do When. . . ? Ask the Experts.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 130 (Spring 2006): 18-22.

“What Ever Became of the Ithaca Project?” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 54-59.

“What Is L.A. Eco-Village?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 115 (Summer 2002): 38.

“What To Say If Someone Questions the Value of Process.” Communities: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 132 (Fall 2006): 18-21.

“What We Can Learn from African Villagers: Lessons from the Third International EcoCities Conference. Joan Bokaer, Liz Walker, and Richard Register interviewed by Scott Sherman. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 91 (Summer 1996): 46-49.

Wheeler, Michelle. “The Colors of Experience: Learning with Children and Adults in Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 160 (Fall 2013): 41-43.

Wheeler, Michelle. “Technology and the Art of Discrimination.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 28-29, 73.

Wheeler, Rob. “Creating Carbon-Negative Communities: Ecovillages and the UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 171 (Summer 2016): 24-27.

“When Some of Us Don’t Support an Existing Agreement.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 18-21.

“When Someone Blocks Far Too Frequently.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 136 (Fall 2007): 24-28.

“When We Should Use ‘Blocking Power’.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 26-30.

Wherley, Michael. “Faces of Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 12-15.

Whitcroft, Alex. “Getting Ecovillages Noticed.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 29-33.

White, Steve. “Community Service Conference Yellow Springs.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 14-15.

White, Zan. “The Oakhurst Community: A Developing Indigenous Model for Self-Management.” Communities, No. 55 (October/November 1982): 45-46.

“White Lotus Study Center.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 15 (July/August 1975): 22-25.

Whitehurst, Robert N. “Open Relationships.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 20 (May/June 1976): 29-31.

Whiteman, David. “Looking at Community for Alternative Possibilities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 41-45.

Whiteson, Shimon. “Ruined for American Culture: After life in my co-op, mainstream society seems a lonely and impersonal place.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 125 (Winter 2004): 36-38.

Whitney, Stacie. “The Nature of Our Work.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 28-29. Findhorn.

Whitney, Trisha. “Twin Oaks Oakley School.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 76 (May 1990): 12.

“Who Are the Workers in Polish Solidarity—and What Do They Want?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 60 (October/November 1983): 47-50. A Commonwork Pamphlet

“‘Who’s the Meta Tonight?’ Child Rearing at Twin Oaks. Hilke Kuhlmann interviews Lee Ann KInkade” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 103 (Summer 1999): 45-48.

Wickham, Martha, ASC. “‘We Do Not Retire from This Mission’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 57-59.

[Wigston, Marlene, ed.]. “Conversation with Jud Jerome.” Communitas, No. 1 (July 1972): 24-29.

[Wigston, Marlene, ed.]. “Overview with Arthur Morgan.” Communitas, No. 2 (September 1972): 35-36.

Wilde, Panther and Tricia McKenzie. “What Is Bau-Biologie & How Can You Use It?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 99 (Summer 1998): 48-53.

Wildfire, Mary. “Communities, Political Empowerment, and Collective Self-Sufficiency.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 16-17.

Wildfire, Mary. “Generating Your Own Electricity: Why and How.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013):24-25.

Wilhelm, Tim and Gary Houk. “E. T. Foam Home (Emerging Technology).” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 29-32.

Wilkinson, Bill and Tom Cooper. “Intentional Global Community.” Avery, Basil. “As the Spirit Moves.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 69 (Winter 1986): 35-38. Reprinted from ARC International Newsletter

“Will the Women’s Movement Survive?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 24 (January/February 1977): 44-45. Reprinted from Sister (New Haven) 4, No. 12.

“Will Your Job Be Shipped to a Foreign Dictatorship? Commonwork Pamphlet #15.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 26-31.

Willett, Allegra. “Growing Up in EcoVillage at Ithaca.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 156 (Fall 2012): 41.

Williams, Amelia. “Women of Shannon Farm.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 82 (Spring 1994): 62-64.

Williams, Olivia R., Ph.D. “Community Land without Grants and Debt: Funding Ecovillage Neighborhoods with Community Shareholders.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 182 (Spring 2018): 45-48.

Willoughby, Dona. “Bee Intimacy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 151 (Summer 2011): 43, 78.

Willoughby, Dona. “Gut Health.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 26-27.

Willoughby, Dona. “Is Hosting Work Exchangers Worth It?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 134 (Spring 2007): 40-42, 76-77.

Willoughby, Dona. “Shadow Sides of NVC [Nonviolent Communication] and Co-Counseling.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 35.

Wilson, Blake. “Community Communication.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 184 (Fall 2019): 13.

Wilson, Brice. “Consensus as Spiritual Practice.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 57-59. Sirius

Wilson, Gloria. “Loving Earth Sanctuary: Two Women’s Quest for a Low-Tech Life.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 165 (Winter 2014): 38-41.

Wilson, Roberta. “Winslow Cohousing: The First Ten Years.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 106 (Spring 2000): 41-42.

Wilson, William Brice. “Sirius Community’s Y2K Task Group.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 101 (Winter 1998): 28.

Winterfield, Eli. “Fostering Vulnerability.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 159 (Summer 2013): 23-24.

Winder, Jeff. “Risking Jail, Creating Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 100 (Fall 1998): 27-31.

“The Windstar Biodome Project.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 67 (Summer 1985): 22-24.

Wing, Stephen. “Annual Rainbow Gathering Under Fire: Why does a peaceful community assembly in a national forest annoy the government?” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 97 (Winter 1997): 63-65.

Wing, Stephen. “Bartering for Oxygen.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 14. Poem

Wing, Stephen. “First Blooming.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 14. Poem

Wing, Stephen. “Grasshopper Man, Driving Through (for Gary Snyder).” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 63. Poem.

Wing, Stephen. “Honoring the Conversation: Turning a Neighborhood into a Community in Intown Atlanta.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 177 (Winter 2017): 21-25 including a sidebar “Notice to Young People” (23).

Wing, Stephen. “In Land We Trust—for the Lake Claire Community Trust.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 170 (Spring 2016): 58.

Wing, Stephen. “Natives of One Mother.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 46. Poem

Wing, Stephen. “Party of the First Part.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 192 (Fall 2021): 31.

Wing, Stephen. “Poems: Leaving Childhood Behind, Touching the Dead, The Object of the Game, Lightning’s Compass, Praising the Rain, O Loveliest, Given, Human Error” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 194 (Spring 2022): 5, 59-60.

Wing, Stephen. “‘Rainbow Magic’: Half a Century of Peace, Love, and Free Food in the Woods.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 202 (Spring 2024): 42-45.

Wing, Stephen. “Toward Nightfall.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 (Summer 2021): 14. Poem

Wing, Stephen. “Welcome Home! The Rainbow Family Diaspora.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 21-24.

Wing, Stephen. “Which Comes First, My Community or My Career? For an Out-of-Work Philosopher, Suddenly It’s Not So Theoretical.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 152 (Fall 2011):36, 74.

Wing, Stephen. “Winter Circle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 49. Poem.

Wing, Stephen. “The Writer on His Bicycle.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 205 (Winter 2024): 61. Poem

Wingeir, Doug. “Social Activism and Mutual Support: Twenty-Five Years in a Covenant Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 108 (Fall 2000): 18-20. SisBros (non-residential)

Winter, Joanna and Charles Durrett. “Achieving Affordability with Cohousing.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 158 (Spring 2013): 34-35, 74.

Wiser, Bill. “Lessons from the Pandemic Lockdown at the Danthonia Bruderhof, New South Wales.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 188 (Fall 2020): 53-55.

Withey, Cameron. “Honoring Life Transitions.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 36-39.

Wolf, Bernard. “An Alternative in Special Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 75 (Summer 1987): 46-49.

Wolf, Else. “Camphill Beaver Run: Spiritual Essence and Art.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 126 (Spring 2005): 40-43.

Wolf, Josh. “The Journey Home: From Ennui to Ecstasy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 43-44.

“Women in Community.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 8 (May-June 1974): 2-6.

“Women’s International Information and Communication Service.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 48 (April/May 1981): 25-27.

Woodall, Thomas E. “Act of Conscience.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 21 (July/August 1976): 14-16. Christian Brothers

Woodrow, Peter. “Forming a Communal Household.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 46 (December 1980 / January 1981): 25-27.

Woodside, Jeff. “The Community Soap Factory.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 32 (May/June 1978)): 5-6.

Wordsworth, Water. “Confederation Releases New Communities Guidebook.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 47-49. Satire originally published in Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture 11.1 (Spring/Summer 2001): 28-29. In an issue entitled “Tools for Sustainability /Eco-Humor.”

Wordsworth, Water. “There’s a Place.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 196 (Fall 2022): 27. Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture 12.3 (Fall 2002). Poem

Wright, Marianne. “Connecting through Generations at the Bruderhof.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 185 (Winter 2019): 63-65.

Wu, Louis. “How Using Money with Nothing Behind It Affects Your Personal Buying Power.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 133 (Winter 2006): 62-63.

Wyckoff, Hogie. “Heartland: A Feminist Wilderness Retreat.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 43 (April/May 1980): 25-27.


Xonee, Jekke. “And the Tree of Life Rises.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 93 (Winter 1996): 30-36.


Yadlin, Aharon. “The Principles of Kibbutz Education.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 64 (Fall 1984): 50-51. Reprinted from Kibbutz Studies, No. 13 [12&13] (April 1984): 4-7. Rpt. with illus. not in the original Alternative Communities, No. 21 (1986): 2-8.

Yandrick, Rudy M. “A Virtual Retirement Village: Combining Independent Living with Community.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 142 (Spring 2009): 54-56.

“Yellow Springs and Our Friends.” Communitas a new community journal, No. 1 (July 1972): 1.

Young, Anna. “Boss? What Boss?” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 94 (Spring 1997): 30-33.

Younger, Elizabeth. “Listening to the Wisdom of Our Elders.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 89 (Winter 1995): 44-48.

Yudkin, Marcia. “Kibbutz: A Dynamic Society.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 54 (June/July 1982): 38-41.


Zabe. “Mayday: What Happened When All the Men Left. . . .” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 14 (May/June 1975): 20-23.

Zablocki, Benjamin. “Proposing a ‘Bill of Inalienable Rights’ for Intentional Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 88 (Fall 1995): 8, 10-11.

[Zager], Vince, ed. “Personal Growth at Findhorn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 28 (September/October 1977): 42-45.

[Zager], Vince. “International . . . . on the Road.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 25 (March-April 1977): 36-39.

Zaporski, Ranee. “Breaking Bread in Community.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 29.

“The ZEGG Forum: A Personal Process in a Social Context.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 34.

“The ZEGG Forum at Earthaven.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 145 (Winter 2009): 17.

Zeigler, Alexis. “Building with Respect.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 179 (Summer 2018): 26-27.

Zeigler, Alexis. “Community as a Social Movement.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 40-41.

Zeigler, Alexis. “Community Makes Renewable Energy Work.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 161 (Winter 2013): 8-11.

Zeigler, Alexis. “Facing the Fear of Taking Care.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 84 (Fall 1994): 14-15. Mental Health

Zeigler, Alexis. “Gifted, Mad, and Out of Control.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 150 (Spring 2011): 14-17.

Zeigler, Alexis. “How to Stop Climate Change and Never Be Lonely Again.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 59-63.

Zeigler, Alexis. “Living Energy Farm: An Answer for Climate Change.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 174 (Spring 2017): 12-15.

Zeigler, Alexis. “A Place to Call Home.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 191 Digital Supplement (Summer 2021): 70-73. Adapted from Empowering Communities: A Practical Guide to Self-Sufficiency and Stopping Climate Change. See

Zeigler, Alexis. “Revolutionary Communitarianism?” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 143 (Summer 2009): 18-19.

Zimmer, Dave. “The Answer Is You Can Feel It.” Communities: A Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 19 (March/April 1976): 42.

Zimmerman, Laurie and Ranee Zaporski. “Kashrut and Compromise at Ofek Shalom.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 38-40.

Zinzendorf, Christian; Johannes [Renatus] Zinzendorf; and Hans Peter. “The Challenge of Finding New Community Members.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 122 (Spring 2004): 55-59. Two Pennsylvania communities, The Hermitage (55-57) and Bryn Gweled Homesteads (58-59).

Zinzendorf, Christian and Johannes [Renatus] Zinzendorf. “Creating Spiritual Community at the Hermitage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 154 (Spring 2012): 36-39.

Zinzendorf, Johannes. “The Hermitage as Shared Spirituality.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 190 (Spring 2021): 24-25.

Zinzendorf, Johannes [Renatus]. “The Hermitage Now and To Come.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 157 (Winter 2012): 22-23.

Zinzendorf, Johannes Renatus. “Infilling with the Spirit at Christiansbrunn Kloster.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 87 (Summer 1995): 49.

Zinzendorf, Johannes. “Lost, Found, and Reused: Adapting Historic Vernacular Farm Buildings at the Hermitage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 198 (Spring 2023): 18-21.

Zinzendorf, Johannes. “Moving ahead at the Hermitage.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 169 (Winter 2015): 56-57.

Zinzendorf, Johannes. “Putting the Hermitage Back Together.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 186 (Spring 2020): 21-23.

Zinzendorf, Johannes [Renatus]. “Recycling Old Buildings at Mahantongo Spirit Garden.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 95 (Summer 1997): 35-37.

Zirk, Karin. “The Rainbow Gathering and COVID-19: How a physically dispersed anarchist community addressed the pandemic.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 189 (Winter 2020): 19-23.

Zohav, Foxfire. “Twin Oaks as a ‘Men’s Space’.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 73 (Winter 1987): 27-28.

“Zoning: Legal Threat.” Communities, No. 6 (December-January 1974): 11.

Zorc, Anne. “Trading Dreams: From Senegal to New York State and Back.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 86 (Spring 1995): 16-17. Ecovillage

Zubizarreta, Rosa with Michael Bridge. “Hand Signals in Group Process.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 109 (Winter 2000): 36-37.

Zucker, Irwin Wolfe. “‘Admissions Standards’ for Communities.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 96 (Fall 1997): 12-13.

Zucker, Irwin [Wolfe], A.C.S.W. “Spiritual Fraud.” Communities: Journal of Cooperation, No. 65 (Winter 1984/5): 3-5.

Zucker, Irwin Wolfe. “Why I’m Moving to Findhorn.” Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living, No. 124 (Fall 2004), 38-39.

Zuman, Helen. “A Tangled Web: Sex at Zendik Farm.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 183 (Summer 2019): 24-27 with a sidebar “Sounds Like a Fairytale” on 27.

Zuman, Helen. “Towards a Joyful Economy.” COMMUNITIES: Life in Cooperative Culture, No. 175 (Summer 2017): 12-14.