Exploring Cooperative Futures, Part Three: The Ties that Bind
By Paul Freundlich Excerpted in Communities #192 (available here). See Communities #191 for Parts One and Two of this article series. Community, both as ideal and reality, has the capacity to transcend the usual boundaries. Not only in shared living, it flourishes in...
Communities #191: Ecological Culture
Communities #191 Summer 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. Our Summer 2021 issue of Communities, #191, focuses on Ecological Culture. Articles range from in-depth stories of ecovillage life, to examinations of the role of language in culture, to...Black Land Matters: An Interview with Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm
Headquartered on a community farm, a nonprofit, people-of-color-led organization works to dismantle racism in the food system by increasing farmland stewardship by people of color, promoting equity in food access, and training the next generation of activist farmers.