Communities #193: Children in Community

Communities #193 Winter 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. Issue, #193, “Children in Community,” shares the voices of both “children of community” and of the adults who care about them. Some authors grew up in intentional community, others...
Communities #192: Consent

Communities #192: Consent

Communities #192 Fall 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. In issue #192, “Consent,” authors examine how this theme applies within our personal lives, our lives in community, and in the wider culture. Stories explore how to learn healthy...
Exploring Cooperative Futures, Part Three: The Ties that Bind

Exploring Cooperative Futures, Part Three: The Ties that Bind

By Paul Freundlich Excerpted in Communities #192 (available here). See Communities #191 for Parts One and Two of this article series. Community, both as ideal and reality, has the capacity to transcend the usual boundaries. Not only in shared living, it flourishes in...
Communities #191: Ecological Culture

Communities #191: Ecological Culture

Communities #191 Summer 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. Our Summer 2021 issue of Communities, #191, focuses on Ecological Culture. Articles range from in-depth stories of ecovillage life, to examinations of the role of language in culture, to...

Communities #190: Faith in Community

Communities #190 Spring 2021 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. This issue explores various interpretations of the theme Faith in Community. Some authors address their personal faith in intentional community itself, and how their life experiences have led...

Communities #189: Community in the Age of Coronavirus

Communities #189 Winter 2020 Note: You can order a copy of this issue here. This issue describes how communities and communitarians have dealt with the unexpected changes the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about on their group and personal lives. Authors share tales of...