Exploring Cooperative Futures, Part Three: The Ties that Bind
By Paul Freundlich Excerpted in Communities #192 (available here). See Communities #191 for Parts One and Two of this article series. Community, both as ideal and reality, has the capacity to transcend the usual boundaries. Not only in shared living, it flourishes in...
Modeling Urban Homesteading for Climate Resilience in Portland, Oregon
By Rachel Freifelder Before I tell you about my intentional community, let me tell you about my community. I’m walking back from the Cully Urban Farm Store with 50 lbs. of duck feed in the wheelbarrow, when I meet my neighbor Carolyn on her way to get a newspaper from...
On the Road to a Solar Future
By Debbie Piesen On I-40 West in New Mexico, 200 miles from our destination, Cheryl blew a tire. Cheryl is our trailer, and she was heavily loaded down with the solar equipment that we planned to install in Tsaile, Arizona, in the Navajo Nation. When we pulled over we...
The Virtue of Virtuality: DNE Is Still Dancing
By Paul Freundlich What to do with a community that is defined by physical contact, at a time when physical distance is the law of the land and possibly a matter of life or death? That’s a conundrum which many communities confronted in March of 2020, but none more...Bodies in Isolation
Being immersed in mainstream culture and isolated from supportive, body-positive communities can prevent choice and body-awareness exploration. But living in a supportive community can make alternative choices and attitudes easier to sustain.