The Paralysis of Racism in Social Change Groups
When a member of a minority population claims racism, how does a group committed to racial nondiscrimination respond?
When a member of a minority population claims racism, how does a group committed to racial nondiscrimination respond?
This Hollywood movie offers both surprising insight and fond parody while taking viewers far from the beaten path, into the world of intentional community.
In a world in which food choices
and dietary preferences can
become quasi-religions,
lactic-acid fermentation wins
a new convert.
At New View Cohousing, practicing consensus, navigating illness, and simply
sharing lives are continuing spiritual exercises.
A dancer’s year at Currents community opens and transforms both her and the group.
A journey through various flavors of spiritually eclectic community brings
us face to face with cursed seeds, the White Brotherhood Team, mystery,
and stardust.