Change, Challenge, and New Directions in Cohousing

Change, Challenge, and New Directions in Cohousing

By Karen Gimnig Resilient communities must adapt to change. The Cohousing Association of the United States, as a community of communities, is no different. Change is all around us and within us. The factors that lead to a successful cohousing movement, and even the...

Missed Opportunity at the Goat Ranch

Ted and Sally were truthful when they said they had no idea what they were doing, either running the business or establishing a community. They didn’t, much to the dismay of their departing managers and volunteers.

Founder’s Syndrome

The original founder, visionary, and main public point person for Bellyacres for over a quarter of a century laments that some members came to consider him “the root of all present, past, and future problems in the organization.”

Relationships in a Community-Forming Group

While trying to start a community with poly-friendly collaborators, two monogamous partners achieve greater clarity in their six-year relationship, and end it.