Modeling Urban Homesteading for Climate Resilience in Portland, Oregon

Modeling Urban Homesteading for Climate Resilience in Portland, Oregon

By Rachel Freifelder Before I tell you about my intentional community, let me tell you about my community. I’m walking back from the Cully Urban Farm Store with 50 lbs. of duck feed in the wheelbarrow, when I meet my neighbor Carolyn on her way to get a newspaper from...

What Can We Learn from the Amish?

Touch the soil, live simply, and be satisfied with “enough”: it’s worked for the Amish for almost 300 years and it can work for us as well.

How We Came to Inherit a Salmon Stream

The residents of Sahale Learning Center and EcoVillage welcome the salmon who swim from the Hood Canal up the Tahuya River each year to spawn.