Rx for “Mental Illness”

How can we best support mental health? Caring attention—even from amateurs—can promote healing unattainable through impersonal approaches or drugs.

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Ex-members of the Emissaries of Divine Light reflect on their shared past and discover more holistic approaches to inner wellness as they reunite online.

Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart

With loving help from others, the old emotional distresses that can sabotage both our mental health and our relationships in community can be cleared and permanently resolved.

Communicable Gifts

Both healthy ideas and unhealthy ideas can take hold and spread like viruses. Suicidal tendencies and eating disorders provide invaluable lessons to one communitarian.

Gifted, Mad, and Out of Control

The author recounts his personal history with the “mentally ill”—social misfits who can show us the way to a better world, if they are allowed to make the journey.