Growing a Culture of Gratitude in Argentine Patagonia

An organic farming volunteer learns surprising new lessons from his Argentinian hosts—such as how to relax, how to enjoy practical labor, and how to contribute more sustainably by putting personal work first.

Buddha Being…Buddha Doing

Overcoming her resistance to waking up at 5 a.m., a veteran community seeker learns transformative lessons at Deer Park Monastery.

A Communitarian Conundrum

Despite widespread desire for community, structural and cultural obstacles to intentional community in the modern world loom large.

Honesty and Intimacy

In the author’s first, very intense intentional community immersion, revealing the truth led to love and intimacy. He left that group, but, in many spheres of life, emotional and intellectual honesty became his religion.

And I Listen

Howling, shouting, cries of despair, and The Pierced One greet a parent on her first visit to her daughter’s adopted community. Luckily, through lots of talking and listening, things improve.