Communities #188: Scaling Up, Scaling Down

Communities #188: Scaling Up, Scaling Down

Communities #188 Fall 2020 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. Our Fall 2020 issue explores “scaling” from many angles. We look at cultural changes necessary for groups to scale up a more inclusive form of community; reasons to scale out, rather than up;...
Common Community Quirks

Common Community Quirks

By Amber Jones Life is different in intentional community. You’ll see big differences between caring for one small family or your individual self and the level of accountability asked in a group full of needs and preferences that don’t always match yours. You’ll see...
Dianne in the Lion’s Den

Dianne in the Lion’s Den

Life Inside a Fenced-in Enclosure with a Pride of Seven Wild White Lions By Dianne G. Brause Probably most of you know the Bible Story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den? And maybe you remember the Roman tale of Androcles, the man who had taken a thorn from the paw of a lion...
Picking Up the Torch

Picking Up the Torch

By Chris Roth Issue #185’s “Seizing the Torch” (pages 38-42) described Maple Creek’s near-collapse from an ill-advised torch-seizure, and promised a future article about the community’s recovery. Space constraints do not allow that story to be told in its entirety...
We Left Our Community but Our Community Never Left Us

We Left Our Community but Our Community Never Left Us

By Daniel A. Brown Thirty years after the demise of the Renaissance Community (see Communities #184, Fall 2019: “Whatever Happened to the Renaissance Community?”), its hundreds of former members are still trying to figure out what happened. There is no unified...
Lessons on the Road to Community Stability

Lessons on the Road to Community Stability

By Kara Huntermoon We treated each new person as if they would be the answer to our problems. Our founder, Reba, begged the renters at every meeting to help figure out how to keep the land and community going. “I can’t do this!” she moaned. “It has got to be...