For Yulia

Hi Yulia, Hopefully this works! File to download: The Day the Storm Broke the Spell photos lossless

Community, Consensus, and Facilitation Book Project

Longtime former Communities Publisher Laird Schaub, the magazine’s most prolific author over its 52-year history, will soon have many of his writings assembled into book form. A book team (including the Communities editor) has been meeting for the past year and, with...

Communities Back Issues Complete – Digital

Click below for free access to Communities back issues in digital (pdf) format: Communitas #1 (July 1972) A New Community Journal Communitas #2 (September 1972) Life on a Country Commune and More Communities #1 (December 1972) Directory 1972 Communities #2 (February...

Back Issue Themes

50+ Years of Communities Themes (includes future themes) (titles condensed for space and readability) (to search for any term in this list, press Ctrl F and enter text to search) Communitas #1: New Community Journal Communitas #2: Country Commune Life Communities #1:...

Lampa Mountain Community: Complete Story Collection

Here is the complete collection of 10 stories from Lampa Mountain Community, associated with the article “My Way vs. Our Way” in Communities #199: Tuning Freedom and Responsibility to the Key of Love

Chinuk Wawa Magazine

Please click here to view/download the 2022 issue of chinuk-wawa, a magazine produced by students in the Chinuk Wawa language program at Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon.