Communities #191: Ecological Culture
Communities #191 Summer 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. Our Summer 2021 issue of Communities, #191, focuses on Ecological Culture. Articles range from in-depth stories of ecovillage life, to examinations of the role of language in culture, to...Entrepreneurship and Long-Term Planning in an Income-Sharing Community: A Report from the Frontlines
The pace of running a competitive multi-million-dollar business like East Wind Nut Butters can clash with the often slow and seemingly disinterested pace of the community at large.
Narcissism, Dependence, and Culture Change
Two aspects of the cultural transition we are working toward are little discussed but directly impact our daily relationships: narcissism and dependence dynamics. By unpacking them, we can turn the tide.
Perennial Lessons from Historical Communities
A modern-day communitarian “networks” with Fourierist communities of the 1840s by examining their lives together and noticing enduring themes, challenges, and solutions.
The Cohousing Research Network: A Community Approach to Communities Research
The collaborative research process in this “virtual intentional community” comes with challenges, but the personal and collective outcomes of collaboration prove worth the trouble.