Unto the Second Generation

When a cohousing group’s honeymoon ends, and economic stress dictates selling units to any willing buyers, can a community’s core values and connections endure?

A Communitarian Conundrum

Despite widespread desire for community, structural and cultural obstacles to intentional community in the modern world loom large.

And I Listen

Howling, shouting, cries of despair, and The Pierced One greet a parent on her first visit to her daughter’s adopted community. Luckily, through lots of talking and listening, things improve.

Balancing Powers

In a healthy community, leadership and followship are equally important roles, each with vital skill sets that can assure effective teamwork.

Being “Overthrown”—A Celebration

The founder of Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage describes what it’s like to be criticized, marginalized, stripped of leadership responsibilities, and given the opportunity to explore a new role.