Creating eCohousing
The Yarrow Ecovillage uses the cohousing model to create ecological buildings that meet their occupants’ needs.
The Yarrow Ecovillage uses the cohousing model to create ecological buildings that meet their occupants’ needs.
Water supply, human waste treatment, zoning regulations, legal structure, homeownership models, and other core technical issues are essential in ecovillage planning.
For the health of our species and the planet, we need ecovillages.
At New View Cohousing, practicing consensus, navigating illness, and simply
sharing lives are continuing spiritual exercises.
To these communitarians, all work was holy—but overwhelmed by “the
accumulating weight of such holiness” and other disappointments, they
eventually adjust their aspirations.
After a painful period stranded in “permaculture heaven,” an Earthaven founder finds her community finally moving back towards balance with its eco-spiritual roots.