How Ecology Led Me to Community

The author recounts some of the off-beat marching orders he received from an eco-oriented “different drummer”—and how, instead of becoming a hermit, he became a communitarian.

Chicken à la West Birch Avenue

By Hilary Giovale We used to be a typical neighborhood. People were friendly enough and we waved to each other on our way into and out of our houses. We had the occasional chat on the sidewalk while shoveling snow or doing yard work. But that was where community ended...

All We Have Is All We Need

A group of North Americans establishes a community in Costa Rica and
learns new lessons about simplicity, wealth, change, growth, balance,
and happiness.

Free to Serve

While in similar circumstances to his neighbors from Clan Super Size, our author replaces a desperate sense of scarcity and need for low-cost goods with feelings of hope and abundance.

The Marriage of Natural Building with Conventional Building

O.U.R. Ecovillage has audaciously invited inspectors, architects, and regulatory officials to participate in their green building programs for the past eight years. In the process, they have fostered cooperative social connections–and received full approval for an eco-housing cluster.

Natural Building and Community

The communities movement and the natural building movement share the goal of forming meaningful relationships–with other people and with one’s own home. In fact, natural building practically demands community.