Communities #191: Ecological Culture
Communities #191 Summer 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. Our Summer 2021 issue of Communities, #191, focuses on Ecological Culture. Articles range from in-depth stories of ecovillage life, to examinations of the role of language in culture, to...
Modeling Urban Homesteading for Climate Resilience in Portland, Oregon
By Rachel Freifelder Before I tell you about my intentional community, let me tell you about my community. I’m walking back from the Cully Urban Farm Store with 50 lbs. of duck feed in the wheelbarrow, when I meet my neighbor Carolyn on her way to get a newspaper from...
Dinosaurs, Asteroids, Gardening, and Community
By Chris Roth In the past year alone, my tiny home caught fire, my laptop computer was flooded by hot water, a family member was hospitalized, a former community-mate had a stroke, I lost (temporarily) my sole source of income, the swath of older trees nearest to me...Village-Building Stumbles: A few of the things Earthaven Ecovillage has gotten wrong
Those of us privileged enough to find ourselves in an intentional community often imagine that our environment will be free of the horrors and evils of the world. But alas, we bring it all with us.
Community, Land, Self: We’re Part of the Same Elephant
Escaping to an ecotopian or intact natural world proves neither possible nor effective as a way to avoid the realities of human and planetary suffering. Instead, a communitarian receives lessons in interconnectedness that he will never forget.